#wilbur fluff


Pairing: wilbur x reader

Pronouns: non-mentioned

Gengre: angst -> fluff 

Word count: 0.9k words

Warnings: arguments, fighting, yelling, panic attack, getting cut? please let me know if there is more !!

Part of you knew that you should just wait for him too come outside. He was a grown adult, he knew how to take care of himself but that didn’t stop the growing pit of anxiety in your stomach. 

All you wanted was for him too stay out of the mindset you knew he sometimes got trapped in. That was something you wanted to help him with but it was impossible to do that when he spent all day in his room. You knew he had finished streaming when his muffled voice silenced and now soft strums of the guitar took their place, as he struggled to find a progression of chords that he liked.

The soft pattering of your feet on the cold floor, leading you over to the sink to get him a glass of water, you walked over to his office door, gently pushing the door open. 

He knew you were there

He didn’t turn to look at you or even glance in your direction before an annoyed grumbled slipped off of his tongue

“what do you want”

You should’ve taken that as your hint to leave, but you just wanted to help so you took a step into his office and spoke as softly and as gently as possible

“you’ve been in here all day so I brought you water… don’t you think you should come out for a bit. A small break might be good for you, y’know”

He stayed facing his monitor but his eyes glared in your direction

“if I wanted water I would get it myself”

Slightly taken aback by his harsh tone you held the glass closer to your chest, in any kind of attempt to stop yourself from storming out of the room. You were only trying to help…

“Wilbur, you haven’t left the room for 6 hours. I haven’t seen you all day. Don’t you think that its stupid to get angry when I try to HELP you. You have barely spoken a word to me for the past week” 

The tall brunette scoffed, his eyes rolling in agitation. 

“I don’t need you to baby me all the time! I don’t need you to treat me like a child, okay?”

“I put my everything into supporting you and your career even if it makes me feel like I’m nothing to you! No matter how hard I try its like you- its like you cant even see how hard I’m trying! I feel pathetic..” Your voice softened at the end as you tried to contain tears from spilling out from behind your eyes.

“Well maybe I don’t need you at all okay! You are so needy oh my god! Its like I cant do anything without you breathing down my neck! You make everything so much harder! Just fuck off and leave me be!”



.He seemed taken aback by his own words, both of you stunned into silence, the only sound being your heavy breathing. It felt like your breath was being stolen from your lungs. Trying to get any kind of air into your lungs you felt your mind becoming flooded with terrifying thoughts

Maybe he didn’t love you anymore

Maybe he never loved you in the first place

The glass dropped to the floor and shattered into a tiny pieces which scattered across the floor, along with your heart. 

legs trembling underneath you, you fell to the cold floor, glass cutting at your knees as you gripped the soft fabric of Wilbur’s hoodie in any attempt to ground yourself. 

Everything sounded muffled.

‘Why cant I hear anything?’

‘Who is crying’

‘Is it me?’

‘I cant see anything.”

A solid warmth surrounded your body, and your hands instantly gripped to whatever you could reach, in some attempt too ground yourself. A soft shushing guiding you out of your dazed state

“its okay my love. I’m so sorry. you did nothing wrong. You’re doing so well darling”

Letting your eyes flutter open you met Wilbur’s red, tear filled eyes as he cupped your face in his hands, the soft pads of his thumbs wiping away the salty streams of water that spilled from your eyes. 

“i know its hard, but I need you too breath with me okay? can you do that?”

You nodded so timidly that it would have been close too impossible to notice

He counted slowly, breathing in and out with you and kissing away your tears between breaths. When he deemed you stable enough he pushed your head into his shoulder 

“we need to get your knee’s cleaned up, okay? Am i allowed to pick you up?”

You nodded again

“are you able to talk to me, my love”


“You are doing so well. I’m so proud of you”. Picking you up bridal style as too avoid hurting your knee’s any further he brought you to the kitchen, sitting you up on the bench, he began to clean up your knee’s, comforting you after each hiss of pain, and kissing away each tear that felt from those eyes he loved so much. 

When you were finally calm enough to talk he sat you down and apologized. Even though the things he said earlier that day had hurt the way they did, you knew from the way pain coated his voice, he never meant to hurt you. You both talked about where to go from here, and how to avoid this from happening again.

Bringing your body further into his chest he planted a soft kiss against your lips, putting all his emotions into it, letting you know how deeply sorry he was, and how much love he held for you. Even if you had your rough patches, nothing was enough to keep you from loving him, and as long as it was him, you would pick up his pieces over and over again.

Authors note: this is my first time writing a fanfiction and i absolutely hate it BUT hopefully with time i can improve <33

i hope you all have an amazing day and make sure to eat and drink water <3



your fans notice how you and Wilbur show friendly affection

fem!reader x cc! Wilbur

Requested?Yes | No

“I’m back again with another Wilbur request- (which im so sorry if i make too many-) What about a very touchy Fem!Reader who hugs Wilbur a lot and also very randomly. Also, reader and wilbur aren’t in a relationship yet but they’re both quite smitten with eachother -”

warnings: cursing (a lot), one (1) innuendo



“Hello YouTube,” the blonde boy says, waving at his camera, “today we are going to be doing something very spooky.”

“Because it’s spooky season!” you cheer, leading him to pan the camera over to you and the rest of your friends who you’d brought along with you.

George laughed, “it’s literally not even the second week of September, I don’t think we’ve reached spooky season yet.”

You pout as Ranboo declares, “spooky season is whenever we say it is.”

Wilbur and Tubbo chuckle, the former wrapping his arm loosely around your waist. Tommy rolled his eyes, focusing the camera back onto himself, “we are going through a haunted house.”

While Tommy went into his subscriber reel, you wrapped your arms around Wilbur, hugging into his chest. He chuckled, “scared already?”

You glared up at him, “no, I’m just making sure you have enough positive energy before we go in so that youdon’t get scared, loser.”

With a smile, he nodded, “ahh, yes, of course. All of your positive energy will protect me from demons.”

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some fluffy Wilbur brain rot for your souls to feed on!

Warnings: none!



Despite the chaos you both typically liked to cause, it had been a pretty relaxed day for you and Wilbur. You had come over to his in the morning and used his kitchen to make your breakfast.

“I’m out of food at mine,” you giggled when he complained, knowing better than to argue with you.

You’d been friends for quite some time, so this wasn’t exactly weird for you. And maybe there was food at your house, but he certainly didn’t need to know that.

Truthfully he’d been busy the past few days and you’d barely gotten to see him. You were going through Wilbur withdrawals, so you made up a white lie to spend more time with him.

And maybe you’d missed him more than a friend should miss a friend, but you’d never admit that to anyone, even though it was blatantly obvious to anyone who knew the both of you that you harbored more than friendly feelings towards each other. You both chose to ignore them, not wanting your friendship to change and too afraid of rejection to even consider the possibility.

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“ ” | !

Summary:The different moments where each member says “I love you.”
Warnings: light angst, mentions of blood
Note: includes dream, george, sapnap, quackity, karl, wilbur, and techno <3
i lost a part of myself writing this so pls i hope you like it :’]

*this is a long post!! be wary ;-;


Dream’s confession comes when the air is thick with tension, when he fears this’ll be the last time he sees you.

The sky was grey, heavy clouds of smoke and ash reflective of the anxiety spiraling in your stomach. Dream paced the room, feet falling heavily against the wooden floors of your home, his hand wringing the hem of his green hoodie.

War raged outside, the fight to subdue a revolution. You were forbidden from seeing it firsthand, but you were well familiar with how it can tear someone apart, marring them with scars both visible and hidden away.

Your lover paused by the window, staring out into the violent landscape in the distance, knowing he had to step out there soon.

“Do you have to go?” Your hand found his, fingers intertwined as you voiced your concerns in a hushed tone.

He turned to you with a rueful smile, right hand cupping your cheek, “You know I have to, they’re waiting for me.”

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