#writing prompt


301. chocolate

302. abandonment 

303. grave

304. grieve 

305. quake

306. fountain 

307. blood

308. revenge

309. judge

310. recover 

311. grounded

312. beach

313. flounder

314. ocean

315. truth

316. friend

317. hobby

318. moon

319. unnecessary 

320. judge

321. balloon

322. worse

323. dragged

324. room

325. last

326. write

327. fear

328. family

329. sleep

330. soft

331. death

332. above

333. forget

334. painting

335. days

336. respect

337. soon

338. party

339. yellow

340. again

341. drive

342. leave

343. enough

344. sad

345. go

346. dust

347. when

348. honest

349. lunchbox

350. cry

251. bubbly

252. mine

253. missing

254. new

255. lover

256. bike

257. ride

258. yogurt

259. gang

260. adventure

261. without

262. drifting

263. awake

264. kidnapped

265. team

266. clouds

267. if

268. able

269. disable

270. dismantle

271. beaver

272. jungle

273. helper

274. sleep

275. vixen 

276. worth

277. perfect

278. given

279. brain

280. forgotten

281. goodnight

282. mister

283. first

284. line

285. dark

286. hurt

287. writing

288. workout

289. curse

290. pond

291. tide

292. broken

293. mermaid

294. bones

295. horse

296. damage

297. need

298. stay

299. burden

300. wreck

AU prompts list

part 1

1. I spent all night researching about Moth Man, so you want to go and find him with me?

2. I hate the beach but I love to watch you have fun

3. The forest scares me and i’m pretty sure we’re being followed but you promised that we aren’t

4. We met at a party but I don’t remember you and I don’t want to seem rude so I never told you I don’t remember you- what’s your name again?

5. I saw you crying and I couldn’t just leave you there alone so hi, it’s nice to meet you

6. I caught you stealing from the local art museum but I didn’t have the heart to turn you in so I helped you escape instead

7. I missed seeing your face everyday so I drove out to see you

8. This sleepy town is getting boring, do you want to go on an adventure with me?

9. I saw you on your balcony from across the street and Oh My God you’re gorgeous but you look like you’re off your rocker- why do you keep shouting at the sky?

10. We have different friend groups but they’re both working together to get us together behind our backs

11. If you really love your selkie lover then give them back their skin

12. I’m a swimmer and you can’t swim to save your life but I didn’t know that so I planned our date to be at the pool

13. We met at a poetry slam and your poem was so good that you made me feel alive for the first time in weeks

14. I found your cat on my front porch but I loved them so much that I couldn’t help but feed them dinner before I brought them back

15. We have worked at the zoo together for years and I still can’t bring up the courage to ask you out on a date

16. I love your laugh, I love your smile, you make my day brighter

17. I asked you over for dinner but the best I can cook is ramen noodles and you’re going to be here in an hour and my kitchen is a mess

18. We met at Sunday mass and you made me laugh so loud I was kicked out of the service

19. I thought you were going to kidnap me when I saw you approaching me i’m so sorry I stabbed/slapped/attacked you

20. You visit my grave every week and even though I have no idea who you are, I still appreciate it

21. My wool is soft and warm and you looked so cold I couldn’t help but give you some

22. There is a hurricane coming and we were sitting next to each other in the emergency shelter

23. Summer nights spent at your house laying on your roof

24. I stole your dog in a fit of resentment for my neighbor because I thought the dog was his I’m so sorry

25. I was almost hit by a car but you pulled me out of the way and wow you’re really cute

whump dialog prompt list 

part 1,part 2

1. “Where exactly do you work?”

2. “Tell me about him?”

3. “Please don’t cry again!”

4. “I can’t go without you again, i can’t.”

5. “Come back home with me.”

6. “None of this is safe.”

7. “They took him away from me.”

8. “I don’t see him!”

9. “I can’t leave you here alone.”

10. “We are not safe here!”

11. “Come with me if you really want to survive, or don’t, if you want to die.”

12. “See if I care what happens to you.”

13. “Nothing about this says ‘walk in the park’.”

14. “If I ever see you here again I will not hesitate to kill you.”

15. “Forget I ever said anything, okay?”

16. “Can you read it to me one more time?”

17. “Can you just promise me one thing?”

18. “I wish you were someone else.”

19. “That dog is all I have left.”

20. “Please, my son is dying!”

21. “His sick has just been getting worse and worse…”

22. “I didn’t know you could play the piano.”

23. “You’re not real, you’re not real! You’re just in my head!”

24. “All of his plants are dying, they’re all I have left of him!

25. “I’ve lost so many at this point I’ve lost count.”

26. “I’m not just some hallucination!” 

27. “Show me your wings.”

28. “I can help you get out of here, but first you need to do something for me.”

29. “I Forgot how to read, it’s been so long…”

30. “When you come out, I’ll be here.”

31. “She hurt you, didn’t she.”

32. “The rain was his favorite sound, he’d sit and listen to it for hours.”

33. “Oh my sweet baby, what did they do to you?”

34. “I’m tired of seeing these ghosts!”

35. “You were always my best friend.”

36. “You can’t stay in this room forever.”

37. “You sold me out!”

38. “Shh, there’s someone in the house…”

39. “Is that blood?!”

40. “I haven’t eaten in three days.”

41. “He wasn’t even there with us that night!”

42. “From my stand point, even I can tell you’re hurting.”

43. “Why are you so twitchy today?”

44. “I know your name.”

45. “Hold on, you’re still bleeding.”

46. “I’ll sleep when I’m long dead.”

47. ”Catch!”

48. “Remember this moment.”

49. “I can’t do this for you.”

50. “At least he can finally rest now.”

Alphabet prompt list 2

list 1

A: aluminum

B: breaking

C: collateral

D: drool

E: eliminate

F: frog

G: geography

H: holly

I: intrude 

J: jellyfish

K: katana 

L: limited

M: mythology 

N: nylon 

O: obnoxious

P: pretentious 

Q: quip

R: raindrops

S: spill

T: tundra 

U: university

V: vivid

W: wailing 

X: x-ray

Y: young

Z: zealous 

“Don’t even think about comparing me to them!”

201. Dominant 

202. Tightening 

203. Gruesome 

204. Fronted

205. Fringed

206. King

207. Summer

208. Sometimes

209. Wake 

210. Tears 

211. Triangle 

212. Battery 

213. Moon 

214. Stars 

215. Sun 

216. Bound 

217. North 

218. Shadow

219. Sleep

220. Need

221. Me

222. You

223. Fool

224. All

225. Dead

226. Gave

227. Roses

228. Avoid

229. Deli

230. Dancing 

231. Criminal 

232. Catwalk

233. Balcony

234. Skinny

235. Justice

236. Turkey

237. Kennel

238. Catching 

239. Vortex 

240. Modern

241. Lavender

242. Wrestling

243. Sand

244. Frog

245. Rocky

246. Zebra 

247. Fighting 

248. Clean

249. Tags

250. Serenity

whump dialog prompt list Part 2

Part 1

  1. “Okay listen, I know this seems bad, but I promise, it’s not what it looks like.”
  2. “Can I just try? Please?”
  3. “Do you even hear yourself?”
  4. “So do you actually love me or is this some kind of fleeting crush?”
  5. “Let me go, I’ll be okay. I promise.“
  6. “I don’t know what i’m supposed to do now that you’re not here.”
  7. “I can’t exactly help you if you won’t let me.”
  8. “Take this, it will bring you home.”
  9. “Don’t- don’t you remember me?”
  10. “I can’t keep living like this!”
  11. “I didn’t want you to see me like this…”
  12. “Maybe it wasn’t worth it.”
  13. “I just can’t help but to think that maybe it just wasn’t meant to be…”
  14. “We had a deal!”
  15. “Just let me help you”
  16. “I’m sorry, I just don’t think this is gonna work out.”
  17. “My kid is in there!”
  18. “Yeah, that’s funny. For a second there I thought that you actually cared.”
  19. “You’re the whole reason that this is even happening in the first place!”
  20. “Even with you right in front of me I still can’t see how much you’ve changed.“
  21. “You know, maybe if you actually tried then we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
  22. “If you could just take off these handcuffs that would be swell.”
  23. “I just-… I didn’t think you were going to make it…”
  24. “How is this okay?! You’re in the hospital!“
  25. “So, how long will it be this time around?”
  26. “I can’t wait to see you again.”
  27. “We can’t all play the role of the hero, someone always ends up being the villain.”
  28. “You’re gonna be okay, alright? Just stay on the line with me, you’ll be okay.“
  29. “Let me take care of you.”
  30. “Can’t you tell how much I love you? Can you not tell by the sound of my voice? Can you not tell by the words that I speak to you?“
  31. “What are you doing to her?! Stop! Stop!!”
  32. “Come on, sweetheart. We can’t stay here any longer.”
  33. “Did you even know? Did you even care?!“
  34. “You know, if I had known you were coming today I would have done a little more to, ya know, set up.”
  35. “Everyone keeps saying that this is all in my head, but I know it’s not, I know it’s real!”
  36. “Would you be satisfied if I were to spend the rest of my days and lie here in wait, hoping that one day I may be free?“
  37. “Please come home, we miss you.”
  38. “Okay, repeat after me:“
  39. “So, how long do you think he’s gonna last this time?”
  40. “All my life, I remember looking up to you, hoping that one day I could be just like you.”
  41. “I don’t want to hurt you!“
  42. “And after all this time, after all these years, here I thought that you were out there somewhere, hoping to come home. But here you are, running away, cowering from even the thought of it.”
  43. “Please- please help me! there’s someone here- they’re going to kill me!“
  44. “Was I just not enough for you?”
  45. “Sometimes you just need to let people leave your life, no matter how much it hurts you.“
  46. “Is it time yet?”
  47. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
  48. “This might be your last chance to say something, you should make it count.“
  49. “Did we ever even mean anything to you?! And don’t you dare lie to me!”
  50. “When will you be back?“

“I can still hear your voice even now that you’re gone.”









