#world of darkness



Conversations with my players sparked a meme.
Where do your OCs and/or their sires fall?



This is obviously about Phasmophobia but I actually prefer it with no context


You people love vampires so much but groan about how it gets dark so early now. Think about how w- they feel for a change

Hunter: The Parenting - Chapter 1: Adorable Family Trip


I’m running a Halloween one shot where everyone is playing children, so I made mini character sheets for my players. This was a great chance to really pare down the standard WoD/CoD character sheet to its essentials, and make some modifications. Details of changes under cut.

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Oh? I may not have your name but may call you this? Trying to show off your safety knowledge??? Perhaps we should call the Queen and tell her she has finally met her match in a Random Human who didn’t fall for the Fae equivalent of a box propped up with a stick!

epicdndmemes:Probably wouldn’t have gotten into this game if it weren’t for my first DM


Probably wouldn’t have gotten into this game if it weren’t for my first DM

Post link


The funnest part of inducting someone into a new fandom is when they inevitably run into the fandom’s quirks that nobody outside of it knows about, and you get the fun of explaining it.

Like when I started a VTM campaign and my players eventually asked “hey, how do you pronounce ‘Tzimisce’?”

and I got to tell them that nobody, in this thirty-year-old fandom, actually knows. It’s just. a little VTM fandom thing. The fandom is thirty years old, and nobody knows. nobody.

Zim-iss-see? Shah-may-say? zim-esk-kay?

Somewhere, out there, is the person who came up with the whole concept of the Tzimisce. The person who named them. The person who poured their life into them. Someone who knows the answer.

And they have kept their mouth shut and watched us all suffer for their own twisted entertainment.

And honestly, if you know anything about the Tzimisce at all, that’s peak Tzimisce.

I’m running a Halloween one shot where everyone is playing children, so I made mini character sheets for my players. This was a great chance to really pare down the standard WoD/CoD character sheet to its essentials, and make some modifications. Details of changes under cut.

ITEM: Your character gets one object of your choice. It can have an obvious use or not, but it must fit your character and be important to them. Examples: a first aid kit (+1 die for Survival: medical), a walkie-talkie set, a camera, a favorite toy, etc.

Starting Sanity: 7. Replaces Morality.

  • Gossip- hybrid knowledge and social skill also used for Occult checks. However, even with a good roll, GM may give players inaccurate information.
  • Navigation- knowing where you are, and how to get to or from a place. 

Skill cap: 4. Children have had less time to develop skills.


Why am I terrified of what drink recipes american red cross might suggest?

The only thing that would make it better is if there was a dracula daily email right below it





They did a study and apparently it’s totally safe to walk in mushroom circles now

Bean, is what happens after walking into mushroom circles totally safe? Did the study say anything about what happens AFTER walking into mushroom circles?

Results inconclusive. Although cases of walking into mushroom circles are well documented, there currently exists no data on walking out of mushroom circles

They Did A Studyand apparently it is Totally Safe to walk in mushroom circles now.



Unboxing videos but its a werewolf filming her vampire wife groggily waking up from a coffin when the sun goes down.

Werewolf: what could be in this box
Vampire: [muffled voice] your wife

Werewolf opens the coffin: Beautiful, just what I always wanted!

The empty coffin on screen: [bashfully] Stop! I dont have my makeup on!



Vampire: the Masquerade/Dark Age storyteller advice: It’s not about the players gaining power and trenchcoat and katana action, but developing tales of personal horror

Vampire: the Masquerade/Dark Age modules by the same fucking people: “Waaahaha I have the Angelfucker Sword of Double-Dracula and I’m working to summon demons with a Baali cult and three black spiral dancer hives and the blood of what is implied to be an antediluvian!”

There’s a Demon: the Fallen Dark Ages crossover module where you can meet and fuck an actual demon… I mean it doesn’t outright encourage you to fuck the demon but I know players.


I can fix him [drill sound] [screaming] [chainsaw revving]
