#ya recap


This is a very special show. Here are my favorite parts from it

  • “It sounded boring anyway.” Jace trying to pretend like he doesn’t want to be part of a police station heist by quoting the same line used by every teenage girl who ever felt left out
  • “Luke had his chance.” “Yeah.” Jace and Clary, discovering Luke is in custody of Internal Affairs and therefore can’t get the thing they need, because you know, fuck him, it’s not like he’s anyone’s surrogate dad here or anything

How does photography work in this world? because i honestly think people are somehow able to screencap their lives and then they frame it and that’s how they save memories

  • “Are you OK?” “Anything you want to talk about?” Izzy’s dad, when he sees her dressed like her mother and is internally struggling with the fact that this could possibly be anything but a complete mental breakdown
  • Clary’s annoyance when Luke tells her he might be the prime suspect in a murder investigation and therefore can’t help her right away. OMG, what a total dick, dads are always ruining your day somehow, huh Clary?????

who the fuck orders HALF a bagel



  • The way Simon pronounces ‘texts’ like ‘Texas’
  • When you google the actor playing Simon to see if he’s from Europe or something (nope, just Florida, where apparently they pronounce ‘texts’ like ‘Texas’)

when ur nuts have gone bad

  • Alec, trying to distract that policewoman by flirting with her and then resorting to just spilling water all over her desk instead #nailedit

Shadowhunter night vision


I’d ask for a refund

  • “What is all this crap, lunch receipts?” Jace, deciding that all the NYPD’s ‘evidence’ is garbage. take that ya fuckin muggles

You’d think with all their magical powers shadowhunters could come up with a better source of portable light than a glowing rock


honestly, a flashlight seems more functional

  • Clary: *looks at a photo of her missing mom for two seconds* Jace: *practically rolls his eyes* “This will take all day.” You guys, I don’t know what it is about Jace, but he’s just so dreamy sometimes
  • “I know you guys are having a moment, but we really have to go.” Well at least Clary can dish it right back, she and Jace will be in a mutual relationship of never letting one another have a personal or sentimental moment ever: a love for the ages
  • Clary’s voicemail message having an extra long pause after the initial greeting so people think she picked up when she didn’t, and if that isn’t the mark of a true a-hole then i don’t know what is
  • “I’ve never heard him this quiet around pasta before.” what kinds of sounds does Simon make around pasta guys I gotta know

the moment Clary thinks she guessed wrong and killed the real Jace instead of a demon impostor


do you think she will learn a valuable lesson about overestimating her abilities in a world she just discovered existed a week ago?



learning life lessons is for the losers and the haters 

