#yandere atsushi


Poor Unfortunate Soul - Yan!Atsushi x Reader x Yan!Akutagawa

Requested: Could you maybe do another part to that yandere atsushi x reader x yandere Akutagawa and if not maybe just some head cannons of the two sharing a darling, I hope this isn’t to much and if you’re able could you keep this anonymous, thank you. I really enjoy your writing <3

A/N: Yes I can! I hope that this will be okay as I kinda combined the ideas? If anyone would like to read what anon is referring to, here is the link to the masterlist:). Anyways, ONWARD.

Tws: Swearing, violence, yandere themes.

AtsushiandAkutagawawatched you as they waited for a response or any sort of reaction. The pairs of eyes watched you like hawks, your mind raced. How do you calm down the two murderers? How do you de-escalate this situation and even then how would you go about this… relationship, if you could even call it that.

If you both told them that you didn’t want to be with either of them, they’d surely kill you. Think about who you’re dealing with, Akutagawa, one of the Port Mafia’s most dangerous members and Atsushi, who you thought wasn’t capable of hurting a fly, had just murdered several people right in front of you.

You bit your lip as an idea suddenly came to you, it was so silly, so ridiculous but it might just work out in your favour ifyou phrase it right.

“…What if you both get to have me?” Your voice was quiet, but it echoed around the hall loudly and both Atsushi and Akutagawa looked at each other, confused, before Akutagawa looked back at you, “Explain,” He said, “For the first time, the weretiger and I seem to be on the same wave length.”

“Well, we can talk about the finer details in a more comfortable space, but here’s how it could go…”

  • These two, my God.
  • So, they both adore you, would do anything for you.
  • Which is why when you proposed the idea of sharing you, they both went along with it.
  • In their heads, however, they both had the exact same idea.
  • One day, they would end up killing the other off.
  • But for now, they’ll just bide their time and wait for the perfect opportunity.
  • In the meantime, the three of you split up the days so that each of them would get an equal amount of time with you.
  • Atsushi gets the morning with you.
  • The three of you meet up and share lunch (All while Akutagawa and Atsushi bicker and argue the whole time.)
  • Then you spend the afternoon with Akutagawa, and then you go home alone, where Atsushi will keep an eye on you.
  • The cycle repeats.
  • Akutagawa is always really reluctant to let you go home on your own however.
  • He doesn’t want you to go :(
  • But also he hates that Atsushi will take care of you since you both now share a dorm space.
  • Atsushi protested and said that “Someone has to look out for them” while they sleep.
  • You did propose that Akutagawa could just sleep over half of the week to which both Akutagawa and Atsushi shut you down as Akutagawa still works for the Port Mafia and that would just make you a target for distracting him.
  • They also have petty arguments about you too, like,
  • “Akutagawa, what is this? Why’d you let them eat this? They had one with me this morning!”
  • “Because they asked, weretiger and had I known that you had given them that this morning I would have refrained from giving it to them.”
  • Deadass it’s like you’re not even in the room -.-
  • Atsushi is pretty much the same as he was before.
  • Only difference is that he’ll shoot random people threatening looks if they get a little too friendly with you.
  • He did it once with Dazai who is (as many of you know,) notorious for flirting with women.
  • You have never seen Dazai look so taken aback when Atsushi glowered at him with all the hatred he had in his heart.
  • Atsushi is terrifiedthat someone might kidnap you again, so his reaction is understandable.
  • But it’s nothingcompared to Akutagawa.
  • The moment someone looks at you for too long, later on they’re found dead in a ravine or ditch.
  • You have begged him to not do this and even begged Atsushi to try and talk some sense into Akutagawa, only for Atsushi to respond with:
  • “But honey, it’s to protect you. Although his methods are a little more violent than mine, he’s just doing his job.” With the creepiest fucking smile.
  • They treat you like a child, it’s ridiculous.
  • TL;DR, They do okay in a relationship, however you shouldn’t leave them alone in a room together :)