#work sucks


Signs and portents

So I woke up yesterday just way too much of a heckin boss, what with the getting to work right on time, and getting out of work before five, and then actually cooking real proper food when I got home. I had even woken BEFORE my alarm went off, though admittedly this had more to do with me waking up thinking it was Tuesday and slightly panicking about whether or not I’d turned my Office Day alarm…

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Happy July 4th! Work is done and it’s time to play!Happy July 4th! Work is done and it’s time to play!

Happy July 4th! Work is done and it’s time to play!

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Thank you for the support & likes they really mean a lot to me. Life rn kinda sucks.


lord the women you put on earth to enjoy media are being forced to log in to outlook and microsoft teams

“People should be sacrificed to the volcano to appease the Goddess.
I am the Goddess.
Appease me.
They should be shoved into volcano for my appeasement.”

quotes that amuse me greatly
