#with a taste for poetry


So I was brainstorming with @ii-thiscat-ii​ and we came up with a weird post-apocalyptic world that was a horrible mash-up of every kind of post-apocalyptic world. Think Mad Max meets Fallout meets a zombie apocalypse meets a demonic invasion meets the machine revolution meets the vampires rising from the shadows meets the aliens invaders saying “screw this.”

We kind of organized it like a 4x game. (Think Civilization or Endless Space) but the setting is versatile.

Basically you had several faction that were fighting to survive/rebuilt/destroy everything/get off this fucking planet. The humans, the mutants, the vampires, the killer robots, the aliens, the zombies and the demons.

Humansin this setting are divided into two factions. The mad-max style nomads roaming the wasteland on motorcycles and spiky cars and the bunker humans living in the well protected underground bunkers.

The nomads have the advantage of mobility, and are able to pack up an entire city and move it to a more advantageous location, their units are highly mobile and can scavenge upgrades from defeated enemies. Their settlements can also range farther due to their mobile lifestyle.

The bunker humans on the other hand make up for what they lack in mobility into pure defense. Their bunkers are extremely difficult to attack, in addition their cities can support special upgrades that are simply not viable for a traveling people. The cost is that they can’t exploit the full range of resources around their bunker and must rely on their own facilities to supply their needs.

The Mutants are extremely biologically adaptable. What doesn’t kill them literally makes them stronger. Cut them, and their skin grows tougher. Freeze them and they evolve to handle the cold, etc. etc. Most of their buildings and technology are biological in nature. What good are cars when you have five ton wars beasts that can run just as fast and can flip and semi with its horns. They are also resistant to vampire and zombie strains because their bodies just adapt to the virus without it actually being able to do them any harm.

The Vampires are basically led by these ancient vampires who are actually quite helpful to their human subjects because unlike their human subjects, they know a lot of things about living without electricity, farming without machinery, how to actually smith metals, because they lived through those times. They are basically on the very edge of the quality vs quantity quandary. They can field units of elder vampire warriors that don’t need tanks because they can run faster than them, have centuries of experience with war, and don’t even need artillery because they can throw the shells farther and faster. Of course, elder vampire warriors don’t grow on trees so they have to be very careful with how they deploy these elite, but numerically limited units, and much of their energies are spent trying to track down other ancient vampires and convincing them to lend their millennia of expertise to their cause.

The Killer Robots are exactly what it says on the tin. A bloodthirsty horde of literal killing machines that achieved sentience and kept on killing because that’s what they were made to do. They are utterly merciless, only bothered by their own losses in the strategic sense, and smart enough to adjust their tactics and forms to maximize bloodshed. Unfortunately for everyone else, they have also figured out that the smarter they are, the more effective they can be at killing. As an unforeseen side-effect of this constant increase in collective intelligence the Killer Robots have developed an appreciation for the human “Warrior Poets” of old. They’re still just a bloodthirsty as ever, just more poetic about it. 

The Zombies are a zerg rush personified. individual zombies are weak but they can take horrific looses because their ranks swell with every dead enemy. A zombie horde will pillage the countryside, swelling their ranks with the dead before massing to overwhelm resistance with sheer persistent numbers. However, while the zombie virus strain can evolve to spread easier, make stronger, meaner zombies, their development is slow and has difficulty matching the pace of science or even the mutants own rapid evolution.

The Demons exist to make things worse. Just being in the general vicinity of a demon is enough to make things worse. The demons enjoy human suffering and their entire goal in breaking out of hell is to create more suffering in the world for their amusement. While demonic troops are no stronger than their counterparts, they all emanate and aura of corruption and misfortune. Things go wrong when demons are around and those little voices in your head that tell you to fuck the consequences and kill that annoying asshole get a little bit stronger. Demons however are also vulnerable to the holy warriors of each faction (Yes even the vampires have holy warriors) and factions like the killer robots and the zombies lack the capacity to be tempted by their promises.

The Aliens are an invasion force sent from an extremely militaristic intergalactic empire with orders to conquer Earth and subjugate the populace. They took one look at the planet and decided that they weren’t going to touch that mess with orbital bombs. Unfortunately the choice to leave was taken out of their hands by a critical malfunction aboard their ship that forced them to crash land on Earth. Now they just want to repair their ship and get the fuck off this godforsaken planet alive. While their advanced technology and experience with intergalactic conquest gives them the edge needed to survive, getting the materials and facilities needed to repair their ship is not going to be easy. Made ever more apparent by their elite invasion corp loosing its unbeaten record by getting decimated within a day of them crashing.
