#willys wonderland



Просто добавлю немного больше контента с Willys Wonderland( на данный момент это просто моя навязчивая идея:) )

Younger!Liv, holding on to a tree: I’m scared, officer!

Officer Lund: Do you trust me, Liv?

Liv: Yes!

Officer Lund: Come on, Liv!

Liv: *lets go*

Officer Lund: *turns away* Rule #1, never trust anybody!


You know what. Best autistic rep I’ve ever seen? The Nameless Man in Willy’s Wonderland.

I’m fully serious. He’s just a quiet, kinda weird dude with sensory issues and a love of pinball, absolutely murdering the shit out of possessed animatronics! It’s great! There’s no weird inspirationporn garbage, there’s no one trying to fix him, he’s just a dude and he’s doing some funky little ghost murders.

My evidence for his autism is as follows:

- takes his breaks every hour on the hour regardless of what’s happening around him, because he was told to

- has to change his shirt anytime it gets even a little dirty, violent reaction to being splashed with warm blood but not cold oil

- extremely awkward social behavior, either too much or too little direct eye contact and weird or situationally inappropriate reactions

- completely nonverbal, only sound he ever makes is a warcry during a fight

- genuinely unconcerned about the animatronics until they impede his job, even stopping the Final Girl from attacking one because it was stationary at the moment

- completely task oriented. He’s been given a job and by God does he intend to do it

- stimming! Lots of it, while playing pinball and by the way he attends the machine you can feel the return of a past special interest

- complete sensory overload scene

- the sound of metal on metal sends him into a rage like you wouldn’t believe

- the soda thing. All he drinks is this one particular brand of soda that he takes with him everywhere.

Anyway I don’t have a point with this, I just think it’s straight up the greatest autistic character led movie I’ve ever seen in my life and I bought it on bluray.

If you haven’t seen it, you should.
