#working on this resbang was so much fun



Happy Resbang!

Here’s my story for Resbang2021, a murder mystery (with plenty of SoMa lol)

I wanna thank everyone who helped me realise this story. Starting with my beta’s @justpocketchange@mellancholy-morose@sahdah@silluuuu&@chichirichick thank you for all of your suggestions in the docs, or just whenever I needed help with something ❤️

And then of course my artists @sahdahand@adonewithyou/@addiedraws your art is Amazing

Find the art here:

1. Collab with Me, @addiedraws&@sahdah[LINK HERE]

2. Portrait by @addiedraws[LINK HERE]

3. Hotel Lobby by @sahdah[TUMB] [TWIT] [INSTA]

And of Course the Story [READ HERE]

@resbangmod thank you for organising resbang
