
Gothic Twin, Carpe Diem & Carpe NoctemI have somewhat been a bottle hoarder for some years now, Gothic Twin, Carpe Diem & Carpe NoctemI have somewhat been a bottle hoarder for some years now, Gothic Twin, Carpe Diem & Carpe NoctemI have somewhat been a bottle hoarder for some years now, Gothic Twin, Carpe Diem & Carpe NoctemI have somewhat been a bottle hoarder for some years now,

Gothic Twin, Carpe Diem & Carpe Noctem

I have somewhat been a bottle hoarder for some years now, though not necessarily consciously. I tend not to throw away sauce bottles or jam jars which I find attractive. It is also rather peculiar that I have never thought of using my bottle collection in my artwork … until a few days ago.

A couple of days ago, I was staring at my “empty bottles” shelf, thinking if I should just take them all to the recycle bin to create some space for “more important kitchen stuff”. But it was not meant to be, because my plan immediately backfired when fascinating Gothic-looking images began to take shape in my mind. I immediately got down 2 of the bottles, which were Woodward’s Gripe Water vessels in their past lives, and swiftly ferried them to my workspace.

Thus, the Gothic Twin was born. Carpe Diem and Carpe Noctem.

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