#writing questions

My ask box is totally caught up, all questions answered and queued. I’m around accepting asks!! If y

My ask box is totally caught up, all questions answered and queued. I’m around accepting asks!! If you have any worldbuilding writing questions, send them in! I’m dying to help you out. 

If you’ve submitted a question in the past and it isn’t answered in the next few hours, then resubmit and I’ll be happy to answer. 

Post link

Send one of the book titles and the other person will answer the corresponding question!

Misery - Would you ever take advantage of another person’s pain?

1984 - Would you renounce something you believed in under torture?

Beloved - Have you been haunted by ghosts of your past?

Metro 2033 - Have you persevered with something only to be mistaken?

As I Lay Dying - Has anybody close to you passed away?

Paradise Lost - Do you dislike authority?

Worldwar: In the Balance - Would you consider the enemy of your enemy your friend?

Fatherland - Have you ever uncovered a disturbing secret by probing too much?

The Birthday Party - Do you find surreality frightening?

Wide Sargasso Sea - Have you ever been stuck in a situation you could describe as claustrophobic?

Thud! - Is there an every day duty you feel you must fulfill?

Light - Do you seek simplicity?

Dr Faustus - Are you arrogant?

Swan Song - What would you look like if your appearance reflected your personality?

The Fifth Profession - Are you protective?


It’s true!  If you have a writing question (characters, plotting, grammar, etc.), drop it in my ask!  I’ll give it my best shot. 

Go for it.
