

here are some post-s8 klance fic for the soul. some are fix-it and some are canon-divergent, so take heed. more under the cut.

And Slowly, So it Goes by  Ashesofthefirststar

incomplete (1/?); post-canon; lance joins the blades’ humanitarian effort and pining ensues

Summary: Keith snorts, swiping away the holoscreen. “It’s one lady,” he says as he picks up the first crate. “And somehow I don’t think it’s your farmers tan that’s keeping you.”

“You’ve been checking out my farmers tan, Keithy boy?”

Keith doesn’t give Lance the satisfaction he wants. “You’re too nice, is what it is.”

“Says the guy who started his own humanitarian organization.”

As soon as Keith turns, there’s a crate pushing against Lance’s chest. Unprepared, he grapples to find a grip, but Keith’s hold is steady. When Lance finally finds purchase, there’s a hand brushing against his own.

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing, Lance.”

Or: Lance joins the Blade of Marmora, but what started off as a way to better honor Allura’s memory turns into a lesson on what it means to trust himself again.

Suspended Momentum by AstroLatte

complete (6/6); post-canon; the space crew become teachers at the garrison and keith pines hard

Summary:  Three years after the end of the war, Shiro makes his way to Lance’s family’s farm and offers Lance an opportunity to be an instructor at the Garrison. Although he’s never taught before, Lance learns about grief, love and what it means to heal.

it was storming outside by jilliancares

complete (1/1); post-canon; keith visits lance on his farm

Summary: Keith’s plan was thrown out the window as he tumbled in the window. His foot caught on the ledge and he gasped as he practically flung himself onto the bed, landing on top of Lance and blinking at the sudden pressure of a bayard against his temple.

“Don’t shoot,” he said meekly, trying to smile at Lance, who was blinking the sleep out of his eyes.


A post S8 fic where Keith realizes that Lance is in need of a friend, and - being hopelessly in love with him - goes back to earth to be with him.

To Brighter Days by speaks

complete (1/1); fix-it;  lance wants to explore the universe with keith, not understanding the thought is mutual

Summary: “Lance!”

The word floats at him like a lantern through the fog, and he lifts his head to the light. He’s dreaming now, right? Handheld slowly into death by a comforting hallucination?

No. No, the owner of that voice is really here.

The shape of him is a beacon of familiarity in this upside-down hellish nightmare, and Lance is just gone enough to let himself feel saved even though he knows better. Because somehow, at the end of the world, somehow Keith Kogane is here, emerging from the smoke and the flashing lights like some kind of hero. Despite everything, despite the taste of blood between his teeth, Lance feels his lip twitch upward into a tired smile. Because of course Keith is here. Of course. Where else would he be?


The war ends, and Lance must take on the monumental choice of what he’s going to do next with his life. The clock is ticking and even though they’ve won the war, it looks like Keith is STILL going to slip away from him.

That is, unless he does what he does best, and just takes the shot.

aeon by hystericalcherries

incomplete (1/5); shameless self-plug; fix-it; prophetic visions; keith begrudgingly falls in love and acts on it

Summary: Keith does not leave the quantum abyss untouched.


“Home can be anything, you know,” Lance says in lieu of a conversation starter.

Slivers of moonlight filter through the blinds above their heads, casting lines of truth across the sheets. Lance tilts his head forward and a band slides over his eyes, catching the ocean in them and drawing Keith into their rolling tides. And as distracted as he is, he doesn’t put up a fight when a hand clasps his own, reeling them heartward.

“Home is just something you can come back to.” His knuckles brush against the soft fabric of a nightshirt, the v-neckline falling loose to reveal a sharp collarbone, and Keith feels his breath hitching. “Something that keeps you grounded.”

sunflower by xintong

incomplete (2/6); post-canon; keith confesses and lance falls hard

Summary: On the morning of their first summer back on Earth, Lance receives a gift of sunflowers. A confession, a rejection, and the passage of time, all leading to the one person who’s always been there for him.

Better Not by blades_of_voltron

complete (1/1); post-canon; essentially pidge and hunk help lance realizes he loves keith

Summary: Nobody said moving on from Allura was going to be easy. Nobody said Lance had to do it alone either.

(un)spoken by hiuythn

complete (3/3); fix-it; allura lives; fuck farmer lance

Summary: And Allura says, “Honerva is dead.”


Or, I suplex s8 into the Earth’s core. No mercy.
