
50/365 - I wish I had thought to make 50 special but I feel like puking so this will suffice

50/365 - I wish I had thought to make 50 special but I feel like puking so this will suffice

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i was SO optimistic three hours ago. now can’t stop crying because it hurts so much and i have no way to stop it.

rejoice! for my sister successfully managed me again and all of the bacons

Yep, you heard that right! There’s a new admin in town!

Since the original admin of the blog is a bit too busy to keep it up’n’running, i’ll be here to run it!



I admit woohoo in hot tub gives me a really hot scene. my sims must have a great time using this. I admit woohoo in hot tub gives me a really hot scene. my sims must have a great time using this. I admit woohoo in hot tub gives me a really hot scene. my sims must have a great time using this.

I admit woohoo in hot tub gives me a really hot scene. my sims must have a great time using this.

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bichnali:i didn’t know x had a little bit after wel’s verse :D


i didn’t know x had a little bit after wel’s verse :D

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Let’s get writing!


Hello Nerds! It seems that many of us have been in a bit of a writing slump, and we thought maybe some simultaneous brainstorming and writing might get some of that creativity flowing again. This event is based on the Doctor Who Fictober event we have in autumn, since most writers in our Discord write for that fandom. This is a writing event that will go on officially from May 1-31. Anyone can participate, even if you haven’t written fanfiction before. And this is for ANY FANDOM!

1) For each day, there will be a prompt that has something to do with spring. You can do that, or even think of your own. It can be as closely or even LOOSELY based on the prompt as you want.

2) If you’re NOT in the northern hemisphere, feel free to do autumn prompts, or whatever you’d like!

3) Late submissions are fine, we know that wrangling the muse can be tricky!

4) You can write more than one fic!

5) Your story can be as long as you want. You can even connect a multichapter WIP or a chapter of it, if it applies.

6) Any ship is fine, or none at all

7) In-universe or AU, totally your choice

8) Rating is totally your choice

9) You don’t have to be in the group to participate (although if you’d like to join, message one of us!**)

Use the “Fangirlia Spring Fanfic Fest 2022” tag on Archive of Our Own, and add it to the collection of the same name.

Any of the prompts have a ton of possibilities, especially within the Doctor Who universe. Be super creative and include lots of aliens, or even just make it happen on Earth.

If you have any questions, message @melusine0811​,@elialys​,@tenroseforeverandever​,@lizann5869​, or @aintfraidanoghosts

May 1- Spring Holidays

May 2- Grass

May 3- Bike ride

May 4- Picnic

May 5- Birds

May 6- Going for a walk/hike

May 7- Spring Break

May 8- Birth

May 9- Spring Jacket

May 10- Eggs

May 11- Bunnies

May 12- Cherry blossoms

May 13- Pollen

May 14- Some kind of a hunt for something

May 15-Chocolate

May 16- Rain 

May 17- Easter bonnet / stupid hats

May 18- Pond

May 19- Garden

May 20- Baby animals

May 21- Parade

May 18- Camping

May 19- Spring festival

May 20- Outdoor concert

May 21- Allergies

May 22- Bonfire

May 23- Storms/Lightning

May 24-Sundress

May 25- Spring Cleaning

May 26- Flowers

May 27- Grass

May 28- Flying a kite/ windy day

May 29- Butterflies

May 30- BBQ

May 31- Planning summer vacations/holidays

**Fangirlia is a group of women and enbys to sort of hide away from feeling awkward and talked over in fan groups with cis men (aka fanboys). Most of us are Doctor Who and Good Omens fans, but many of us write for other fandoms as well!



So don’t get me wrong, the third episode does an amazing job of setting up Vader as the dark angel of death that he is and I love it, but when Vader finds Obi-wan expecting a fight

and Obi-wan just straight up runs

and then when you cut back to Vader it’s just

Like imagine being him at this point, you have spent the last 10 years obsessively  hunting your old master so you can get revenge and then when you do track him down and get ready to fight what was probably one of the most powerful jedi you knew way back when and have never beaten, and instead of fighting he fucking books it.

Like what the fuck, he looks so confused, for that brief moment his brain short-circuited because 

“this isn’t how it’s supposed to go” 

“what the actual fuck Obi-wan”

“you have got to be shitting me”

“do I have the wrong guy?”

It’d actually be kind of hilarious if he truly thought that he *did* have the wrong guy.

Vader: Oops! Sorry, my bad! I mean, I’m still going to kill you since you’re a Jedi and all, but it’s not personal! I’ll even make it quick! Just hold still a minute and I’ll behead you in one go! No biggie!
Obi-Wan: What. The. Fuck.


so right after I buy one last ticket to watch tsod for the last time, we have this update. gonna claim it was my ticket the one who got us the $400 million mark

It passed the $400M mark, it’s #1 streaming on HBO Max, at last look it’s #8 on iTunes (it could be higher but the rental price is WAY high holy cow)… Even if you look at a site like Rotten Tomatoes, it’s the FOURTH highest audience-rated film out of ALL 11 films and the highest audience-rated of the Fantastic Beasts films. And haters told me that with all of their boycotts it wouldn’t make any money and it would be bad…

holdhard:Terence Stamp and Jeremy Irons  via Vanity Fair


Terence Stamp and Jeremy Irons 

via Vanity Fair

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fishfriend-22:absolutely obsessedfishfriend-22:absolutely obsessed


absolutely obsessed

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itsalladream:This is a thing that is really happening #happygothcomestohollywood #comewithusnowona


This is a thing that is really happening #happygothcomestohollywood #comewithusnowonajourneythroughtimeandspace #noelfielding (at Fonda Theatre)

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- went to His place for a few days back in January
- am still a virgin >_> but we did do some fun stuff
- we’re planning to experiment with knife/bloodplay when I go north next, which is a week from tomorrow
- we had a bit of… trouble a few days ago, but I think we’re okay now. He made a promise to me and I almost fully trust him to keep it, so we’ll see XD
- He watched Secretary, then made me watch it. Now we have life goals for our relationship, apparently :P

That’s it, really. Pretty boring life for a pretty boring girl. Thanks for keeping me entertained, Tumblr ~
