




you guys dont HAVE to hold each other like that u know

I strongly disagree. They do have to hold each other like that. It’s the “fighting supervillains” part that’s a bit optional.

Someone may have already thought of this…. but is it possible that future hawkmoth is Adrien’s cousin Felix? (I’m thinking back to one of the time traveling episodes with where we find out that hawkmoth still exists when they’re adults but it isn’t Gabriel Agreste anymore - so who replaces him?) Felix being the future miraculous holder would keep the miraculous away from Ladybug and Chat Noir while keeping it within the family… and with all the recent theories about Adrien’s real mom vs his aunt… it could be possible that Gabriel gives up his mission one day and Felix takes over it? Felix could also steal the miraculous from Gabriel? Idk, but I think it’s possible.

As I was writing this I also had the horrific thought that Adrien will become future hawkmoth and future Ladybug will just find someone else to become Chat Noir. That might be a bit dark for the show but who knows what they could pull at this point.

no thoughts just knitting fairy marinette


I’m just loving how there was absolutely NO need for this to happen. It was completely unnecessary to the plot of the episode but the creators of Miraculous were just like ‘ok but what if we turned Alec into RuPaul for ✨the vibes✨’.


So, the majority of the fandom took this as Adrien not having any dreams for himself and only follows and does what he’s being told.

But I thought it was more like something I can relate to as well and that is:

My wish is to become someone my parents will be proud of.

Essentially it could mean he just wants to earn his parents love and affection and that shit hurts even MORE.

If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?

the REAL scary part of this episode

I know we’re all excited about Luka secretly knowing the truth, and how hilarious CrocoJagged was, but this episode dropped a much, much more subtle bomb that scared me more than anything. I’ve already seen people talking about it so some of this will be repeated, but allow me to lay some puzzle pieces out on the table.

This. This drawing. What. The. Heck. Is. This. Adrien’s blue eyed mother and green eyed, brown haired, smiling father? Something is superfishy.

I saw someone mention Adrien’s line in Simon Says, “you’ve got her eyes”. I’m aware that this line is very different in different dubs, but in English, he tells Ladybug that her eyes remind him of his mother. Ladybug’s blue eyes. We were all so confused by why he would say this, but I think we finally got our answer. It was just a subconscious slip of the tongue on his part, and he didn’t even realize anything was wrong, but oh boy could it mean everything.

After seeing all this is I was shaken and I started re-evaluating everything we know about Adrien’s family. First up: when have we actually seen Emilie in the show?

And here I noticed something that looks like it could be very clever trickery. We can probably safely say that she did indeed star in Solitude as the opening credits of the film suggest. But. Everything related to this movie is in black and white. Interesting. When else do we see Emilie? In a coffin. With her eyes closed.

And here, in Andre’s repressed dreams box? We’d assume that that’s the same person, but notice the black blazer.

Just the type Amelie Graham de Vanily wears. Who has green eyes. And looks identical to her deceased sister. And even has an oddly similar name. And just so happens to be conniving, scheming about something that we don’t know about yet aside from it being related to the twin rings. Let’s pull up some pictures of Emilie from around the Agreste household.

All green-eyed and white blazer-ed. This is the woman who Gabriel looks up at obsessively, who holds Adrien’s hand and makes him smile… but who is she?

Here are some statements I believe to be true:

  • There is a blue eyed woman and a green eyed woman
  • There is a white blazer woman and a black blazer woman
  • The blue eyed woman is Adrien’s mother
  • The green eyed woman served as a mother figure to Adrien and a partner to Gabriel
  • There is a green eyed, black blazer wearing woman alive and scheming against Gabriel
  • We don’t know the eye color of the dead woman, but her blazer is white

Let me also bring to attention Amelie’s son, Felix, who looks exactly like Adrien, and Felix’s recently deceased father, who is a mystery.

I don’t have any solid theories as to what this suspiciousness all adds up to, but here are some ideas:

  • Emilie and Amelie have such similar names because sometimes, when we think someone is saying the name of one, they’re actually referring to the other and hiding it in plain sight
  • The woman in the opening scene of Solitude is Amelie, not Emilie, the main star
  • The woman in the coffin has blue eyes, thus is Adrien’s true mother
  • Kinda crack-y: The five-petaled brooch on the white blazer is a disguised miraculous. All charged miraculous have five separate sections, and the butterfly and peacock, both in the possession of the Agrestes, are brooches. We know Gabriel sells a copy of this design in his store since it became Vanisher’s akuma object, and the only other jewelry design we’ve seen from him has been a copy of the fox miraculous.
  • Cont. I’m not sure if we’ve ever seen the peacock miraculous actually disguised on Gabe, but it’s possible that either the jewel in the cabinet is his disguise mode and the flower is the green eyed woman’s, OR that’s her disguised peacock miraculous and the one she’s wearing in the photo is her disguised butterfly.
  • The blue eyed woman used to wear a black blazer, and the green eyed woman used to wear a white blazer, but after the blue eyed woman’s death, she was dressed in the other’s clothing and the green eyed woman donned her clothes and replaced her
  • The deceased man Felix calls his father is the green-eyed man Adrien remembered in his wish
  • I know how much you guys love hearing sentimonster theories, but the show is clearly foreshadowing something here, that’s undeniable. The peacock miraculous has been in the family for what, fifteen years? At some point it was used until it broke, and supposedly that’s what killed the woman in the coffin. What do we have here? Two boys with different parents who look exactly the same, two women who look exactly the same save for one trait, twin rings shrouded in mystery that the GdV family really wants back for some reason, a devoted bodyguard who never speaks, an even more devoted secretary who’s been around forever and whose last name means “without a heart”, a blue eyed man obsessed with serving and protecting a woman to the point of madness, and last but not least, the fifteen-ish y/o boy who doesn’t remember his childhood and feels like he was literally made to be his parents’ image of perfection.
  • It could even be more than one of them. You know that whole thing about how kids can only use the special power once, but adults don’t have that limit? Maybe making one true human using the miraculous is enough to break it, but maybe it’s not. Maybe you need to really exert it to hit that barrier.

This is all just me spitballing, so I’d love to hear other people’s ideas, but there is, without a doubt, something mad suspicious going on with these people. Keep in mind that I also don’t remember every line of dialogue from the show. There could be stuff disproving me, or stuff that was cleverly said in a vague way on purpose to hide the truth. Otherwise, I hope the episode Gabriel Agreste could shine some light on our missing puzzle pieces such as the rings, the movie Solitude, the mysterious Tsurugi family, and even the Bourgeois.

I can’t believe there will be at LEAST two new hero episodes in season four after that freaking bomb. It feels like everything else from now on should be strictly main story content but here we are.

Sabrina busting a move, just absolutely breaking it down to turn into Traquemoiselle:

Ladybug, Chat Noir, Viperion, Rena Furtive, possibly Carapace, and any other Squidwards we should know about:

Please for the love of god just let lukanette be happy and canon I can’t take this heartbreak anymore.

Anyone else notice how easily LB shared her childhood dream with Chat?

And then just as easily inquired about his childhood dreams??

Even if it’s only subconsious at this point, this girl obviously wants to know more about him…

She’s even speculating on what she thinks his dreams would’ve been. (Which actually speaks a lot on how she views him. Magician - fun, magical, sponateous, full of surprises. Firefighter - brave, protective, dependable, right on time.)

But with the information she’s offering and asking, she’s literally dismissing the rules about sharing personal info that could lead to the compromise of their identities…

And don’t be decieved, she stills believes in not sharing these things, because later on at the end of the episode, when Alec asks about their dreams, she replies that they have to keep their dreams a secret…

…but earlier she unfazingly shared hers with Chat Noir.

Guys, something is slowly but surely happening here…

Walls are coming down; and I believe we might get to see a deeper emotional bond begin to form between Chat Noir and Ladybug.

And, not gonna lie, I am super excited!

(Fingers crossed that Tumblr finally acknowledges this post and let’s it appear in the algorithm… Legit, I’ve been trying to post this since yesterday lol.)

Sass asking Marinette what’s the most important thing that’ll bring meaning to her life while being in front of a background of Adrien’s face is too hilarious!

Hint: The ansssswer issss behind me.

Anyone else notice how easily LB shared her childhood dream with Chat?

And then just as easily inquired about his childhood dreams??

Even if it’s only subconsious at this point, this girl obviously wants to know more about him…

She’s even speculating on what she thinks his dreams would’ve been. (Which actually speaks a lot on how she views him. Magician - fun, magical, sponateous, full of surprises. Firefighter - brave, protective, dependable, right on time.)

But with the information she’s offering and asking, she’s literally dismissing the rules about sharing personal info that could lead to the compromise of their identities…

And don’t be decieved, she stills believes in not sharing these things, because later on at the end of the episode, when Alec asks about their dreams, she replies that they have to keep their dreams a secret…

…but earlier she unfazingly shared hers with Chat Noir.

Guys, something is slowly but surely happening here…

Walls are coming down; and I believe we might get to see a deeper emotional bond begin to form between Chat Noir and Ladybug.

And, not gonna lie, I am super excited!



kinda dissapointed tbh

