#wonder girl



[DC] REPOST bc I did not like how it desaturated the colors of the last one…. anyways wonder girl is wlw

melodramaticmelon:woop one more request to go this was super fun and relaxing and im letting lose


woop one more request to go

this was super fun and relaxing and im letting lose on the very constrained style. I think this one is closer to my natural drawing style. I miss rendering faces so bad

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jessequicks:Donna Troy as Wonder Girl jessequicks:Donna Troy as Wonder Girl jessequicks:Donna Troy as Wonder Girl


Donna Troy as Wonder Girl

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[The Flash 80pg Giant 1999]

reyesrobbies:…So then why night after night, did I dream of other lives? Little fragments of imposreyesrobbies:…So then why night after night, did I dream of other lives? Little fragments of impos


…So then why night after night, did I dream of other lives? Little fragments of impossible histories in another world and time? In them, I stood alongside other Titans, born of mortal flesh and blood. We were brave and powerful and our exploits rivalled those of our divine namesakes. I loved them. I grew up with them. They made me whole. They were my family. That world knew us as Cyborg, Nightwing, Starfire, Raven, Jericho, Changeling, Arsenal - but I knew them as Victor and Dick, Koriand'r, Joey, Garfield and…Roy. They called me Wonder Girl - but I remembered with an almost blinding clarity calling myself by another name. A mortalname.
Donna Troy.

-The Return of Donna Troy #1

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batgorilla:Wonder Woman appeared in the Batman:TBATB comics before she actually appeared in the shbatgorilla:Wonder Woman appeared in the Batman:TBATB comics before she actually appeared in the shbatgorilla:Wonder Woman appeared in the Batman:TBATB comics before she actually appeared in the shbatgorilla:Wonder Woman appeared in the Batman:TBATB comics before she actually appeared in the sh


Wonder Woman appeared in the Batman:TBATB comics before she actually appeared in the show, with a different design each time. Donna also had a cameo, and I put her in this because she’s adorable.

I like the skirt design best, but the show went with the 1970’s look, so the comic followed suit.

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holyismstogoddamn:More Teen Titans sketch art from Nick Cardy. [Teen Titans: Lost Annual]holyismstogoddamn:More Teen Titans sketch art from Nick Cardy. [Teen Titans: Lost Annual]


More Teen Titans sketch art from Nick Cardy. [Teen Titans: Lost Annual]

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kalelsonofkrypton:Donna Troy by Mikel Janín.


Donna Troy by Mikel Janín.

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schneebelladonna:I wanted to draw Donna as a kid and as an adult for comparison 


I wanted to draw Donna as a kid and as an adult for comparison 

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chrispalmerart:Super rough Wondergirl idea, I’ll finish tomorrow.


Super rough Wondergirl idea, I’ll finish tomorrow.

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