

Wildlife officials in Alaska have said two campers were attacked by a bear this weekend while they were sleeping in a tent in Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.

Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologist Jeff Selinger said the campers were sleeping when the bear attacked Saturday around midnight, the Anchorage Daily News reported Saturday. The campers had bear deterrents but did not have enough time to use them.

“There’s no indication that they did anything to prompt the attack or did anything wrong,” he said. “It’s one of those where you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Refuge spokesperson Leah Eskelin said the campers were attacked in a dispersed area along the shoreline of Skilak Lake, about 58 miles south of Anchorage. There were no other campers in the area at the time.

Selinger said the campers, who were well prepared with first aid supplies, were able to load some gear into a kayak where they rowed for at least an hour to get more help. Selinger said cell service is unreliable near the lake. Officials said one of the campers was airlifted to a nearby hospital and the other was taken by ambulance. It is unclear how severe the campers’ injuries were.

Sea Sausage — Mangatoetoe, North Island, New Zealand

Sea Sausage — Mangatoetoe, North Island, New Zealand

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Uhhhh I’m aware it’s been a really long time since I’ve made a proper post… But take this cute swan as an apology!

Black Swan, Taronga Zoo Sydney

I’ve finally been able to go back to the zoo to take new pictures!!!! Stay safe, everyone!

Red Lory, Taronga Zoo Sydney


Palm Cockatoo, Taronga Zoo Sydney


Australian Pelican, Taronga Zoo Sydney
