#source tiktok


Okuyasu: Oi, Josuke, what’s this?

Josuke: Oh, it’s almond milk. Why?

Okuyasu: …but almonds don’t have titties??

Sassy Child: Can I say a bad word?

Worried Mother: I-

Sassy Child: CAN I SAY A BAD WORD?!

Worried Mother: Yeah.

Sassy Child @ Dark Lord: YOU MOTHERFUCKIN’ BITCH!!!

Laid-Back: I walked in that motherfucker not giving a fuck and I walked out that bitch not giving a fuck.

Q: what’s your favorite Fall Out Boy song?

Luke: Honey I’ve been lying to you, I’m actually 42 rats in a human suit (my love language is misery)

Ashton: The only thing I’m pro at is Prozac (I love Chicago forever)

Mikey: The delusions of grandeur when you’re playing Lego Harry Potter (Wingardium Leviosa)

Calum: I hate it when the boys fall out. what are they falling out now, the windows?

Source; Bears in Trees’ Tiktok

James:(rubbing his forehead and muttering under his breath as a loud commotion is heard) not my circus not my monkeys, not my circus not my monkeys, not my circus (deep breath) not my monkeys.

(sees Oz and Constanza running away with Molly close behind, men chasing after them)

James: (Quickly running after them) This is my circus and those are my monkeys!!

Nadia:(looks up from her conversation with Quinn upon hearing a loud noise) Huh, look at the idiot trying to fight Coldwell.

Nadia:(eyes widen in realization) That’s our idiot.

Quinn:(Already on his feet) And it’s the smart one, MOLLY!

Chase: Man Im finna whip dis hoe.

*Drives into a body of water*

Skeptic: Boss, we found out who the mole is. It’s Polyamorous Tony.Re-Destro: That rat fuck! ISkeptic: Boss, we found out who the mole is. It’s Polyamorous Tony.Re-Destro: That rat fuck! I

Skeptic: Boss, we found out who the mole is. It’s Polyamorous Tony.
Re-Destro: That rat fuck! I want him dead! I want his wife dead! I want his wife dead! I want his wife dead! I want his wi—


Post link


-JaunetoCardin, probably

Mortal: okay so whats the hottest thing your partner has ever done on a date

Aphrodite, not even looking up from her phone:me

Steve: This breadstick is really good.

Matic: I made it from scratch.

Steve: Really? How’d you know how much flour and sugar and salt to put in it?


Matic: It’s called a recipe.

Person on phone: We have your child.

Zero: What are your demands?

Person on phone: Are you out of your mind? The daycare’s closing soon, come get him now!

BOTW Link: Haha…. what if…… we killed Rathalos together….. in the World of Light?……… Haha,,, I’m joking……Unless?..

BOTW Zelda, visiting: Link, what are they feeding you?

Sans, walking by:Hey.

Samus, very tired:Hey.



Samus, turning around:Wait.

Ian: “I have some exciting news! I’ve started seeing someone!

She is a therapist.

It is court mandated.

I am mentally unstable.”

Ruby: Hey Weiss, can we have chinese for dinner?

Weiss: What did you just call me?

Ruby: Weiss… your name

Weiss: [sad noises] My name is BABY
