#wilbur x reader angst


Pairing: Wilbur x reader

Pronouns: they/them

Genre: Angst into fluff my beloved

Word count:

Warnings: kisses?? 

REQUEST:  hiii can i have fluff prompt 10 with wilbur (gn reader pls)

Prompt: “did you just kiss me?”


Out of everyone you could of fallen for of course it had to be Wilbur.

I mean, what isn’t there too fall for

He’s tall

He’s pretty

He’s funny

He’s talented

He is everything you could ask for

But he isn’t yours.

And thats what hurts.


Seeing the way you his eyes light when Niki talks hurts. Seeing how excited he gets when she texts him. It was painful. It left you with nights spent crying until you had exhausted yourself enough to sleep. But he never noticed.

He never noticed the way that your face would heat up at the slightest contact of your skin. He never noticed the way your gaze always shifted to him, because his was always on Niki.

Of course you could never be mad at Niki. She was an angel. She never did anything bad to you and instead was always kind to you, but that just made it worse. It fills you with guilt. 


Wilbur’s laugh filled the room, its a sound that would usually make you feel like you were on cloud nine, but instead of butterflies you felt sick to the stomach. 

No matter how hard you tried to laugh along, or hide the jealousy that floods your veins you couldn’t bring yourself too smile. Looking over too chat you see that they notice

‘Is y/n okay?’

‘y/n looks sad :(’


‘y/n hasn’t said anything for ages’

‘They look so sad’

‘omg i feel so bad for y/n they have barely said anything’


Looking back over to Wilbur you notice him whisper something to Niki and she laughs. That perfect. Adorable. Endearing laugh.

“Hey I don’t feel the best, I think I’m gonna go rest for a bit” You say, mustering up the best smile you could. Will finally looks at you, and his face seems to drop a bit before quickly smiling again. 

“go rest on my bed n/n, I’ll be out in a bit okay?” 

You nod your head and quickly walk out of the streaming room, as tears flood your eyes, your lungs feeling like they are suffocating and the emotions build up in your throat, making it feel like you’re drowning. You couldn’t stand to be in this house anymore, so you ultimately decide that its best to go home


Turning around you meet Wilbur’s worried eyes. Quickly moving to wipe away as many of the tears that stained your face as possible.

“y-yes Wil?” Your voice filled with emotions, and cracked the slightest bit no matter how hard you tried too keep your composure.

“Can I touch you”

You nodded softly, unable to form any words.

You felt his warm body envelope yours, holding your head against his chest while your tears covered the warm fabric of his jumper. Your fists grasp as the soft fabric, in any attempt to ground yourself

“shhh, its okay, you’re okay. I need you to talk to me, can you do that? its okay if you need some time but you need to tell me what happened alright?”

“you love her…” 

He pulled you back slightly by your shoulders.


“You love Niki…” You felt pathetic. 

*he hates me now*

*You ruined everything*

Tears began to blur your vision again, as your breath picked back up. Your legs felt like they were about to break, but before you could fall completely, he caught you.

“Can I pick you up?” You nodded into his chest, feeling your feet lift off the floor. His hands, steady and firm but also gentle and kind, bring your legs around his waist. 

Putting you down on his bed, he kneels down in front of you, on the floor next to the bed

“Talk to me n/n…”

“I hate that you lover her be-because…”

*its now or nothing*

“I want you to love me” You say it so quietly that you almost worry he wouldn’t hear you. 

The empty silence of the room is deadly. Fighting off all your instincts telling you too run, you look up too meet Wilbur’s concerned eyes. 

“I-I’m sorry i- its fine- i don’t- you don’t-”

Your panicked stuttering is cut off by Wilbur’s lips meeting yours. Its soft and gentle but filled with passion

Your lips taste of tears but he couldn’t care less. 

His hand gently holds your jaw, his other going behind your neck to bring you impossibly closer. 

After many seconds he pulls away, resting his forehead against yours.

“did you just kiss me?…”

“I cant believe you thought I loved Niki. I knew you were oblivious but jeez n/n” His tone is teasing and playful

“I hate you” you retort

“you love me” 

“yeah yeah whatever”


Authors not: I HATE THIS AHHHH but hey someone might like it so <3


Pairing: wilbur x reader

Pronouns: non-mentioned

Gengre: angst -> fluff 

Word count: 0.9k words

Warnings: arguments, fighting, yelling, panic attack, getting cut? please let me know if there is more !!

Part of you knew that you should just wait for him too come outside. He was a grown adult, he knew how to take care of himself but that didn’t stop the growing pit of anxiety in your stomach. 

All you wanted was for him too stay out of the mindset you knew he sometimes got trapped in. That was something you wanted to help him with but it was impossible to do that when he spent all day in his room. You knew he had finished streaming when his muffled voice silenced and now soft strums of the guitar took their place, as he struggled to find a progression of chords that he liked.

The soft pattering of your feet on the cold floor, leading you over to the sink to get him a glass of water, you walked over to his office door, gently pushing the door open. 

He knew you were there

He didn’t turn to look at you or even glance in your direction before an annoyed grumbled slipped off of his tongue

“what do you want”

You should’ve taken that as your hint to leave, but you just wanted to help so you took a step into his office and spoke as softly and as gently as possible

“you’ve been in here all day so I brought you water… don’t you think you should come out for a bit. A small break might be good for you, y’know”

He stayed facing his monitor but his eyes glared in your direction

“if I wanted water I would get it myself”

Slightly taken aback by his harsh tone you held the glass closer to your chest, in any kind of attempt to stop yourself from storming out of the room. You were only trying to help…

“Wilbur, you haven’t left the room for 6 hours. I haven’t seen you all day. Don’t you think that its stupid to get angry when I try to HELP you. You have barely spoken a word to me for the past week” 

The tall brunette scoffed, his eyes rolling in agitation. 

“I don’t need you to baby me all the time! I don’t need you to treat me like a child, okay?”

“I put my everything into supporting you and your career even if it makes me feel like I’m nothing to you! No matter how hard I try its like you- its like you cant even see how hard I’m trying! I feel pathetic..” Your voice softened at the end as you tried to contain tears from spilling out from behind your eyes.

“Well maybe I don’t need you at all okay! You are so needy oh my god! Its like I cant do anything without you breathing down my neck! You make everything so much harder! Just fuck off and leave me be!”



.He seemed taken aback by his own words, both of you stunned into silence, the only sound being your heavy breathing. It felt like your breath was being stolen from your lungs. Trying to get any kind of air into your lungs you felt your mind becoming flooded with terrifying thoughts

Maybe he didn’t love you anymore

Maybe he never loved you in the first place

The glass dropped to the floor and shattered into a tiny pieces which scattered across the floor, along with your heart. 

legs trembling underneath you, you fell to the cold floor, glass cutting at your knees as you gripped the soft fabric of Wilbur’s hoodie in any attempt to ground yourself. 

Everything sounded muffled.

‘Why cant I hear anything?’

‘Who is crying’

‘Is it me?’

‘I cant see anything.”

A solid warmth surrounded your body, and your hands instantly gripped to whatever you could reach, in some attempt too ground yourself. A soft shushing guiding you out of your dazed state

“its okay my love. I’m so sorry. you did nothing wrong. You’re doing so well darling”

Letting your eyes flutter open you met Wilbur’s red, tear filled eyes as he cupped your face in his hands, the soft pads of his thumbs wiping away the salty streams of water that spilled from your eyes. 

“i know its hard, but I need you too breath with me okay? can you do that?”

You nodded so timidly that it would have been close too impossible to notice

He counted slowly, breathing in and out with you and kissing away your tears between breaths. When he deemed you stable enough he pushed your head into his shoulder 

“we need to get your knee’s cleaned up, okay? Am i allowed to pick you up?”

You nodded again

“are you able to talk to me, my love”


“You are doing so well. I’m so proud of you”. Picking you up bridal style as too avoid hurting your knee’s any further he brought you to the kitchen, sitting you up on the bench, he began to clean up your knee’s, comforting you after each hiss of pain, and kissing away each tear that felt from those eyes he loved so much. 

When you were finally calm enough to talk he sat you down and apologized. Even though the things he said earlier that day had hurt the way they did, you knew from the way pain coated his voice, he never meant to hurt you. You both talked about where to go from here, and how to avoid this from happening again.

Bringing your body further into his chest he planted a soft kiss against your lips, putting all his emotions into it, letting you know how deeply sorry he was, and how much love he held for you. Even if you had your rough patches, nothing was enough to keep you from loving him, and as long as it was him, you would pick up his pieces over and over again.

Authors note: this is my first time writing a fanfiction and i absolutely hate it BUT hopefully with time i can improve <33

i hope you all have an amazing day and make sure to eat and drink water <3
