






fuck you wordle

Az Amnéziában, amikor Starknak a hajójához kell új cucc és ahhoz fel kell törni egy kódot

…csak az négyszámjegyű és számok vannak benne, nem betűk. De amúgy pontosan ugyanaz, mind a Wordle. Kösz a nosztalgiatripet, tumblr. <3

u.i.: levettem a videót, mert sajnos retekfos a hang :( pedig amúgy mekkora már a title screen music is!

WORDLE - Killian Jones edition (x)Special thanks to @hollyethecurious for all the help! WORDLE - Killian Jones edition (x)Special thanks to @hollyethecurious for all the help! WORDLE - Killian Jones edition (x)Special thanks to @hollyethecurious for all the help! WORDLE - Killian Jones edition (x)Special thanks to @hollyethecurious for all the help! WORDLE - Killian Jones edition (x)Special thanks to @hollyethecurious for all the help! WORDLE - Killian Jones edition (x)Special thanks to @hollyethecurious for all the help!

WORDLE - Killian Jonesedition(x)

Special thanks to @hollyethecurious for all the help!

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How on earth did I get from line two to finishing it in 3? Amazed myself!

Update (10 Apr) … and another!

Update (19 Apr) … the most ridiculous one yet!

you’ve gotta be kidding me

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Have you heard of Wordle? FERNS is a 5-letter word. Maybe you’ve been playing or maybe you’ve not he

Have you heard of Wordle? FERNS is a 5-letter word.

Maybe you’ve been playing or maybe you’ve not heard of it. If you like word games, you might enjoy Wordle!  Players have 6 tries to guess the 5-letter word of the day—usually through the process of elimination . It’s rewarding to solve the puzzle. 

Josh Wardle created the game for his girlfriend & made it public 10/21. A month later, there were fewer than 100 people playing, but 2 months later the number of players grew to 300K. It caught the attention of the New York Times  which decided to buy it. If you’re curious, you’ll find it on the NYT website . Lots of people (besides me) are playing & it bonds people from all walks of life who endeavor to find the daily word. 


Start with the same word each time (Mine is a color)
Start with a different word each time! (HUH?)
Start with SLICE, TRIED or CRANE
Start with a vowel-heavy word like ADIEU, AUDIO, LOUIE or OUIJA
Skip using correct letters when trying to identify 5 usable letters
Form Words Using Commonly Used Letters. Here’s GameRant’s list from most to least common: E, T, A, I, N, O, S, H, R, D, L, U, C, M, F, W, Y, G, P, B, V, K, Q, J, X & Z
 Use a database of 5-letter words. Is this cheating? The NYT calls it “assistance” for when you’re stumped.  www.bestwordlist.com/5letterwords.htm
 Hints: Some words use the same letter twice & it doesn’t hurt to try weird words

Will Wordle make you smarter?  No. But it’s a lot of fun. Inverse.com says “Wordle may give you a daily dose of complex cognition combined with social interaction” —good things!

I usually tackle Wordle right before bedtime  then I share it to @terrinakamura on Twitter  with a cryptic clue. I may be stimulating my brain  when I should be calming it ‍♀️, but I fall asleep quickly & sleep soundly .

Do you play Wordle, or want to try?
PHOTOS: Spring is in full force & the #ferns are here to prove it! Last photo: the ONE TIME I solved #Wordle in one try (not my normal start word)
#wordgames #unfurling #springgreen #seattlespring #springinseattle #googlepixel #pixelphotography #macrophotos #Portraitmode
. (at Central District, Seattle)

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Like New Social People 8 months of my tweets, distilled. I love that phrase so much. Becoming new so

Like New Social People

8 months of my tweets, distilled.

I love that phrase so much. Becoming new social people is, to me, exactly what we’re trying to do in my corner of the internet - trying to find new social forms and modes of relating across distance, across culture, anonymously and pseudonymously, as networked communities not just individuals. Understanding how new sites & platforms enable us to become new social people is why I am a social media researcher.

Like New Social People. Just found the title for my first book, y'all.

I am also obviously quite amused by how completely predictable the other keywords in there are. Only surprises: I don’t talk that much about “tech” or “technology” or “design” as such, despite Twitter Ads showing me that these are my audience’s main interests. I wonder if it would increase my engagement rate if I did? More on the temptations of a data-driven self in a blog post to come…

Method: quick and easy!

  1. Twitter export via ads.Twitter.com (I think everyone can access this? If not, pretend to sign up for Twitter Advertising then you get all your stats)
  2. In Excel, add to a previous export to get 8 months data (5 April - 5 Dec 2014)
  3. Sort alphabetically by tweet text, then code tweets as Original vs. @Reply
  4. Use Find-Replace to swap &ampfor& (it was distorting the graph)
  5. Copy-paste all Original (non-reply) tweets into Wordle.net
  6. Wordle settings: top 200 words, guess case (so Socialandsocial are amalgamated), exclude common English words (and, to, if etc), sort alphabetically
  7. Manually exclude a couple of other common English words I overuse (just, actually, also) for a prettier graph

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I cannot believe that I was so close and made such an unlikely guess instead of making the (correct) similarly-spelled possible word. 

I guessed MOPEY.

I dunno what that says about how my brain works. 

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Starts with adieu.

I sometimes have to think pretty hard

I like a little controlled chaos in my life.

I tended to rotate among bring, drunk, lusty, and women

I like using heart and pound;

On St. Patrick’s Day I started with lucky.

One of my kids starts with irate everyday

I tend to stick to heart (or earth).

Light, chair, train, stair, cloud, tears and cloud,

Steam frequently.

Aisle and piano are two, shite and then bayou

Trial, phone, musky, audio – get those vowels!

A friend suggested bagel,

I like weary and Elle likes early –

I"ll tell them about stern.

I use arose –

I use tired every day.

(A poem composed of starter words for wordle, drawn from responses to this post.)
