#with a spark of magic



Age unknown. Fae. Counsellor of the Faerie Court and a friend of Constanza though she disapproved of her role in the Majin Revolution. Worked her way up from nothing. Determined. Sharp-tongued.

James:(watching Molly and Tessa working on something) Is it going to do something?


James: Should I be farther away?


James:(rubbing his forehead and muttering under his breath as a loud commotion is heard) not my circus not my monkeys, not my circus not my monkeys, not my circus (deep breath) not my monkeys.

(sees Oz and Constanza running away with Molly close behind, men chasing after them)

James: (Quickly running after them) This is my circus and those are my monkeys!!

Nadia:(looks up from her conversation with Quinn upon hearing a loud noise) Huh, look at the idiot trying to fight Coldwell.

Nadia:(eyes widen in realization) That’s our idiot.

Quinn:(Already on his feet) And it’s the smart one, MOLLY!

Oz:(to Constanza and James) We get that there are things you guys never wanted to talk about, and we never wanted to push


Oz:But a guy with a freaking magical sword just chopped our bus in half guys!


An image of a woman with brown hair in a ponytail, a lavender tank top and brown pants from the back with a lavender border around the picture

Hollis Vane

Beleaguered Assistant

The woman-Hollis-pinched the bridge of her nose as she stared at Gray with an expression that indicated her displeasure

“I’m going to regret asking this, but who are they?”

Gray grinned wolfishly. “Why dear Holly, they are a psychic and a mortal, plus the psychic’s girlfriend, who have come to ask for our help in locating the mage that exposed the supernatural world!”

“Gray, I just want one day of peace, one day!”

Belligerent Sexual Tension

“What the hell was that Gray?!”

“That was me trying to save your sorry ass, a thank you would suffice!”

“No, that was you being reckless and stupid, I don’t need you to save me!”

“Well too bad, because there’s no way in hell I’m letting you die!”


An image of a woman with flowing blonde hair with a brown line interlocking around the border

Hazel Song

TW: Child Abuse, Attempted Murder of a Child, Murder

From a very young age, Hazel knew she was different, after all, most little girls couldn’t levitate their stuffed animals above their bed or throw their father across the room when they tried to attack them

Hazel hated it, hated this ability she viewed as a curse; her father blamed it (blamed her) for her mother’s death shortly after she was born. All it took was just one emotion and destruction would follow

Neither her father or stepmother understood this ability, they thought she was a demon and did their best to “rid her of her demonic power”. Instinctively her power would kick in, protecting her from them, but that would just make things worse

And they tried to drown her in a bathtub, and out of pure fear she threw both of them down the stairs, killing her stepmother and forcing her to flee

Now she doesn’t hate her ability, she doesn’t love it, but as she stares down a grown man twice her size and brings him to his knees with a flick of her hand, she’s in control.


An image of a woman with short dark hair covering her face by holding her head and looking down with dark reddish brown lines interlocking around the border

Maria Contreras

A childhood friend of James’s, raised in a hunter family with her older sister Pilar the two sisters were also best friends, with Maria looking up to her older sister and considered James and Dean (another childhood friend) to be like brothers.

Maria may or may not have played matchmaker with her sister and Dean, with some help from James

When the war broke out, Maria didn’t hesitate in joining James and Dean along with other hunters in fighting against what she believed to be a corrupt government, But she wasn’t prepared for the pain and bloodshed she both witnessed and felt and each day slowly began to break her spirit

And then her older sister was killed in an attack by an unknown person, Maria being the person to find her sister bleeding out and along with Dean was the last person to talk to her before she died from her injuries

Dean followed shortly after.

After the end of the revolution, Maria chose to stay in the supernatural world, working as a forensic expert for the Protectorate (facing immense backlash for doing so)

The truth was, she just wanted to do something to forget.


An image of a woman with red hair in a bun, bordered with a grey line interlocking at the four corners

Isadora Cavanaugh

“My sister might as well have died in that war because she sure as hell didn’t come back!”

Constanza’s older half-sister, though they may not share the same father and are as different as night and day there is no doubt that Isadora would walk through fire for her sister, which made her inability to do anything for Constanza in the aftermath of the Majin Revolution even more heartbreaking


An image of a person with long dark hair dressed in a black and grey business ensemble from the neck down

Valencia “Val” Avallone

31. They/them.

Ex-Hunter. Linguistic genius. Tired
