


Okay, but like… I haven’t seen anyone else talk about it, but I NEED to talk about this, so excuse my ranting!

Hunter and Philip’s reunion was horrible and terrifying and I hated it, but also LOVED it. For one thing, wefinallygot a Wittebro name reveal and confirmation that Flapjack was his palisman!!

But the thing I really want to talk about right now is Hunter.

As Philip makes one last ditch attempt to gain control over Hunter again, the poor kid is terrified.

Then, after the Collector Splats™ Philip, he is completely mortifiedover what he just saw. Because while it is true that Philip has done nothing but abuse and manipulate Hunter all his life, he was still the one that raised him. He was still the one that Hunter loved, praised, and believed in for all those years. He was still family, in some sick, twisted way.

And then, when all the kids are running toward the Portal, Hunter is the only one to hesitate. Because making it to the Portal means stepping over what (he believes to be) Philip’s deceased remains. After everything that Philip has done to him, the other Golden Guards, and even his own brother–the one Hunter was made after– he can’t bring himself to disrespect Philip’s remains in such a way.

It’s only after Gus and Willow stop and urge him on does he begin to move again.

And even still, he has his eyes tightly shut, as if refusing to look down.

I don’t really have the words to describe how this all makes me feel, but damn… It just really speaks volumes about how much of a better person Hunter–and by extension Caleb– is than Philip. How much kinder, considerate, and caring they both are. It honestly breaks my heart.

[Getting past guards, Caleb lives or they’re just younger]

Caleb: Hey, let’s do “get help”.


Caleb: Get help!


Caleb: Come on, you love it!

Philip: No, I hate it…

Caleb: It’s great, it works every time!

Philip: It’s humiliating.

Caleb: Do you have a better plan?


Caleb: ….We’re doing it >:3

Philip: We are not doing “get help”.

[After breaking in]

Caleb, holding Philip up: Get help! Please, my brother, he’s dying!

Caleb:Please! HELP HIM! *yeets Philip at the guards*

Philip, standing up: I still hate it. It’s humiliating.

Caleb, laughing: Ahhh, not for me, it’s not.


I was thinkin about lyrics but I think I like this too much as-is


i havent written anything abt what i think Caleb was Actually Like yet so

Compilation of all my Wittebros sketchesCompilation of all my Wittebros sketchesCompilation of all my Wittebros sketchesCompilation of all my Wittebros sketchesCompilation of all my Wittebros sketchesCompilation of all my Wittebros sketches

Compilation of all my Wittebros sketches

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