#wlw nsfw


I want to turn on a girl so slowly that her pussy is already drooling from foreplay when I finally dive my tongue in to taste her

Do you guys ever see a girl and just imagine holding her hands with her legs wrapped around your waist as you push her into a wall and swallow her gasps? Just me?


i just wanna cum on fingers that aren’t my own!!!!! is that too much to ask!!!!!!! >:(((((


Was Anne Frank bisexual?

You can find uncensored copies (or at least, as uncensored as possible) online. I read the version as close to her original diary as I could find, and it included a forward about Anne’s father and how he had edited it before the diary’s release to the public in order to protect Anne’s name from slander. It’s fascinating to read and really it’s very similar to other coming-of-age stories, with the added appeal of it being an actual diary written by a Jewish teenager during the tumultuous time of WWII. (Her father abridged her diary to protect her privacy and make her message more palatable to some; additionally, Anne edited her own diary - some texts were pasted over and rewritten.)

***Annie’s father once said in an interview that when her diary was first published in the 1940s the content would have been so controversial he thought it would hurt the primary reason he was releasing them in the first place. Anne wanted to be a writer when she grew up and he knew the G-rated content would be well received. ***

It’s funny how when a straight 15-year-old declares that they are attracted to members of the opposite sex, nobody writes long, multi-paragraph comments to say “wait, wait, not so fast…” NOBODY questions the crushes of straight kids even before they’re teenagers, but they question the expressly stated preferences of TEENAGE LGBTQ people. And even into their 20s.
