#send me questions


There’s a reason no one blogs when they’re doing study abroad and that’s because we’re all fucking exhausted all the time so there we go

My ask box is totally caught up, all questions answered and queued. I’m around accepting asks!! If y

My ask box is totally caught up, all questions answered and queued. I’m around accepting asks!! If you have any worldbuilding writing questions, send them in! I’m dying to help you out. 

If you’ve submitted a question in the past and it isn’t answered in the next few hours, then resubmit and I’ll be happy to answer. 

Post link


~witchy asks~

do you collect herbs? if so what’s your favorite one?

⭐️ what’s your star sign?

do you collect crystals? what’s you favorite one?

how do you cleanse your space?

do you make moonwater?

do you work with any deities? if so which one(s)?

do you do divination? what is/are your favorite form(s) of divination?

what’s your chinese zodiac?

do you work with your ancestors?

what’s you unpopular witchcraft opinion?

do you have a book of shadows?

what’s your moon sign?

do you work with angels?

what path(s)/tradition(s) are you following?

do you do blood magick?

do you do shadow work?

‍♀️ do you work with the fae?

♾ what’s you lucky/favorite number?

do you preform hexes/jinxes/curses?

do you give offerings?

do you work with demons?

do you make oils/potions/salves?

⬆️ what’s your rising sign?


1. Last kiss

2. Last phone call

3. Last text message

4. Last song you listened to

5. Last time you cried


6. Dated someone twice

7. Been cheated on

8. Self harmed

9. Lost someone special

10. Been depressed

11. Been drunk and threw up


12. had sex

13. How many people have you had sex with this year?

15. Made a new friend

17. Laughed until you cried

18. Met someone who changed you

19. Found out who your true friends were

20. Found out someone was talking about you

21. What did you do for your last Birthday

22. What time did you wake up today

23. Name something you CANNOT wait for

24. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time

25. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life

26. What are you listening to right now

27. When is the last time you had sex?

28. Who’s getting on your nerves right now

29. Most visited webpage

30. Favorite colour

31. Nicknames

32. Relationship Status

33. Zodiac sign

34. Male or female

35. Primary school

36. Secondary School

37. High school/college

38. Eye color

39. Height

40. Do you have a crush on someone

41. What do you like about yourself

42. Piercings

43. Tattoos

44. Righty or lefty


45. First piercing

46. First best friend

47. First hookup

48. First Bestfriend


49. Eating

50. Drinking

51. I’m about to

52. Listening to

53. Waiting for


54. Want kids?

55. Get married?

56. Career


57. Lips or eyes

58. Hugs or kisses

59. Shorter or taller

60. Older or Younger

61. Romantic or spontaneous

62. Nice stomach or nice arms

63. Sensitive or loud

64. Hook-up or relationship


65. Kissed a stranger

66. Drank hard liquor

67. Lost glasses/contacts

68. Had sex

69. Broken someone’s heart

70. Been arrested

71. Turned someone down

72. Cried when someone died

73. Fallen for a friend


74. Yourself

75. Miracles

76. Love at first sight

77. Heaven

78. Santa Clause

79. Kiss on the first date

80. Angels

81. How would you label yourself?

82. Someone You Pray Everyday For

83. Did you sing today

84. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About

85. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?

86. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For

87. Are you afraid of falling in love?

88. Do you like the way you look?

Actually ask me something. Anon or not.

Ask away!!!
