#words 5k



A 6k addition to this verse with Teacher!Cas and Teacher!Dean

Jody has never seen her staff with their heads so far up their own asses. They get one reasonably attractive new hire, and everyone is acting more like gossiping, horny teenagers than sane, I-am-responsible-for-multiple-children, teachers. Luckily, Jody’s the principal and expert in wrangling children and adults of all maturity levels.

But this, as Bobby used to say, is too early for this shit.

It’s 7:00 am, and if Jody has to hear one more word about Castiel Novak and his brooding stare and baby blue eyes, she’s going to dump her coffee all over Daphne Allen’s head. It’s not like the Teachers Lounge hasn’t seen more than its fair share of spilled coffee. The brown-ish grey-ish carpet is more for utility than aesthetics, and is probably older than Jody herself.

“I’ve been trying to find out more about him, but he’s so reserved,” Daphne is saying. She sighs. “I’ve always been a sucker for the strong, silent types.”

Jody rolls her eyes and adds more sugar to her coffee.

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Chapter 2 of Nice Buns is up, and it’s now complete!

Castiel is fed up with being treated like a second-class citizen thanks to his designation. Dean helps him blow off some steam, with the help of a new job and a lost poker bet.




Like Real People Do 


Chapters: 2/12


Updates:Every Friday my schedule allows

Additional tags:Quarantine, Mentions of COVID-19, Isolated Dean, Touch-starved Dean, Alternate Universe - Aliens, Alien Castiel, Abstract conversations about the universe, Castiel’s true form, And they were roommates, Domestic Fluff, They’re on a ranch, Horses and Kittens, Eventual smut, Consentacles, Basically If a fluff fic and a crack fic had a tentacled baby it’d be this fic.

Summary:Really giving how the year’s been going Dean shouldn’t be surprised. After all, the only thing missing from the end of the world was aliens.

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