#wishmaker spoilers


Anyone else notice how easily LB shared her childhood dream with Chat?

And then just as easily inquired about his childhood dreams??

Even if it’s only subconsious at this point, this girl obviously wants to know more about him…

She’s even speculating on what she thinks his dreams would’ve been. (Which actually speaks a lot on how she views him. Magician - fun, magical, sponateous, full of surprises. Firefighter - brave, protective, dependable, right on time.)

But with the information she’s offering and asking, she’s literally dismissing the rules about sharing personal info that could lead to the compromise of their identities…

And don’t be decieved, she stills believes in not sharing these things, because later on at the end of the episode, when Alec asks about their dreams, she replies that they have to keep their dreams a secret…

…but earlier she unfazingly shared hers with Chat Noir.

Guys, something is slowly but surely happening here…

Walls are coming down; and I believe we might get to see a deeper emotional bond begin to form between Chat Noir and Ladybug.

And, not gonna lie, I am super excited!

(Fingers crossed that Tumblr finally acknowledges this post and let’s it appear in the algorithm… Legit, I’ve been trying to post this since yesterday lol.)

Sass asking Marinette what’s the most important thing that’ll bring meaning to her life while being in front of a background of Adrien’s face is too hilarious!

Hint: The ansssswer issss behind me.

Anyone else notice how easily LB shared her childhood dream with Chat?

And then just as easily inquired about his childhood dreams??

Even if it’s only subconsious at this point, this girl obviously wants to know more about him…

She’s even speculating on what she thinks his dreams would’ve been. (Which actually speaks a lot on how she views him. Magician - fun, magical, sponateous, full of surprises. Firefighter - brave, protective, dependable, right on time.)

But with the information she’s offering and asking, she’s literally dismissing the rules about sharing personal info that could lead to the compromise of their identities…

And don’t be decieved, she stills believes in not sharing these things, because later on at the end of the episode, when Alec asks about their dreams, she replies that they have to keep their dreams a secret…

…but earlier she unfazingly shared hers with Chat Noir.

Guys, something is slowly but surely happening here…

Walls are coming down; and I believe we might get to see a deeper emotional bond begin to form between Chat Noir and Ladybug.

And, not gonna lie, I am super excited!
