#woolly rambles


Over the last few months, and particularly over the last few weeks, my path has changed dramatically. After receiving the same messages over and over via divination, I finally had to accept what was being said and respond accordingly. The truth is, I’ve been stuck for quite a long time. Taking on Gaelic polytheism through a reconstructionist lens simply wasn’t working for me. I was running into the same wall over and over, and no matter how I came at the wall, I couldn’t get around it. When reaching out to ask how I could grow and do better, I kept getting messages that I needed to let go of fantasies I had for myself and return to my base, my roots.

It took a while, but something finally clicked. The messages made sense. Instead of getting around the wall, I’ve turned around and gone back to where I came from. Sure enough, there was another path, open and unimpeded, that I have been able to walk down.

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this excited and inspired by what I’m doing. There’s a lot of work ahead, but its work I’m really looking forward to.

Do not reblog.

It’s probably too soon to tell, but I think covid has messed with my stomach. I’m still struggling with loss of appetite, and a lot of “heavier” goods aren’t sitting very well in my stomach. Heck, I’m having trouble drinking coffee because it’s sitting uncomfortably in my stomach, and I’m someone who drinks multiple cups a day.

Anyways, I’m at my office’s annual convention in Memphis and we’ve had nothing but fried food and BBQ for the past couple of days and I feel Very Gross. Gonna be eating nothing but veggies and brown rice for the next week.


For someone who had a lot of early pagan experiences with Church of All Worlds, it’s kind of surprising that I’m only just now reading “Creating Circles & Ceremonies.”

I am, so far, really enjoying this book. Yes, it is dated in some respects, but that’s to be expected for a book with numerous contributing authors that was largely complied in the 90s. Honestly, I think this would be a really good book for anyone looking to go beyond the 101, particularly if you are fortunate enough to be working with a group. “Creating Circles & Ceremonies” is a book about how to construct and hold rituals, written by people who spent years doing exactly that. It’s got a lot of good bits of wisdom in there.

For someone who had a lot of early pagan experiences with Church of All Worlds, it’s kind of surprising that I’m only just now reading “Creating Circles & Ceremonies.”

I think I’ve officially reached the delicate Victorian lady phase of my convalescence where I keep saying things to my partner like “I believe if I feel up to it, later this afternoon I’ll take some sun on the veranda.”

Well. Finally happened, I have covid. Fortunately my taste and smell haven’t been impacted, but I’ve absolutely been sick as a dog for the past few days. The nurse said that since I’m vaxxed I’m looking at a mild case, and holy shit if this is mild I’d hate to know what a serious case looks like.

Everyone in my office: *just trying to get on with the afternoon*

Me: *cackling loudly as I eat baklava*

Three years ago yesterday I graduated law school. I’m not big on personal reflection through social media for a variety of reasons, and while it is true that a lot has changed in my life since then, and it doesn’t feel like it’s been three years, it seems almost redundant to say so.

Anyways, happy three year anniversary to the time I was so sick with an undiagnosed kidney infection that I slept through most of my law school graduation and my celebration dinner afterwards! I spent my first day post-grad languishing in an urgent care waiting room while the receptionist brought my mom iced coffee from Starbucks because she felt really bad for us. In retrospect, that was absolutely the funniest thing I could have done for my law school graduation.
