#writing exercise


Saddle up, peeplets, it’s time for a fresh start.

Here’s a quick ‘n’ easy writing exercise to spark off some new ideas. It’s about as simple as you can get AND YET lends itself to a numberless amount of interpretations:


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Day 10 - Daily Writing Challenge

Write a 5 sentence long short story from three different perspectives.

Do it for yourself or put it under this post!

1. It was just one moment of abstraction. The setting sun shone bright in his eyes, making it impossible to see anything. Paired with the headphones in his ears, he was completely unaware of his surroundings. The impact came as a total surprise to him and literally swept him off his feet. For a moment he thought he saw stars, but then he realized he stared into the worried eyes of his attacker.

2. She was going fast, flying down the promenade. With the setting sun in her back and the wind in her hair, she felt alive and invincible. She weaved her way through the people with ease, humming a song she had heard on the radio earlier. Not paying attention for a second, she couldn’t stop fast enough when a man came up in front of her, obviously lost in his own world. His body broke her own fall, but she made sure to check that she hadn’t injured him too badly.

3. He was on the side of the promenade almost every day, selling ice cream to the passersby. He let his gaze drift away for a bit, blinking against the setting sun. A woman came down the boardwalk on skates, a little bit too fast maybe. ‘Thank god, she wears a helmet’, he thought to himself and then noticed the oblivious man coming down the promenade from the other side. He couldn’t warn them anymore and he flinched when he saw them collide.

Bonus: From the distance, the ice cream seller could see them both standing up, uninjured and holding each other’s gaze - with big smiles on their faces.


Day 9 - Daily Writing Challenge

Write a poem about an empty house.

Do it for yourself or put it under this post!

The Empty House

No one lives here anymore,

no light flickering from an abandoned TV,

no figures curled up, fallen asleep on the couch,

no smell of fresh coffee in the morning,

no water running in the shower,

no pitter-patter coming down the stairs,

no cries, no laughter, no exhausted sighs,

no sign of life inside the empty house.


Day 5 - Daily Writing Challenge

Write a summary for a book you would love to read.

Do it for yourself or put it under this post!

Mysterious events in a noble hotel raise the question: who to call? The police, pest control or ghost hunters? When the hotel gets cut off from civilization the staff and guests have to work together to put an end to the problems - and to be able to leave the hotel alive.


Day 4 - Daily Writing Challenge

Write a 10 sentence long short story about the object next to you.

Do it for yourself or put it under this post!

Context: I was at the eye doctor this morning and they had these paintings of eyes literally everywhere.

There were eyes everywhere. Blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, big eyes and smaller eyes. Some seemed lost in the moment, some emotionless, some angry, some happy and some seemed scared. But they had one thing in common: they all seemed to follow her around.

No matter where she went, the second she turned back around, they stared down at her from every wall.

But she wasn’t scared.

There was a sense of relief, knowing that she was not alone. That there was someone watching out for her.

She picked a pair of eyes and stared right back at them. A soft smiled played around her lips and she winked.


Day 1 - Daily Writing Challenge

Write 5 sentences for your WIP right now.

Do it for yourself or put it under this post!

Der Zug hatte bereits bessere Tage gesehen. Die Sitze waren abgewetzt, überall lag Müll herum und durch die dreckigen Fenster, die von außen mit Graffitis zu gesprüht waren, fiel nur wenig Licht. Es war Zeugnis all der Jahre, die der Zug die unterschiedlichsten Menschen von A nach B gebracht hatte. Doch hier und da ließ sich noch etwas von dem alten Glanz des Zuges erahnen und es wirkte fast so, als hätte man ihn aus einer vielversprechenden Vergangenheit gerissen und in eine düstere Zukunft verschleppt. Mit einem raschen Blick auf ihren Begleiter fragte sie sich, was wohl ihr Fahrtziel für eine Zukunft für sie bringen würde.


The train had seen better days. The seats were torn up, everywhere was garbage, and through the dirty windows, sprayed over with graffiti, was hardly coming any light. It was a testament to all the years the train had brought many different people from A to B. Here and there you could still see a glimpse of its former glory, and it almost felt like the train was torn from a promising past and thrown into a grim future. She asked herself, with a quick glance to her companion, what kind of future would their destination bring for them?


Day 14 - Daily Writing Challenge

Write about one your OC’s tattoos or someone getting one done.

Do it for yourself or put it under this post!

In my first WIP, a group of my MCs each have a tattoo at the back of their necks that basically magically appeared, marking them as deities.


Volume 1 of many in my endless gratitude for everyone’s support!

They are Google Docs meant to be printed or copied (File > Make a Copy) and used for writing exercises. I hope you like them and please please please let me know if you use them and find them helpful! It’s what I live for.

Character Building Questions worksheet

Relationship Interview worksheet

Beta Questionnaire worksheet

(I also made them all by myself and worked really hard on them, so please don’t repost, just reblog this! Thank you!)

Along with the writing exercises I just posted, check out these worksheets I made for projects in development (WIPs)!!

Whether you want a challenge, a break, or to get back in the groove, here are some writing exercises to get started!

Word Writing Prompts

Write 250-500 words using all five of the words listed. Try timing yourself to see how fast you can bang out a short or flash piece. To add extra challenge, use the words in the same order they’re listed.

  • peonies, hammer, pillow, hate, found
  • callback, vase, actor, broken, money
  • pink, dust, saturated, rust, bleak
  • dragon, farmer, monster, love, friend
  • Christmas, fight, jail, lemon, tiger

Write a Letter as Your Character

It can be a brand new character or a character you’re working on and they can be writing it to literally anyone. Use this to find their voice, opinions, personality, explore their life before the story, or just for fun. Below are some ideas of who they could write to.

  • a parent
  • their unrequited love
  • Beyonce
  • their past self
  • their future self
  • their best friend
  • a childhood crush
  • a priest
  • John Mulaney

Write a Flash Fiction Piece

Flash fiction is characterized as being less structured than a short story and more focused on the detail of a moment or collection of moments. It’s much more condensed and tends to be packed with vivid imagery. Shoot for under 500 words. Here are some prompts:

  • She had never seen a blade so big before.
  • “Come on!” “I can’t do it!”
  • A young chef has just realized she’s in the middle of a con.
  • a chess piece, an unloaded gun, and an attempted murder
  • A prince has just been stabbed on the battlefield
  • “The flowers are so pretty this time of year.”

A list of lovely moments and feelings

  • Slow dances to your favorite tune alone or with someone you love
  • Random and unexpected hugs
  • Handwritten letters
  • The smell of books and the sound of turning pages
  • Hearing the phrase “I love you”
  • Compliments from strangers
  • Returned smiles
  • Someone playing with your hair
  • Sunrises and sunsets
  • Handwritten notes found in old books
  • Cardigans, big sweaters and knitted socks
  • The taste of food after a long, tiring day
  • When you finish reading a great book and you feel like you’ve lost a good friend forever
  • Feeling the cold wind caressing you skin and hair
  • When you’re at the beach and you close your eyes to listen to the sounds of ocean waves crushing against the shore
  • Playing with children and hearing them laugh
  • Making lists
  • Long, meaningful discussions with someone who means a lot to you
  • Slow kisses
  • Being brave enough to do the right thing
  • Hearing “this made me think of you” and “I miss you”
  • Playing with animals on the street
  • Visiting your grandparents
  • Long peaceful baths
  • unexpected car trips
  • No homework
  • The excitement of new beginnings
  • Waking up after remembering a nice dream

Feel free to use any of these dialogue ideas in your writing. Be creative with the context!

  • “I don’t need your help”
  • “look at this”
  • “I kept my promise”
  • “I’m not feeling well”
  • “this one is my favorite”
  • “it’s too hot”
  • “I can’t afford it”
  • “I didn’t know what to do”
  • “my head is pounding”
  • “I’ll take care of it”
  • “it’s now or never”
  • “I have bad news”
  • “let’s go together”
  • “I can’t think straight”
  • “we can’t risk it”
  • “I’m too scared”
  • “this feels wrong”
  • “I want one”
  • “it really hurts”
  • “that was really nice of you”

Let’s play a game! How would you describe something vs how would your character describe it?

This can be a fun way to get to know your character(s) more! Depending on their thoughts, feelings, self-esteem, etc, they may view themselves differently to how you see them. For each of the following sets of questions, answer both of them and see how they compare or differ!

How would you describe your character’s physical appearance?
How would your character describe their own physical appearance?

How would you describe your character’s personality?
How would your character describe their own personality?

How would you describe your character’s fashion sense?
How would your character describe their own fashion sense?

How would you describe your character’s flaws?
How would your character describe their own flaws?

How would you describe your character’s sense of humor?
How would your character describe their own sense of humor?

I challenge you to use one, some, or all of these words in your next piece of writing:

  • unfortunate
  • bite
  • storm
  • note
  • tie
  • wooden
  • read
  • pass
  • underwater
  • tattoo

I’ve started a story, now it’s up to you to continue it! Below I’ve written a short paragraph. Reblog this post and add the next paragraph yourself and let the chain continue until the story gets completed. You don’t have to put too much thought into it, this is just a writing exercise! Just have fun!

The setting sun disappeared behind the trees as I walked steadily towards my car. My exposed arms shuddered against the chill of the cool evening breeze. I glanced down at my wristwatch, which was barely visible in the fading light. 8 o'clock sharp. Taking a moment to marvel at my punctuality, I then reached for the driver’s side door handle. That’s when I heard my name being shouted from somewhere in the distance.


small writing exercises

  • make up an origin and meaning of a name
  • write a family history going back centuries
  • pick a character and make them ramble about their favorite thing
  • make up a fable, pretend it’s as famous as the Grimm fairytales. how does this fable affect the world and what would people reference from it? (i love this one because it can be as crazy and silly as you want)
  • make a commercial for something that really shouldn’t be sold at all. try to convince people to buy it.
  • ACRONYMS. but, like, try to have it make sense
  • make a poem about your story/something in your story
  • rewrite a classic but put your own twist on it
  • make up a detailed recipe
  • make a monologue with a plot twist or punchline in the end
  • create a ridiculously detailed timeline for a character
  • childhood memory (real one or make it up!)
  • improv rap lyrics
  • the story behind an inside joke
  • make up a mythical creature
  • pretend to be a commentary youtuber and pick a topic
  • the what if? pick a story and create an alternate ending to it
  • pick one scenario and several characters. how different are the reactions based on their personalities?

Theme Week: Friendship

Another theme week, this time about one of my favourite things in the world and in fiction: FRIENDSHIP!

The week from May, 9th to the 15th is going to be Friendship Week, which includes 2 new posts (Friendship Dynamics, How to write friendships), 3 friendship-themed single prompts and reblogs of my posts about friends so far.

All of the new posts for this week are already up for members on my Ko-fi.

I hope you have a wonderful week and get inspired to write some really strong friendships!

- Jana

Prompt #868

The smell of fresh coffee drew her away from the lovely dream she had.

Saying I love you…

  • … as a promise
  • … as a declaration
  • … as a joke
  • … as reassurance
  • … as a friend
  • … as family
  • … as a last attempt
  • … as a dare
  • … as a question
  • … as a confession
  • … as a manipulation
  • … as a sign of happiness
  • … as a goodbye

Saying I love you…

  • breathlessly
  • happily
  • desperately
  • anxiously
  • romantically
  • woefully
  • ecstatically
  • quietly
  • angrily
  • hesitantly
  • timidly
  • passionately

Love Confessions


Writing Games

Prompt Game (aka #Weekend Game)

  • Give yourself 15 minutes, get a random number between1 and 820 and search for that prompt (search in my tags: prompt #{number}) and then start writing.
  • And if you already used that prompt choose another one or write it in a completely different way.

Combination Game

  • Choose three prompts (you can use random.org) from my blog between 1 and 820 and search for it on my blog by using #prompt [no.].
  • Now try to think of a way to combine all of them in one story. No matter how outlandish they seem together at first, in the end this game helps you to see them in a completely different light and to get a new multi-dimensional idea for a story.
  • + if you use even more prompts;
  1. who can fit the most prompts into a drabble or a 500 word short story?
  • ++ if you choose prompts that at first glance don’t seem to fit together at all

Genres Game

  • Choose one prompt from my blog (you can use random.org) between 1 and 820 and search for it by using #prompt [no.] on my blog.
  • Whatever your first inspiration is, the goal of the game is to write this one prompt in as many genres as you can think of for it. Write about 5 to 10 sentencesfor each genre and see the different directions you can take the same prompt in.

Tropes and AUs Game

Drabble Game

  • Choose a prompt from the drabble lists and then write a short piece with precisely 100 words.

Title Games

1. Game:

  • Choose a title or let your followers send you some in. Write a short drabble or a full story with that title. What is the first idea that comes to your mind?
  • + if you take the same title and write completely different stories/different genres with it

2. Game:

  • Let your followers send you the titles and then create a short summary for what a potential story would be about.

3. Game: The Alphabet Game

  • Choose one title for every letter in the alphabet from these lists and fill them or let your followers pick characters for you to write a story for each title with. (Inspired by evilwriter37)

Here you can find all the titles.

You can find all the prompts here.

Have fun!

If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffeeorbecome a member! And check out my Instagram!

Writer’s Ask Game

  1. When did you start writing?
  2. What was the first story you’ve ever written?
  3. What genres have you written for so far?
  4. What is your favourite genre to write for?
  5. What is your favourite trope to write for?
  6. What topic would you love to explore in your writing?
  7. Who is the OC that is most like you?
  8. Which OC is nothing like you?
  9. Have you ever brought an OC back from the dead?
  10. In which of your stories would you like to live?
  11. Have you ever written fanfiction about your own work?
  12. Do you have a word/phrase that you overuse in your writing?
  13. What feedback did you receive for your writing that stuck with you?
  14. What is something that you feel weird/uncomfortable writing about?
  15. What is your current writing habit?
  16. Where do you find inspiration to write?
  17. Tell us a fun fact about your current WIP.
  18. Show us a piece of dialogue you really like.
  19. Show us the line you want readers to remember from your story.
  20. Do you have one piece of advice for your fellow writers?

Prompt #872

The party had started as a small get-together, but the longer it was going on, the more out of control it was getting.


Writer’s Ask Game

  1. When did you start writing?
  2. What was the first story you’ve ever written?
  3. What genres have you written for so far?
  4. What is your favourite genre to write for?
  5. What is your favourite trope to write for?
  6. What topic would you love to explore in your writing?
  7. Who is the OC that is most like you?
  8. Which OC is nothing like you?
  9. Have you ever brought an OC back from the dead?
  10. In which of your stories would you like to live?
  11. Have you ever written fanfiction about your own work?
  12. Do you have a word/phrase that you overuse in your writing?
  13. What feedback did you receive for your writing that stuck with you?
  14. What is something that you feel weird/uncomfortable writing about?
  15. What is your current writing habit?
  16. Where do you find inspiration to write?
  17. Tell us a fun fact about your current WIP.
  18. Show us a piece of dialogue you really like.
  19. Show us the line you want readers to remember from your story.
  20. Do you have one piece of advice for your fellow writers?


Theme Week: Friendship

Another theme week, this time about one of my favourite things in the world and in fiction: FRIENDSHIP!

The week from May, 9th to the 15th is going to be Friendship Week, which includes 2 new posts (Friendship Dynamics, How to write friendships), 3 friendship-themed single prompts and reblogs of my posts about friends so far.

All of the new posts for this week are already up for members on my Ko-fi.

I hope you have a wonderful week and get inspired to write some really strong friendships!

- Jana

The second theme week is officially over! What was your favourite post to work with? As always, you can show off your work on @creativepromptfills for everyone to read.

Here is a recap of what was new this week:

I hope you had fun and have a lovely new week!

- Jana

Prompt #871

“My friends may be idiots sometimes, but they are my idiots!”
