#akutagawa x reader


random things that could happen with the bsd characters on a walk

this is literally 70% crack please don’t take this too seriously also a bit of suggestive content and cussing

Atsushi Nakajima: You’ll probably be approached by every single cat in the neighborhood and Atsushi will stop to pet them. It’s cute until they’re all scratching your legs and laying dead rats at your feet.

Dazai Osamu: At least two women will come up to you both, slap him out of nowhere and tell him that they’re gonna cut his dick off if they ever see him again. If you’re attentive, you’ll see Akutagawa at every street corner stalking you guys.

Akutagawa Ryuunosuke: If you’re lucky enough to walk with him, it’ll probably be at night. He’ll want to grab your hand but forgets he coughed blood on it earlier so you feel a slick, cold thing touch your palm and instinctively slap it away. You realize it was his hand and there’s an awkward silence for the rest of the walk. He cries about it later.

Chuuya Nakahara: Will try to impress you so hard, especially using his ability. 100% will beat up any guy that would try and approach you. Accidentally punches someone you know that was coming up to you to say hi. The rest of your “walk” is spent in the hospital where your friend is bedridden with 4 broken bones and a bloody nose.

Kunikida Doppo: There’s a strict schedule. You’ll have 11 minutes and 46 seconds to complete your walk, or on weekends 30 minutes and 56 seconds. While walking, you’ll try to talk to him about something but it always just ends with him complaining about Dazai’s dumbassery.

Ranpo Edogawa: Prepare a route for your walk before hand and make sure not to pass any sweet shops unless you want your wallet emptied. He’ll hold your hand like a kid and skip along the path- but will leave you without a second thought if he sees a stray cat cause he wants to give it to Fukuzawa.

Yosano Akiko: Literally the best person to go on a walk with. She’ll pick up a flower and put it in your hair cause she thinks it’ll look pretty on you. Don’t get hurt though. Not even a grazed knee cause the moment she sees it, she’ll bring her chainsaw out.

Fukuzawa Yukichi: Will fucking dip your ass if he sees a barking dog. Have fun trying to keep up with the DILF. Peepaw can run faster then you might think. (blame tik tok for that nickname btw)

Gin Akutagawa: She doesn’t talk much but will quietly whisper things to you if you’re close to her. Ignores Tachihara like a fucking plague and if you run into her brother you’re going to get stabbed-unless you happen to be Dazai Osamu. Which of course, you’ll never be.

Michizō Tachihara: He’s gonna try and get into your pants at a park bench at one in the morning. Some drunk girl stumbles by and asks if she can join you guys. You leave after Tachihara says yes.

Ichiyō Higuchi: Bisexual queen and anyone can tell. She simps for the Akutagawa Siblings while you guys walk but you can’t blame her cause you’re doing the same thing. Links your arms together.

Kouyou Ozaki: Spends the whole time talking about Kyouka and how cute she is, probably starts tearing up about it cause she wants her back home. You once said she was acting like Killua’s mother from Hunter X Hunter. She almost decapitated you.

Ogai Mori: Elise tags along always and people comment on how you guys look like a cute family. Mori doesn’t appreciate you replying with, “I rather die than marry an alternate universe Dino.” Elise thinks you’re fucking funny as hell.

Fyodor Dostoevsky: God complex motherfucker will death stare anyone who just as much as jaywalks and call them a “sinner”. Rats follow him around and he has a throne in the sewers with “Rat King” spelled out above it in red spray paint. Unfortunately for you- it actually looks aesthetic so he takes you there for your walk.

Nikolai Gogol: You’ll probably end up dead but it’ll be the best fucking walk you ever take. Starts talking about how everyone’s a bird in a cage and probably farts every few minutes cause he ate beans for lunch. Randomly moans cause he thinks its funny.

Sigma: Takes you to somewhere cute like a library and would try to kiss you at the end of the walk. But he gets nervous, trips, and falls on his face. Gogol’s

recording it all behind a bush to send to Fyodor later.

Edgar Allen Poe: Karl’s usually in his coat so whenever you go near him he smells like a whole ass zoo cause Karl’s a fucking player and as railed various she-racoons from all over Yokohama. Your walks look like a fucking pandemic with social distancing and shit.

Mark Twain: Just like Tachihara, if he likes you he’s gonna try and rail you somewhere. Gets cockblocked by Hawthorne who throws a whole ass cross as his head and knocks him out. He later proposes to you cause the only way Hawthorne will let you fuck is when you get married.

Jouno Saigiku: He’s not going to open his eyes. No matter what. You don’t know if he’s sleep walking or actually awake and listening to you. But it’s YOU who trips and falls- into his arms. It’s romantic till he drops you on purpose cause he needed to scratch an itch.

Finals Week

✧・゚: * Prompt ~ Kunikida, Ranpo, and Akutagawa comforting their partner through finals week ~
✧・゚: * Character/Pairing ~ Kunikida, Ranpo, and Akutagawa (individually x gn!reader) ~
✧・゚: * Content ~ How they would help their partner through finals, specifically walking up on their partner crying due to the stress ~
✧・゚: * Type ~ Fluff, headcanons ~
✧・゚: * Requested by ~ Anon~
✧・゚: * Author’s Note ~ I had a lot of fun with this one, especially as I was working on my finals too. I hope you enjoy it, and it helps ! ~

✧・゚: * Kunikida

❈ Doppo understands stress as much as, if not better, than anyone. That does not mean he’s going to be the best at helping you deal with it right away.
❈ From the start of the semester, he’d have an entire schedule laid out for you, but in an attempt to help you manage your time I could see him adding to the pressure more than taking away.
❈ This is why when he walks in and you’re crying, while his first reaction might be overbearing, the second he realizes that he may have contributed to that stress he’s crushed. If you mention letting him down or something similar his heart will break, he never wants his partner to feel inadequate.
| ✧ If you have to finish the work then, he’d be by your side reassuring you through it, mixed in with the apologies for the pressure.
❈ If you can take a break, or the second you’re done, he’ll clear his schedule (a big compliment from him) to take you somewhere comfortable. A nice dinner, a movie you’d been wanting to see or even just cuddling in the park. He has stress management techniques in his notebooks, and while some of them were Dazai’s tricks, he does everything he can to help you destress after the semester as well.

✧・゚: * Ranpo

❈ Ranpo would be hit or miss if he noticed on his own. He would be completely capable of seeing it, he just isn’t always paying attention. So he’ll either step in before you even get to the point of that much stress, or notice once you’re on the verge of tears. But regardless, the second he sees you starting to break down, all bets are off.

❈ I could see him being the type to “pester” someone to comfort them, so he’d be on you, poking your sides, kissing your cheek, “Hey hey hey, are you good yet?” until you start laughing. 

❈ Once you calmed down, he’d look over any homework you had. If it’s a question-based assignment, don’t be surprised if he can work out anything you’re getting stuck on in a heartbeat. 

| ✧ I don’t think he’d be great at writing, but he’ll still support you through it, and give you some points to expand on in your papers.

❈ If you have time to take a break, he’d demand that you play a round or two of his game with him. Or five. “And bring the snacks.”

❈ He’d lay on your lap or shoulder as you work, and would occasionally reach up to kiss you softly and encourage you.

✧・゚: * Akutagawa

❈ Unlike the other two, Aku would be completely oblivious the whole time. He wouldn’t even notice anything until he walks in on you crying, and would just freeze.
❈ You could almost see the calculations going on in this boy’s head. “Did I do something? No. Did I not do something? Not that I’m aware. Should I try to comfort them? We’ll see.”
| ✧ I feel like he wouldn’t try to comfort you as directly. He’d leave, and then “conveniently wander back in” with your favorite snack and drink, before sitting next to you (really he prepared it and got back as fast as he could).
❈ His version of comforting words would likely have a little bit of insults in it, he’s also very blunt and doesn’t see any reason to hold back.
| ✧ “So are you going to tell me what’s wrong, and how I can fix it?” For as aggressive as it might come across, he means it in the best way. Once he gets attached to someone, he’d do anything for them, and if something is actively upsetting his partner? Someone is about to lose at least a limb.
❈ When you tell him that it’s the stress from finals, he’d relax a little bit (he was still worried that he messed something up) and would start to talk you through the potential options. If that mean him taking out a professor? He doesn’t mind.
✧ He’d also probably make you take a break, even if that means grabbing your laptop with Rashomon and putting it aside (assuming you can save the assignment probably).

Requests | OPEN |

Pretty Boy ~ Bungo Stray Dogs

✧・゚: * Prompt ~ Short blurbs about how the Bungo Stray Dogs boys would respond to “Pretty boy, with me I said”~
✧・゚: * Character/Pairing ~ Kunikida, Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi, Akutagawa, Ranpo, Poe, Tanizaki, Lovecraft (individually x reader) ~
✧・゚: * Content ~ Pretty boys being blushy, what more do we need? ~
✧・゚: * Type ~ Fluff, Short Headcanons ~
✧・゚: * Author’s Note ~ I saw this post and I’ve been rolling on this ever since,,,, they’re all so pretty help ~ -repost because for some reason the tags weren’t working on the last one, so if you saw this already, sorry!-

❈ Kunikida would take a minute to realize you were talking to him, before blushing and muttering something about “inappropriate workplace behavior” on his way over. Don’t get this wrong, he absolutely loved it, and may even ask for you to call him pretty again in private.
❈ Chuuya knows he’s pretty. There’s no surprise here, so he naturally responds with a smirk and “Coming, doll.”
❈ Dazai would freeze for just a moment, before coming right over, acting like it’s without a second thought. If you two were alone, he’d then hold you in his arms, and ask if you really think he’s pretty. If this is in public, that’d be the end of it, maybe a wink at anyone he passes but would bring it up later when you two are alone.
❈ Good job, you killed Atsushi. A blushing mess, it’d take a solid minute for him to form coherent sentences. Clarify that yes, you do in fact mean him, and he’ll be over the moon for the rest of the day at least.
❈ Once again, a one-shot kill for Akutagawa. He’d absolutely freeze, before erupting into a coughing fit for a solid minute. He might even actually fall over. His amazing partner, recognizing him? And complimenting him? It’s too much for this emotionally stunted emo to take.
❈ Ranpo is well aware of how pretty he is, plus those eyes. Look at the ego on this one, do you think calling him pretty is going to make an impact? (Yes it absolutely does, and he’d be absolutely giddy the second he’s alone, he just has a reputation to maintain)
❈ Poe should be called pretty constantly, that’s just a fact. But you could call him pretty every time you talk to him, and every time he’s still going to flush bright red and stammer over himself, before trying to hide his face in his hands. He’ll still do whatever it was you needed, just, give him a minute.
❈ Tanizaki would melt, on the spot. Prepare for him blushing and cuddling you, whatever you needed would have to wait. He’s a wreck but in the best way.
❈ Lovecraft would be taken aback, especially if you’ve seen his true form to any extent. He’s inhuman, how could anyone find that attractive? But you do, and it makes his cold, wet heart(?) flutter.

Requests | OPEN |

Other Fandoms | Jujutsu Kaisen |

Akutagawa x Reader | Dark Chocolate

Pairing: Ryuunosuke Akutagawa x Reader
Warnings: Gender neutral reader (they/them), probably uncorrect english, curses, verbal aggression. 
Notes:Nobody asked for it, this Headcanon is just my way to wish you a happy St. Valentine’s Day, full of love, warmth and affection; even if you’re single, you deserve to celebrate love. Love for yourself, love for you significant others, love for your life! I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Small reminder: In Japanese tradition, only women give chocolates to men, but I wanted to write a more inclusive Headcanon, so I used Gender Neutral pronouns. There’s a huge difference between Honmei Choco and Giri Choco. The so-called Honmei choco (known as the “true feeling chocolate”) is given by women to men whom they have romantic feelings for, like husbands, boyfriends or desired partners. It is a qualitatively better chocolate, and it’s generally quite expensive, but sometimes it can be home-made. The so-called Giri choco (known as "obligation chocolate") is given by women to male co-workers or friends, as a customary gift. It’s cheaper and less refined, but it’s a very apreciated symbol of respect and friendship.

◈ ━━━━━━━━  Headcanon ━━━━━━━━ ◈

  • Akutagawa is totally clueless about St. Valentine’s day. Seriously, he knows nothing about it! He has no idea of the cultural meanings of February 14th and he doesn’t know much about traditional gifts linked to this celebration.
  • First of all, he never had time to devote to such a nonsensical feast. And then, he never cared about useless things like romance and love. They’re like profanities to him. 
  • So, when he sees you offer him an elegant and refined dark red box full of assorted chocolate, he’s a bit confused. Like…what the hell are you doing, exactly? His deep and grey eyes sharpen in a frown, his cheek muscles unconsciously contract, but even in his confusion he looks so cute and adorable at your eyes.
  • He quietly stares at the box for almost five minutes, exploring every single detail of it, careful not to touch it. It’s a big and rectangular pack, he notices, closed with a thin ribbon, and he doesn’t imagine what it could contain.
  • It takes a while before Ryuunosuke finds the courage to look at you in the eyes and ask for clarifications. 
  • “What is it?”
  • Poor boy. It’s not his fault, he’s just a bit (a lot, actually) ignorant about certain things. 
  • He notices your bizarre and inexplicable look, that makes his gaze sharpen more and more by the second. His irises linger on your red cheeks, he can see how desperately you try to avoid eye contact and that makes him a little suspicious. Your entire body is shaking, it’s really a weird behavior…
  • “It’s a…gift. A Valentine’s gift, actually.” You try to explain, with trembling voice.
  • “A… what?”
  • Your heart beats so fast, in this moment. You don’t understand if the young man appreciates it or not, he just stands there, right in front of you, with a stern look and crossed arms. An unconquerable stronghold that turns your heart in dust every single time you’re in the same room. 
  • You don’t even know when you started being so attracted to him, nor when attraction became love. You really thought offer him Honmei Choco was the most natural way to express your feelings and confess to him. But…
  • “Chocolate, Akutagawa-san. Just chocolate.” You murmur, now embarrassed and quite in panic. You really don’t understand if he’s rejecting you or not.
  • Being in love with him is a daily challenge. Akutagawa is unpredictable, fierce, a broken soul… and, well, he totally lacks in social skills. You know it, you always knew it, but that doesn’t cushion the blow when it arrives.
  • “Are you trying to poison me or what?”
  • Oh god. Is he allergic or something? Does he hate chocolate? What did you do wrong?
  • Your eyes widen and you finally meet his gaze. He seems angry.
  • The truth is Akutagawa is not used to kindness. He doesn’t know what it means to receive a gift and something like pure and selfless love, so he just thinks the worst option is the most credible.
  • “N-No, Akutagawa-san, I could never…” 
  • “So is this because you failed your last mission? You really think you could corrupt me?”
  • His voice raises in a rough expression of anger, he makes you feel so small and defenseless. Ryuunosuke totally misunderstands your intentions, but you know you don’t deserve such a treatment, even if you love him and even if he’s your superior.
  • You put the box on his desk, firmly (because you’re upset, and you got the right to) but gently not to ruin it.
  •  “I don’t want to disrespect you, Akutagawa-san, you know, or at least you should know, how much I admire you. Think what you want about this gift, I let it here. Now excuse me, I have work to do.”
  • You get out of his office with fast pace, your eyes shining with tears you proudly don’t cry. 
  • At the door, you almost bump into Chuuya; the redhead was right there with a raised fist, ready to knock, but you barely notice him. You have rush to walk away.
  • “…The fuck happened?” He whsipers, following your silhouette with his eyes before enter Akutagawa’s office.
  • Obviously, the Port Mafia rabid dog has a terrible pout drawn on his face. He’s even more confused than he was before and now he even feels inexplicably weird. His chest is so heavy he’s not sure he can normally breath, his hands are closed in fists.
  • “Akutagawa.” Chuuya says. 
  •  “Chuuya-san.” The ravenette murmurs in response, looking at him and trying to mentally come back to his work. He has no time to think about these strange feelings, okay? He has no time to investigate why the hell he suddenly feels so bad.
  • “Here is a message from the Boss. He wants you to… wohoh! What do we have here?” The redhaired executive notices the box on Akutagawa’s desk and a sly smirk appears on his lips. He looks like knowing a thing or two.
  • “A box.” Akutagawa answers laconically. What kind of problem do they all have with boxes, today?!
  • “This is not just a box, man.” Chuuya seems quite intrigued and he delicately opens the box, peeking inside it. His ocean’s eyes widen a little and the older man whistles in appreciation. “My, my…”
  • “What?”  
  • “This is the most fucking expensive chocolate in town. The logo is unmistakable, it comes from a famous and refined bakery.” He explains, grinning while he crosses his arms. “From whom is it? I didn’t know you were such a successful Don Juan. No offense.”
  • Wait, a successful WHAT?!
  • Akutagawa’s pale cheeks are suddenly touched by a peach colored shade of pink but there’s something in his eyes that suggests Chuuya he not fully understand the situation. The two of them looks at each other for a while, the one with a perturbed expression, the other trying not to laugh. 
  • It’s Nakahara that breaks the silence: “Seriously, man. It’s St. Valentine’s Day, if you recieve such an expensive gift today, well… you know what it means, don’t you?” 
  • But, against Chuuya’s expectation, Ryuunosuke perseveres in his silence. The black-coated man starts feeling uncomfortable, realizing he truly has no idea of what the other executive is talking about and rapidly avoids his inquisitive gaze. Akutagawa is clueless, okay, but he’s not stupid at all. He perfectly understands he’s not perfect (someone in his past never missed a chance to remember it to him) and he can recognize his lacks.
  • Chuuya, on the other hand, he’s quite more understanding than other Port Mafia members, especially when it comes to emotions and feelings. No, obviously he’s not a softie, he just understands a little more human beings and their emotive nature, so when he sees how confused Akutagawa is he sighs in exasperation.
  • “Man, if someone gives you expensive chocolate on St. Valentine’s Day, it’s because they have feelings for you. They like you that way. It’s a way to confess and, trust me, this is clearly the chocolate box I would only give to someone I fell fucking hard for.” 
  • First reaction: shock!* 
  • To our poor Ryuunosuke it’s like receiving a punch right in the stomach. His cloudy eyes widen in surprise and he’s quite sure his not-so-stoned heart lost a beat or two. So… is this the true meaning of your gift? You were trying to confess to him? You wanted to make him feel your affection? You wanted him to feel…loved?
  • He hisses a curse and slowly hides his face behind his left hand. Shit. He yelled at you. He accused you, just because he never thought he deserves love and affection. 
  • “So? Whose heart did you broke?” Chuuya jokes, hearing Ryuunosuke swearing.
  • “Y/n L/n. I asked them if they were trying to corrupt me or poison me.” He admits with a gloomy and yet shocked tone. 
  • In his defense, he had no idea you could have feelings for him. Let’s be honest: he never cared about certain things, but he’s not blind nor deaf. You are good looking, understanding, kind, diligent, resourceful, supportive. He is…well, he’s a demon. How could he even imagine someone like you falling in love with someone like him?
  • Chuuya sighs again. 
  • “You rejected Y/n. Good fucking job, man, only an idiot like shitty Dazai could do something so stupid, you really are his worthy heir.” He says sarcastically. “They gave me chocolate too. But not such an expensive one, so I can assume their feelings are stronger then we can even imagine. Maybe you’re still in time to fix the situation. If you’re interested, of course. Are you?” 
  • His final question sounds definetly like an insinuation and a provocation at the same time. Akutagawa narrows his feral gaze in Chuuya’s direction, meeting his allusive smirk. 
  • He doesn’t say a single word. But he knows the answer. 
  • Later that night, you come back from your daily mission. A successful mission, you want to specify, just to prove yourself (and someone else) you don’t need to corrupt your superior, because you’re the best in your job. Failure can occur, of course, but it’s a true rarity for you. 
  • You just endend report to the Boss himself when you see a familiar shape standing in the corridor, next to one of the polychrome windows. 
  • Your steps hesitate, you’re still upset and embarassed so you’re not in the right mood to face Akutagawa again, but just a second later you see he’s holding your chocolate box. 
  • You just stop your walk, a couple of meters separate you from the man and despite distance you can see how nervous he is. 
  • “Dark chocolate.” He suddenly says. “Dark chocolate is my favourite. But I didn’t know it before tasting one of each kind in this box.”
  • He avoids your gaze and his words kinda hurt you. He never tasted different kind of chocolate before today?
  • “The box is still full. I…I thought, maybe… sharing such a good chocolate with you would be a good idea.” 
  • “It would be nice.” You say softly. “Dark chocolate is my favourite too.” 
  • Your voice is trembling again. You didn’t like at all the way he treated you some hours ago, but you can see in his gesture how hard he’s trying to remediate.
  • “I have to apologize.” He suddenly says, and your e/c eyes widens with emotion and surprise. You perfectly know how hard is to say sorry, for a man like him, but he did it. He really did it.
  • “No matter what you say, I have to.” He continues. “I just… had no idea. I’m not used to all of this, and probably I’m not wort-”
  • “Please, don’t say that.” You firmly interrupt him and he finally looks at you. 
  • “That’s not true. I made you the gift you deserve. And I…”
  • Now or never, Y/n. Now or never. 
  • “ …If you let me, I will give you the love you deserve, too.” 
  • Ryuunosuke needs some time to process what you said. He stays there, his eyes in yours, incredulous. Now he feels even more guilty about the way he treated you. 
  • How is it possible? Even after that, you still have feelings for him? Even if he yelled at you, even if he’s nothing more than a cruel and merciless rabid dog?
  • The silence between the two of you is dense and heavy, but not as much as your breath. He doesn’t say a word, again, and you have no idea of what to do. You did your best, today, and more. 
  • But, you know, Akutagawa is not a word man. He doesn’t know well how to verbally express his feelings, he’s instinctive, a man of action.
  • “Can I kiss you, Y/n?” 
  • Honestly, he thinks it’s kinda weird to ask something like that. But Chuuya always says consent is important and Ryuunosuke is a quiet learner. He doesn’t want to desrespect you, ever again. 
  • You are so surprised to hear this question, and yet so happy, your eyes are filled with tears. So…does he accept your feelings? And even return them? 
  • You slowly nod in affirmation, walking at his direction, and just a second later you wrap your arms around his body in a strong hug he tries to return properly. He’s a bit tense and awkward, but he holds you very tight. 
  • And then he does it. 
  • He presses his lips against yours, not gently, not softly, but with the quiet and passionate desperation of someone always yerned for love.
  • Yes, Akutagawa is totally clueless about love, St. Valentine’s Day, affection, human feelings. Totally clueless.
  • But he will learn, with you by his side. He will. 

* Sorry, only Italian readers will fully understand this, but I had to.

bsd boys x reader

wc : 0.9k

warnings : probably ooc fyodor but soft!fyodor is the shit

synopsis : the boys feel their baby kick for the first time

a/n : [ @yorforgermybeloved,@stygianoir​ ] I saw yalls comment <3 Also I don’t like this one as much as I do the other, but oh well.

Part one 



Much like Dazai, Ryu didn’t want to be a father, even after he met you. He thought kids were a handful and unnecessary, and deep down, he just didn’t want them to end up like him. When he was told the news, he didn’t know what to think; for weeks he’d just…acted like nothing was different. 

But everyone has to break at some point. It was early in the morning and the sun had just started to rise. Akutagawa was on the couch getting ready for work when you waddled in. 

“Ryunosuke?” Your voice was hesitant— unsure.

He peered up at you, “Yes?” Akutagawa eyed the way you shuffled closer nervously. He hated that you were walking on eggshells around him. 

Your hand stretched out, grabbing his, and bringing it closer. “We wanted to say bye before you left…” You placed the flat of his palm over your stomach. 

Ryu was about to pull away when he felt three featherlight kicks against his hand. His heart stopped then rapidly sped up, “what?

You choked up, rubbing your eyes before the tears fell. “Feel it? She’s telling you she loves you.” You didn’t even realize you said ‘she’ until your boyfriend looked up at you like that

“It’s a girl.” He restated dumbly, second hand coming up to cradle your stomach. “A girl. I-…I’ve got to tell Gin.” 

You nodded but he didn’t move an inch. He just pressed his forehead right up against your tummy. A tear escaped as you ran your hands through his hair. 

“I’m going to protect you. And your mother. No harm will come to either of you. You will be cared for and bathed and fed and we’ll play with you whenever you want. And no dating until you’re 18- boy or girl.” 

This time you laughed, loud and relieved. “Your daddy means well, I promise. So will Auntie Gin and Uncle Chuuya. Uncle Atsushi, too- maybe Uncle Dazai.” The stars shining in Ryu’s eyes made you melt as you both talked to your baby.


(Despite your comments about him already being a father to Ranpo,) Fukuzawa was thrilled at the news you were pregnant. He never really pictured himself being able to have a child with someone he loved, but you came along, and he’s been on cloud 9 ever since.

You never did stop coming to work, so there you were, sitting on one of the couches while everyone else went about their day. It was rather uneventful- until you let out a loud gasp. 

Everyone was by your side in an instant- worried- until Ranpo let out a delighted laugh. He reached out happily, moving until the side of his head rested on your belly. “He’s kicking!” Green eyes sparkled as he ushered for Kunikida to feel. 

You sat there giggling while each member took a turn feeling your son kick. Kunikida chuckled. Yosano giggled along with you. Dazai gave a soft smile. Atsushi started crying. Kyoka’s eyes lit up. Tanizaki and Naomi stared in wonder. Everyone was surrounding you when the president walked in. 

Yukichi blinked, eyebrows raising at the sight in front of him. He let Ranpo run up to him and tug at him until he was seated beside you, “What is going on here?” Fukuzawa glanced over everyone’s expressions. 

“Well, darling. Why don’t you just feel for yourself?” You aided Ranpo in moving your husband’s hand so that it was placed over your stomach. “Say hi!”

Fukuzawa’s eyes widened when a kick was delivered against his hand. “Oh.” His hand slowly rubbed over the expanse of your tummy, almost like he forgot you were pregnant. “Hello, little one.”

You smiled, watching tears fill up his waterline. He looked up at you for permission, which you granted with a knowing look. 

He lowered his head to place a kiss on your belly. “I’ll protect you. I swear it.”


You honestly didn’t know how Fyodor would react if you told him you were pregnant; which, naturally, is why he doesn’t know. And now you were regretting not telling him because you were currently waiting on your results after being checked out by one of the DoA’s private doctors.

“Fedya, I promise you I’m fine- I only got a couple scrapes!” You wrung your hands together nervously, biting your lip raw when the doctor returned. 

Fyodor patted you on the head softly, “Now, now. Just let him do his job.” He motioned for the doctor to give his report. 

“They’re in perfectly good condition and health. The few scrapes and cuts they have were disinfected and wrapped, and only a few will bruise. The baby is also in perfect health.”

Your breath hitched. You didn’t want to turn and look at your boyfriend’s expression, so you just nodded. When the doctor exited the room, you shakily turned around, eyes meeting shocked purple ones.

Baby?” His gaze fell to your stomach. “You’re pregnant?” 

Your hands instinctively moved to cover your belly before you let out a weak, “yes.” You inched closer to Fyodor, gently taking his hand. “Fedya…”

He let you move his hand, watching as you placed the flat of his palm over your tummy. How did he not notice you were pregnant sooner? Had he truly been that caught up in his work that he neglected to notice the change? Fyodor’s train of thought came to a halt when two kicks hit his hand. 

You gasped quietly, “They kicked! Fedya our baby kicked!” Laughing, you pressed your own hand over his. 

Fyodor lowered himself until he was kneeling in front of you, “I apologize, Milaya. I should’ve caught on sooner.” His eyes wandered over your stomach, “What a gift…” He smiled. What a gift.

bsd boys x reader 

wc : 3.k (it was not meant to be this long- oops)

warnings : violence, blood, minor deaths, very brief suicide mention (Dazai)

synopsis : not all secrets hurt



No Rest For The Wicked (levitation/telekinesis)

  • You and Dazai had been tasked with finding a rather amateur hacker that was caught trying to steal data from the Ada 
  • It was easy enough, you’d found him in less than an hour, but unfortunately the hacker knew he was amateur : he had a trick up his sleeve to compensate for it 
  • He led you both up to the rooftop on a wild goose-chase and before you could even blink the sudden brightness away, Dazai had been grabbed and thrown towards the edge 

You saw everything in slow motion when your boyfriend started to fall. His feet skidded across the concrete rooftop, catching on the sides, but his right foot slid too far. 

Dazai pitched backwards with widened eyes, breath caught in his throat. His mind was screaming— he didn’t want to die! Not yet! He couldn’t leave you behind, he still had an entire lifetime with you! 

A gut-wrenching shout tore through the air, silencing his thoughts. “OSAMU!” 

With speed that could rival a demon, you were right in front of him, grabbing on to his outstretched hand and tugging him back before his left foot could slip too. You had to use all of your strength to pull him, and in doing so, you threw yourself right off the side of the roof.

“BELLADONNA!” His widened eyes were filled with horror, throat already raw from his screaming. Shaky hands slammed against the concrete and Dazai thought about following you when- 

“Osamu, don’t you dare even think about trying to take a swan dive on purpose!” 

His head shot up so fast he knew there would be a crick in it later, but he didn’t have the energy to care. Because right there, right in front of him, was you. You you you. “Belladonna?” 

You smiled, scrubbing away the tears that managed to fall from your eyes. “Hey, Samu.” You were levitating. Literally floating in the air. “I…” 

You moved until your feet were both planted on the rooftop, dropping to your knees immediately after so your nearly-hyperventilating boyfriend could wrap you in his arms. 

Dazai was trembling like a leaf, fingers gripping and releasing you over and over. When he tried to speak, nothing would come out- only short sobs. 

“I’m so sorry I scared you like that, but when I saw you about to fall knowing you didn’t have an ability that could help, I…” You breathed in sharply, “I couldn’t let you die, Osamu. You were not going to die on me. I wouldn’t allow it- I won’t allow it. We still have so much time together and goddamnit no one is going to take away a single second of it.” 

Osamu pulled back enough to look you in the eyes; you were terrified. Terrified and consoling him- apologizing for scaring him. “Y/n, I love you so fucking much. You have nothing to apologize for, my love, thank you for saving me.” 

  • The hacker did get away, making Fukuzawa send Ranpo and Kunikida on another mission to capture him, but Dazai didn’t care. You were safe— he was safe. In your arms. 
  • Once the shock of almost dying and then thinking he lost you melted away, Dazai was ecstatic at your uncovered secret 
  • He was so interested in your ability and practically begged you to tell him all about it; he didn’t even care why you didn’t tell him before
  • He knew now. And the smile on your face as you made things levitate around you to show him made him beam 


Of Monsters And Men (siren/manipulation by song)

  • The DoA had invested in a deal with a rather shady party. No one was actually expecting the guy to go through with it, so imagine everyone’s surprise when he showed up at the meeting
  • It went smoothly for the first 30 minutes or so, but eventually like everyone originally expected, the guy refused the deal’s terms 
  • He’d been fidgeting since he arrived and when he denied the deal, his hand pulled out a knife from his coat pocket and aimed it right at Fyodor 

All eyes were on the, admittedly impressive, knife and who it was aimed at. Fyodor just stood there with his eyebrows raised while Nikolai sat perched on the table with a grin. Sigma began to slowly rise from his chair when the knife was drawn back but everyone stopped their movements when your voice rang out. 

“Come little children, I’ll take thee away, into a land of enchantment.” Your tone was airy, persuasive, and directed at the man with a knife (if your sharp gaze was anything to go off of). 

The man’s eyes instantly glassed over and his hand faltered, gaze averting from Fyodor to you. 

“Follow sweet children, I’ll show thee the way,” you motioned your hand towards yourself, urging him to come closer, “Through all the pain and the sorrows.”

He staggered right to you, past a clapping Nikolai, a gaping Sigma, and a widened-eyes Fyodor. The man swayed when he came to a stop in front of you, gazing at you like you were his god. 

“Weep not poor children, for life is this way.” You held your hand out, smiling when he placed the knife in your hands. “Hush now dear children, it must be this way.” You quickly shoved the blade into his jugular, yanking it across the expanse throat. 

Nikolai whistled, having already known about your ability. He jumped off the table and leaned into a bow, “There you have it gentlemen! What a show!” 

You snorted, bowing back to him, “No one tries to hurt my Fedya.” Skipping right up to said man, you wrapped your arms around his neck, giggling when Sigma started to stammer out questions. 

“You- but you- and he- but you don’t- how did you- when- what.” 

Nikolai and you both were cackling, winking at each other before the meeting was officially dismissed. As you parted ways and began to walk to your respective homes, a strong grip encased your hip. 

“Interesting ‘show’, Milaya.” 

  • It was a rather tense walk home for you as you didn’t know what he was thinking behind that blank expression on his face; you swear you were almost knee deep in your own coffin
  • Fyodor wasn’t necessarily angry you didn’t tell him about your ability before, but he did interrogate you about it for over an hour 
  • Fortunately, he was down right fascinated- demanding you demonstrate it to him by making him come to you like you did the man
  • You got to sit in his lap as you explained how it worked, enjoying the attention you received with happy hums in between sentences 


The Gods’ Golden Ichor (blood manipulation)

  • A foreign ability user had made their way onto the Port Mafia’s hit list— a top lister. The boss had gotten tipped off that the foreigner was in Yokohama, but they’d be leaving tonight 
  • In an effort to save some time (and trouble), Mori sent you and Chuuya to go capture or kill said ability user. The ability itself was unknown, you only knew that it was powerful 
  • But you were suspicious when they looked pleased, thrilled even, at Chuuya’s appearance and only when they kept trying to get close to him did it dawn on you

“Stay back, Chuu!” You ignored his confused look and stepped in front of him, blocking the ability user’s path to him. “They’re going to try and bring out your corruption form.” 

They chuckled, “A sharp one, aren’t you?” Their gaze fell to Chuuya once more, eyeing him up and down before glancing back at you. 

Your teeth gritted as you got ready for a fight, but they were fast. Before you could even blink, they were already right beside you both, hand stretched out to touch your boyfriend. 

You lose.” 

Chuuya’s eyes widened, feet tripping over themselves to move back. He couldn’t fight— they had to touch him to activate their ability, right? Chuuya’s own ability covered him as he got ready to throw some debris around, but someone beat him to the punch. 

The ability user’s outstretched hand had been bent backwards at the wrist. Their face morphed into one of pain as each one of their fingers bent in an odd direction. Six different snaps echoed in the air, sending them to the floor, screaming in pain. 

You scoffed, staring down at them as you crossed your arms. “You sure are confident for a scrub.” Your head tilted to the right, making their head do the same. “I outta snap your neck and be done with it, but we need to take you in alive now.” 

The Black Lizards made themselves known, moving to apprehend the user. They asked for clearance to leave, heading back to the base when it was granted, leaving you and Chuuya alone in silence. 

“Chuu?” You bit the inside of your cheek, reaching out to close the wound on his cheek with your ability. “…Chuuya?” 

His azure eyes met yours, feeling the deafening silence envelop the two of you. “Y/n…”

  • Is actually kinda hurt you didn’t tell him about this before. Chuuya has major trust issues, but he trusts you with his life- with his entire being- and everything else in his life, so why didn’t you trust him enough to tell him about this part of you?
  • Though his heart promptly breaks right then and there when you tell him that, with an ability like yours that could potentially take down the entire Port Mafia, you didn’t want him to be forced to choose between you or the job he loves should Mori ever deem you an enemy 
  • Then he’s hugging you so, so close; assuring you about how much he trusts you and that he knows you’d never betray him or the PM like that. It’s a really intimate moment for Chuuya- to say all these things out loud to you. And he doesn’t regret it, especially not when you reply with ‘I trust you and I love you’
  • When everything is said and done, he’s hyped! He thought you were freaking badass back there and he’s not afraid to admit he adored being saved by you. Will certainly be asking Mori to assign you more missions together : Chuuya wants to see everything you can do


See No Evil In The Dark (light manipulation)

  • You weren’t thrilled about going on a mission with Dazai. You adored Atsushi, but Dazai? Absolutely not. He knew more about you than anyone else did and that didn’t sit right with you; it made you unsettled.
  • But you had a mission to do either way and you couldn’t just not do it because of who you were joined by. Plus, Ryu still looked up to Dazai and you weren’t gonna ruin that for him.
  • It was your and Ryu’s job to cover the east and west side while Atsushi and Dazai covered the north and south. When you met back up, one of you had been tagged and followed, so you all ended up being surrounded. And like you’ suspected, Dazai took control of the opportunity presented.

Dazai glanced over at you knowingly, spreading his hands out like he was presenting you the finest thing on earth. “Well, Y/n? Now’s your chance to show off what you’ve been hiding all these years~”

You glared, audibly cursing out the brunette as you shot a beam of light at a few of the men surrounding the four of you. “How about you mind your own stupid business, Osamu.” Intentionally avoiding Akutagawa’s gaze, you stepped forward with balls of light in your palms, “Fuckin-A.”

“E-eh?!” Atsushi was left gaping with his tiger arms waving around, eyes shooting from you, fighting, to Akutagawa, who was left with a clear expression of shock slapped on his face. “D-did you know about this?!”

“Obviously not.” His voice was normal, and as he moved to summon Rashomon, his usual blank expression returned, but he was practically roaring on the inside. “Rashomon : Sawarabi!”

Grinning, you looked over just in time to see the spikes erupt from the ground and impale over half the men in that direction. A man grabbed you while you were distracted with your boyfriend’s ability, yanking you back by your hair and kicking the back of your knee.

“So we’re gonna have four ability users to sell instead of three, huh? Guess it’s our lucky day.”

“Think again, bastard.” You attacked with ‘starburst’, laughing when your light exploded in his face. “DAZAI! CODE WHITE!” 

Said man blinked before running to grab both Atsushi and Akutagawa, bringing them to the ground with him, and covering their eyes as he closed his own. “ROGER!” Dazai pulls the duo towards him a little harder when they begin to struggle, “Don’t open your eyes until they tell you to.”

A bright light blanketed the area, blinding the few men that were still standing and the rest that were still conscious. A quiet ringing buzzed in everyone’s head for a moment before it went silent and a soft ‘open your eyes’ reached the three men’s ears.

“Y/n?” Akutagawa looked up, taking in your swaying and paleness. ‘Trouble’ he thought as he moved to pick you up in his arms.

  • Akutagawa, first and foremost, is worried about your well-being. He sees you’re taken care of (by himself of course) before he even dares do anything else 
  • Promptly after your color has returned, he’s on your ass : brows furrowed and tone sharp as he demands why you hadn’t told him of your ability before hand 
  • It’s less about not telling him and more about your safety and the thought of you fainting or something because you overused your ability without him knowing it even existed scareshim
  • Ryunosuke is easily assured by your soft touches as he holds you tightly against him. You tell him everything about your ability willingly, smiling when he mutters something about being “the light to his darkness”


Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing (hidden wolf traits i.e sharper nails, sharp k-nines, faster agility)

  • The Ada was tasked with finding and capturing a band of human traffickers, specifically, ones that trafficked ability users 
  • As ability users themselves, most of the Ada had to be careful. This became a stealth mission- one you had to successfully complete. And it was faring relatively well…
  • …until you all got separated. You were lucky enough to have been inside their hq, having found out exactly what they wanted. Unfortunately, what they wanted was Atsushi, and you weren’t letting that happen

Atsushi had been backed into a corner, rendered helpless by the drugs already administered in his body. 

“Now, now, don’t worry boy.” The leader held up a syringe filled with blue liquid, “It’ll only pinch for just a second, but you’ll be out like a light afterwards.” 

A deep growl weaves throughout the area, setting off primal alarm bells in the men’s heads. “Get. Away. From. My. Tiger.” A flash of h/c shot forward and the syringe shattered. 

Atsushi was left gaping, eyes widening when you stood up from your crouched position in front of him. He couldn’t tell if he was more concerned about the growl you’d let out or the four bleeding slashes trailing down the leader’s face. 

You smiled, showing off your sharpened k-nines, grimacing when blood spurted onto your face. “Disgusting…Just sit and rest, Sushi. I got you.” 

He didn’t respond, couldn’t, as you were quick to get back into action. And when he said quick, he meant quick. You moved like you were meant to be an animal instead of a human— so agile, so graceful. 

Every single human trafficker present was shredded by your nails, which to Atsushi, looked like those pointed acrylics rather than actual claws. Each of them hit the ground and not one of them got back up. 

The rest of the Ada had long since found the two of you, choosing to sit back and let you finish the mission. Yosano gave Atsushi an antidote of sorts to help regain motor movement, meaning he could pull you into his arms when you were finished. 

You scratched his scalp, letting out a deep rumble akin to a cat’s purr. “They’re not dead, I knocked them all out so we can capture them like instructed.”

Dazai laughed, patting Ranpo- who obviously was aware of this- on the back before doing the same to Atsushi. “You got a little wolf as a partner! How cute! I guess dogs and cats do get along after all.” 

Atsushi looked up at you, noting how your k-nines and nails were normal again. “Wolf?”

  • The first thing he does, naturally, is thank you for saving him. Like Dazai, Atsushi completely looks over the fact that you never told him about your ability before and focuses solely on the fact that he knows now
  • And he’s just so in awe of you (not like he wasn’t before, mind you). He politely asks to see your ability up close and he’ll examine every aspect of it with a soft smile. 
  • Not only is he glad he’s not the only one with an animal based ability, he’s assured by the fact that you have those animalistic instincts too. Atsushi is very curious, then, on how they differ with the whole “dog and cat” thing. 
  • He’s kinda sad you can’t actually turn into a wolf, but he’s still giddy at the whole ability thing nonetheless. He’ll spend the whole night asking about it if you let him, and Atsushi is certainly not above begging you to scratch his scalp with your ‘claws’


Feed The Machine (metal manipulation)

  • You, Ranpo, Kenji, and Kunikida were sent on a simple “who done it” murder investigation. It was a town over from Yokohama, meaning you had to take the train
  • It was an uneventful ride, with you and Kunikida directing the other two children. You’d even made it without incident almost all the way to the police station 
  • A block or two away, someone- who Ranpo deemed as the case’s murderer- stopped the four of you at gunpoint. And it seems like they knew all about the Ada members

While being held at gunpoint should’ve warranted more…shocked expressions, the most any of you could muster up was a ‘are-you-kidding-me-right-now’ look. Ranpo, of course, was still smiling and apparently that didn’t sit right with the perpetrator.

“Bastard! Who the hell are you smiling at?” When Ranpo said nothing, they shook in anger, “Well you won’t be smiling for long, non-abilityuser.”

Hearing that made everyone’s expression crack. How the hell did they-?! The gun fired, causing Kenji and Kunikida to yell as they ran towards Ranpo in what seemed like slow motion. Said man watched the bullet fly closer and closer, green hues widening when you jumped in front of him.

Your mouth was pulled into a sneer, hand stretched out, when the bullet inverts in on itself and falls to the floor only 2 feet away. “If I’m not touching the metal, I have to know its exact composition before I manipulate it with my mind. If you wanted to surprise someone, you shouldn’t have chosen a common police gun.” You give a wry smile, “Trash.”

At the flick of your wrist, the perpetrator’s gun shakes and explodes, no doubt sending third degree burns up their arm. They’re screaming, practically throwing a fit because you weren’t supposed to have an ability. It wasn’t in your file- there was no evidence of previous use!

Ranpo is also left in a state of shock; not only has your ability never been filed or mentioned anywhere, he didn’t even suspect you had one. Yet here you were bending street signs and lamp posts to your will, effortlessly caging the perpetrator.

You huffed, dusting off your hands, before walking back over to your boyfriend. “Ranpo, you alright?” Frowning at his silence, you turned and waved Kunikida off, “I’ll stay here and make sure he doesn’t get out of my little cage. Go get the police.” 

Kunikida looked worried for a second, quickly shaking it off and telling Kenji to follow. The smaller male patted the metal of the cage, scolding the inhabitant, before waving to you and running after the other. 

You fidgeted, grabbing a small piece of metal off the ground and manipulating it into a heart, “Forgive me?” You handed it to him hesitantly.

  • Ranpo is shell-shocked. The first thing that comes out of his mouth is a loud “YOU HAVE AN ABILITY?!” He gets over his shock relatively quick, only to replace it with a majorpout 
  • You didn’t tell him? Why not?? How could you keep something so awesome away from him? More importantly : how the fuck did he not figure it out?! Really, all you gotta do is kiss his pout away for him to bounce back to excited little kid
  • Then he’s talking 90 miles a minute about how cool your ability is and how awesome you are and it “only makes sense you’re so awesome since you’re dating such a great detective!” But at the end of the day, when you’re both back at home, he’s quiet and soft-spoken as he thanks you for saving him
  • Whether or not you give a reason as to why you kept your ability a secret, he’s giddy at the fact you shared it with him- and by saving him, no less. And he truly does think it, and especially you, are amazing

bsd boys x reader

wc : 3.k

warnings : mentions of blood, death, suicide, and abuse

synopsis : the nightmares that plagued them made them tired all the time, and you were tired of seeing them not get the sleep they deserved, so you decided to take matters into your own hands

a/n : remake! also I know how ‘No Longer Human’ works, I just wanted to include Dazai anyway because I really liked it, so let’s just pretend~ <3


Ability Name : ‘Dream Beneath the Vast Open Skies’ allows the user to see into someone’s dreams as well as take those dreams away and replace it with one of their own thought, but in doing so, they must endure the stolen dreams themselves



  • It wasn’t anything new— Dazai’s nightmares. They were common, as sad as it was to say, but you were always told “Just wake me up, okay Bella? Being held in your arms will make it all go away!”
  • And while he did find comfort in your arms, you knew it didn’t just miraculously make all of his pain go away. You couldn’t just idly sit around anymore; you knew how Dazai’s ability worked but what kind of partner are you if you didn’t even try?
  • So, when Dazai started to fidget in his sleep again, brows furrowed, you slung your book to the side and shuffled closer to him. Taking in a deep breath, you prayed to whatever god may be out there and placed your hands over his head, activating your ability
  • It was dark for a while, making your hope diminish, but then things started to change. Reality around you shifted and you could feel the familiar feeling of your ability at work. You’d succeeded- it didn’t cancel out
  • The first thing you saw, or first person, rather, was Dazai. One eye was covered with a bandage, clothes all blacked out. He was much shorter now- maybe 13 or 14- and you were honestly tempted to smile at smaller him until a sickening sound sent chills down your spine
  • Whipping around, you saw a man with shoulder length hair looking straight at Dazai, blood splattered all over his face. His smile made you uneasy, but the scene changed when his voice reached your ears
  • Now you stood beside a slightly taller Dazai. In front of him was an auburn-haired male who had no shine in his eyes. The man turned, walking away, causing Dazai to reach out for him in vain; the desperation in Dazai’s voice as he called for him broke your heart
  • And suddenly you were kneeling in a new setting, in front of Dazai who held the same man from before in his arms— he was bleeding. The horror in your lover’s eyes made your own start to water and the tears finally fell when Dazai cried out at the loss of his friend
  • When Dazai woke, he had a grin on his face as he sat up and stretched. He felt so refreshed, so energized! The dream about him and his belladonna played in his mind still and he was so excited to share it with you
  • Though the excitement dissipated at the sounds of your sobbing, making his blood run cold. His head shot to the side, not seeing you in your spot, so he scrambled out of bed frantically, only to find you curled into a ball on the floor
  • “Belladonna?! What’s wrong, my love?!”
  • Did something happen? Were you hurt? Dazai was about to question you again, but you looked up, and his heart shattered
  • Your eyes held so much torment, the skin around them blotched and puffy. The tears didn’t stop, nor did your sobbing, even as you choked out your response
  • “I’mso sorry you had to go through all of that, Osamu.”
  • Dazai was left confused for just a moment before his eyes were widening in shock. “You…you used your ability on me? It worked?” He stared at you incredulously, mind not being able to catch up all the way
  • You were beginning to quiet down as you nodded, trying and failing to wipe the tears from your cheeks. “I replaced your nightmares with a dream of me and you…I figured that would be more enjoyable, I just…I just wanted you to be able to get some rest.”
  • “Don’t you have to endure the dreams you steal to be able to replace them?!”
  • “…yes.”
  • Osamu was completely mortified at the thought, heart clenching almost painfully. He watched in silence as you finally scrubbed away the last of your tears before your hands came up to cradle his face softly 
  • “It’s okay, ‘Samu. You don’t know how happy it makes me to be able to take some of your pain away, even if it’s just for a night.”
  • He didn’t reply. He couldn’t reply- what would he say? You just witnessed the darkest memories he kept buried underneath all his bravado. So instead he pulled you closer and held you tighter
  • The two of you stayed tangled up on the floor well into the morning, not daring to move even as your phones began flashing Kunikida’s name
  • And when you both got up to get ready, Dazai’s heart slowly swelled with love. Despite being concerned about your well-being after witnessing his nightmares, he couldn’t deny how he felt knowing you loved him enough to want to endure anything and everything he carried alone

Bonus; that night :

  • You woke up in a cold sweat, heart pounding alarmingly against your rib cage. You laid there panting for a few seconds before noticing the feeling of someone watching you
  • Your head turned to the side, eyes meeting Dazai’s wide ones. He, too, was in a cold sweat, chest rising up and down sporadically. His brown hues held so much pain while yours reflected worry
  • Quickly, your hand found his beneath the covers. You intertwined your fingers and squeezed, letting him know you were there. “Tell me about Odasaku?”
  • Dazai smiled. It was small, but genuine. “Of course.”


  • It truly broke your heart to see Atsushi be affected by his past while both awake and asleep. You wanted to be mad at the world for what happened to him but Atsushi was kind, and he wouldn’t want you to be upset for him
  • So you settled with comforting him the best you could whenever he needed it. And it seemed he needed it the most as of late, with constant nightmares plaguing him every time he laid his head down to rest
  • But this time, when Atsushi began to whimper and cry, you sleepily sat up and wiped his tears away. You hushed him softly before activating your ability, welcoming the shift of reality as you worked to cure his nightmares, at least for tonight
  • When you first entered his mind, you were in a dark, dirty cell. The coldness seeped through your bare feet and with a start, you realized that if you were cold, then Atsushi must’ve been freezing
  • He was little, covered only in bland grey clothing, which were the equivalent of rags. His tiny form was trembling from the cold and your eyes landed on the chain hooked around his ankle, no doubt making him even colder
  • You wanted to envelop him in your arms to try and warm him up, but before you could move even a centimeter, the scene changed. Little Atsushi was now balled up on the hard floor, crying. Every sliver of skin you could see had bruises that got worse with each kick and slap that was delivered to his body
  • By the time the scenery changed again, you felt like you were about to be sick. The light from the colored glass above made you recoil but your body seized up when you heard three pairs of voices
  • They were yelling disgusting profanities at someone you didn’t even need to see to know who it was. You’d heard of this specific moment from Atsushi himself, but hearing it for yourself made you choke up
  • Atsushi had been smiling long before he woke, head nuzzling into your scented pillow with a purr before stretching. He’d had the perfect dream about you, him, and the agency laughing and dining together 
  • Still giddy from the dream, he hummed at your absence from the bed, “Maybe they’re making breakfa-” Atsushi paused. It was quiet and muffled, but his unnatural hearing ability picked up on the sound of you crying 
  • He immediately began to panic, practically flying out of the door and tripping on his way to the living room while in his half tiger state
  • You were leaning on the armrest of the couch with your head buried in your knees. Your head lifted at the sound of pounding footsteps, lips curling at the corners when Atsushi’s face melted into a relieved expression 
  • “Good morning, my tiger. Did you have a nice dream?”
  • The question made him stop ungracefully in his tracks, “How did you know?” Was it thatobvious?
  • Your lips formed a full smile, despite the pained look in your eyes, and you even managed to let out a giggle. “Well, I did create it. I was hoping you’d enjoy it as opposed to what you…normally dream of.”
  • Atsushi paled, and if he had cat ears, they’d most certainly be laid back against his head. “W-what…?” He let out a shaky exhale, “D-dazai mentioned once that your ability had something to do with the mind…s-something with, with dreams. Did you…”
  • You lifted yourself off the couch, body instinctively going to console him at his wavering tone, “I did use my ability on you, yes. You deserve rest, ‘Sushi, and I’m happy to shoulder your pain alongside you.”
  • “Shoulder it with me?”
  • Your eyes looked anywhere but him, “I…I have to endure the dreams, or nightmares, I steal from someone to be able to replace them with my own.”
  • Atsushi felt his heart sink
  • “But I don’t regret it, not for a second! You deserve every bit of love, support, and happiness this world has to offer, and I will give you every single ounce of those three things I possibly can.”
  • Even now, he began to blush. His mind was worried for you after having to see those memories, but his heart wanted to drown you in the love and affection he felt for you
  • So Atsushi did. He sat with you in his arms on the couch, singing you praises and compliments. When the birds stopped their song, and Atsushi finally got quiet again, he whispered a single “thank you”

Bonus; that night:

  • Hearingyourself scream should be enough to rouse anyone, but you and Atsushi woke up to each other’s screams that night. The silence was deafening as you stared at each other
  • Swallowing the lump in your throat, you opened your arms, motioning for your shaking boyfriend to come closer. “I-It’s okay, ‘Sushi. I was right there with you. I’m right here with you, I promise.”
  • He was still breathing heavily as he curled into your embrace, soft sobs being muffled into the fabric of your shirt. When the tears stopped, and his heartbeat slowed to match yours, he let out a shaky breath, “Thank you.”


  • Much like Dazai, Chuuya always told you “I’m fine, just wake me up when it happens again, alright? You’re already making me feel so much better, baby, I know you’ll make it better again.”
  • But seeing him come home exhausted day after day from work and then not be able to get any sleep just to do it all over again when he woke up made you frustrated. The feeling of failing him crawled its way into your mind- you could help! You knew you could
  • So you decided you didn’t care what Chuuya said. And when he began to thrash and shout in his sleep again, you blindly grabbed his hand, placing a kiss on the skin, before activating your ability
  • When reality stopped spinning, darkness was the only thing you saw. Your vision wasn’t picking up on anything, but you could hear; voices you didn’t recognize laying out the truth behind Chuuya’s childhood, or lack thereof. The last thing you heard was “A5158” before you finally could see again
  • You were at a gravesite beside a cliff. Your eyes landed on Chuuya, though his hair was shorter than you’ve ever seen it. It made you smile as you watched his interaction with his silver-headed friend- until he was stabbed; a poisoned blade, the kid said
  • Your breath hitched and you moved to run towards him when a group came out from behind the bushes with guns, but the scene melted away. Now you stood in a building, you think. The only source of light was a glowing jeweled fortress of sorts. You stood a little bit away from Chuuya and who you assumed was Dazai
  • A white-haired man sat inside the fortress, who Chuuya was cursing and yelling at. Your boyfriend demanded his comrades be returned but instead received the news that they had killed themselves. Your heart sunk for him but Chuuya showed no outward despair- only anger
  • His gloves and sleeves were shredded under his ability, red abstract lines crawling onto his arms and face. His irises got smaller, more feral, before the floor beneath him cracked and corruption fully activated. You stood in the middle of it all as the building exploded, sight going blurry, with only Chuuya’s enraged screams to guide you
  • When he woke up, he felt refreshed, mind still playing back the lovely dream he’d had. But Chuuya could feel that something was wrong. His head snapped over to your side of the bed, seeing you sitting up
  • You were staring at the covers blankly, fingers twisting and turning in the fabric. Your eyes were red from the tears that kept flowing out like a waterfall
  • Without hesitation Chuuya was by your side, cradling your face while frantically throwing out questions. “Are you okay, Baby? What happened? Are you hurt- did someone hurt you?”
  • His words caught in his throat when you began tracing his face, fingertips gliding over his face in a pattern. It was only when you trailed down his neck to his arms and hands did he realize what pattern you were tracing
  • And it instantly sent his heart plummeting to the pit of his stomach. “You didn’t…did you?”
  • Your lips quirked up, eyes softening, “Did you like the dream I picked out, Chuu? I made it especially for you.”
  • He stuttered, lips denying him the words he so desperately wanted to say. So instead he tugs you onto his lap in a tight embrace
  • And, like always, you understood his actions as words. “I will always be here to support the weight of your pain, Chuuya. You don’t ever have to do anything alone- not with me.”

Bonus; that night:

  • There wasn’t a single sound as your eyes snapped open to meet Chuuya’s, which had turned from frantic to worried. The same scenes played in both of your minds, but that was okay
  • You just smiled at him, wiping the sweat from your foreheads. “S’alright, Chuu. We’re okay. You’re okay.” Grabbing his hand, you placed it over your heart
  • He smiled back, slowly forgetting about his nightmares as he focused solely on you. “You are an angel and Iamso grateful for you.” And maybe neither of you went back to sleep that night, but he had you, and that was all he needed


  • Akutagawa has severe trust issues, so it took a long time before he even entertained the idea of sharing the same bed as you- and a long time still for him to sleep any other way than back to back
  • So naturally, when you found out he had night terrors, you weren’t exactly sure what to do. They were bad, if the way his hand ended up around your throat the first time you woke him showed for anything. You didn’t want to invade his space by using your ability, but…
  • Listening to him shout in his sleep and watching him wake up, visibly exhausted, was slowly killing you. You had the ability to help, and you were going to. No matter the outcome
  • It was around 3 am and you were seated at the kitchen bar when you heard Ryu begin to shout. Quickly, you padded your way to the bedroom and placed your hands on his temples, rubbing soothing circles on the skin
  • Your ability activated and reality shifted, bringing you to a dark, dreary alleyway. The faint moldy smell made your nose scrunch before your eyes landed on a boy rummaging through freshly thrown out trash. He was small and frail, maybe 6 or 7; It was Ryu
  • A wobbly smile appeared on his face when he found bits of nice scrap before he was scrambling away towards an even smaller little girl. The alleyway walls closed in, merging the colors until you found yourself…somewhere
  • You could tell you were outside, at least. In front of you was Ryu, a bit taller than he was previously. In front of him was a man you easily recognized as Dazai from his Port Mafia days. The ingenuine smile on his face made you scowl as he reached a hand out for Akutagawa
  • When he stepped forward and took Dazai’s hand, the scenery melted away. Now you were in a dark warehouse with Ryu and Dazai in front of you once more. Your scowl shifted into a look of horror as you watched Akutagawa hit the floor, blood spilling out of his mouth. The words “you’re weak.” echoed in the air as Ryu coughed violently
  • When Akutagawa woke, he didn’t focus on the dream he had, lovely as it may have been. His focus was on the coldness he felt beside him as he sat up and looked around for you
  • He strode into the kitchen, finding you with your back to him while sipping on what he assumed was coffee. Ryu’s lips quirked up as he wrapped his arms around your middle, but the feeling of liquid splashing on his hand made him frown 
  • He was quick to turn you around, “Y/n?” His eyes widened.
  • Your eyes were puffy and the fresh tears were washing away the old tear tracks. They slowly focused, scanning over his face in surprise like you didn’t realize he was there. Shaky hands grasped his and he snapped out of his shock
  • “Who did this to you?” Akutagawa’s rough hands wiped away your tears with as much gentleness as he could, “I’ll kill them for you.”
  • “I believe that would lose its purpose if you killed me forme.”
  • He let those words sink in, eyes staring holes into yours, “What?”
  • Your eyes lit up in amusement for a few seconds at the comedic display of his emotions, “You once told me there was a field of flowers you took Gin to for her birthday one year. I hope I recreated it just as prettily as the one you really went to.”
  • Akutagawa’s hands begin to tremble, faintly remembering the flower field in his dream. His fingertips pressed into your skin before his hands were sliding down your face to grasp your jaw
  • “Did you use your ability on me?” His voice was full of panic.
  • You didn’t have to answer him. You could tell he already knew. “I did.” Your hands came up to rest over his, “I love you, Ryunosuke. You don’t have to shoulder all of your pain alone.”
  • He just stared at you for a while, watching your brows slowly start to furrow, “Though I do have half the mind to march into the detective agency and beat Dazai into the floor.”
  • That made him chuckle, head shaking at your ability to make him laugh even in a situation like this. “Wouldn’t that be a sight.” The mere thought made his chest all fuzzy, knowing you would go to any length just to protect him

Bonus; that night:

  • A sharp phantom pain made you jolt awake. Your breaths came out labored, brain confused at the lack of real pain; it could’ve sworn your ribs were cracked…
  • Your eyes darted up to Ryu, whose chest was heaving with those same labored breaths. His head moved to the side so he could look at you in confusion 
  • You just shook your head, moving closer until his head was resting on your chest. “I’m here.” Your hands rubbed at his own chest, soothing over his ribs reassuringly
  • Akutagawa took in a shaky breath, “Don’t leave me.” his body relaxed when you responded with “never.”

bsd boys x reader

wc : 2.k

warnings : blood, death, reader injury

synopsis : your boyfriend snaps, losing control of his ability in the process, but you’re there to help bring him back to reality

a/n : remake!



  • The entire building sounded like it was going to come crashing to the ground
  • Which is probably because it was. You could hear Chuuya’s enraged screams from downstairs and you knew that if he didn’t stop, this entire 10 story building would come crumbling down with both of you inside
  • Which isn’t necessarily a problem for him, as he could easily deflect the rubble with his ability, but for you…well. You didn’t have an ability and you weren’t psyched on dying so young
  • So you began sprinting down the stairs, jumping over 5 steps at a time, trying to reach your boyfriend but it was all in vain when you heard a familiar chant
  • “Oh my gods, CHUUYA, NO!” 
  • You didn’t make it down fast enough. You slid through the doorway just as corruption fully formed
  • Sharp cracks shot up the walls and the ground beneath his feet broke. Everything- the walls, the floor, the ceiling- was trembling under the weight of Chuuya’s gravity 
  • ‘The agency is running behind…Dazai-kun won’t get here in time!’ You cursed silently, dodging and weaving through the rubble being thrown around 
  • This was supposed to be a simple co-mission with the Port Mafia and The Ada but things had been everything but simple. The enemy had planned for this; they knew about everyone
  • “Chuuya!” 
  • He couldn’t hear you. He just kept throwing dense gravity spheres around with a chilling laugh, making you realize just how bad the situation was
  • You took a deep breath in. And then you ran. Straight towards him. Chuuya saw you coming and spun around, throwing his sphere directly at you 
  • You ducked, getting scratched in the face with small bits of rubble that had broken off. You were bleeding all down your face, but you focused all your attention on the redhead in front of you
  • You took a leap, literally, and jumped at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. “Please, Chuuya! Just try and fight it until Dazai-kun arrives!” 
  • Your touch managed to shock Chuuya into standing still for only a few seconds. His hands quickly grabbed at you, trying to throw you off of him 
  • You could feel new bruises starting to form as you fought with Chuuya, frowning at the realization. You knew he’d feel terrible about it later- you didn’t want that.
  • It had been nearly 5 minutes when you saw a flash of beige and brown at the doorway. Gasping for air, you shouted, “DAZAI-KUN!” before you lost your grip, finally getting thrown down. You hit your head, vision going dark, but not before you saw a bright white glow
  • When you gained consciousness again, you could feel your head throbbing violently under the bandages that wrapped around it. You tried to lift your head, knowing Chuuya was in the room
  • A sharp pain made you slam your head back into the pillow, lips parting in a loud groan. It alerted Chuuya, who was startled awake, “Baby?!” 
  • His eyes were frantic as he scrambled to your side. Luckily, he was considerate enough to have been whispering as he fretted over you and ran his hands along your injured face 
  • “Chu…ya.” Your voice was very hoarse, almost inaudible, from the screaming you had done earlier. His frown deepened at the sound and you knew what he was gonna say next
  • “I’m so, so sorry. I- this is my fault, I should’ve been more careful and less quick to lose my temper and I…I just…why? Why would you come near me, you-”
  • “I love you..and if I..if I didn’t try to- to stop you, you would’ve…hurt yourself you..stubborn ass.” 
  • Chuuya stared at you like you were crazy before his eyes softened. He bit his lip harshly to keep it from trembling, “But now you’re hurt…”
  • You smiled and lifted up your hand, clutching onto his tightly, “And I’d do it..again. I’ll always..protect..you.”


  • Everyone was aware, Atsushi more than anyone, that he couldn’t fully control his ability yet. But no one saw him lose control like this
  • The enemy had made a comment about you, a comment you don’t even remember if you’re being honest. But Atsushi had been livid and transformed into a full fledged tiger without even meaning to
  • There was blood splattered onto the pavement, bloody paw prints trailing behind the tiger as he paced; like he was stalking his prey
  • Nobody was dead, yet, but if Atsushi continued to act hostile towards the Agency, Yosano wouldn’t be able to treat the wounded and Dazai wasn’t here to cancel out his ability
  • What they needed was a distraction. And luckily, you were crazy enough to be said distraction 
  • Ranpo and Kunikida yelled out, shouting for you to bring your ass back to the side lines, but you just continued to make a straight bee-line towards your furry boyfriend 
  • ‘Who doesn’t love a giant kitty?’ you thought
  • When you reached him, he was growling and snarling at the men trembling on the floor- until he sensed your presence. Atsushi instinctively roared, lashing out to slash at your face with his claws
  • You dodged backwards fast enough for them to be shallow, but fuck- it definitely hurt worse than normal cat scratches. You kept in your cry of pain, dropping to your knees to wrap your arms around his neck, nuzzling your face against his
  • His white fur was now caked with your blood as you finally started to cry in pain, “At-su-shi, please. Please come back to me.” 
  • When you lifted your head to stare into his eyes, one of yours was closed due to the four slashes that trailed across it, “Don’t let these bastards take you away from yourself.” 
  • A pale blue light made you shut your good eye, and when you opened it again, your arms were clutching onto your human boyfriend’s shoulders
  • Atsushi’s bangs covered one of his eyes while the other stared at you in pure horror. “Y-Y/n…?” 
  • You tried for a smile, whimpering in pain when it moved your cuts, “Welcome back, my tiger.” 
  • You slotted your lips over his to send a clear, silent message before pulling back, “Don’t worry, Yosano-chan will fix me up all nicely later.” 
  • Atsushi just stared at you in disbelief before his arms were wrapping around you, holding you as close as he physically could. He refused to let go, demanding Yosano treat you while you laid in his arms
  • Afterwards, he was a sobbing mess, “Y/n! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you, I-“ his words were slurred and his wailing just got louder and louder 
  • You sat and stroked his hair for hours, waiting for him to calm down to the point where you only hear small sniffles 
  • “It’s okay, Atsushi. I know you weren’t in control, and I made the decision to come to you. I trusted you to tame the beast and you did. I’m so proud of you.” 
  • He looked at you with wide, glassy eyes, feeling the guilt slowly be unraveled by the sheer amount of love and trust in your voice. “Thank you.”


  • The Port Mafia was on a co-mission with the Armed Detective Agency to take down a local gang that stole some information from both groups 
  • Fortunately, you all found the their hideout within 3 minutes 
  • Unfortunately, you split into groups and you were paired with Dazai, Atsushi, and Akutagawa. You didn’ have a problem with either of the two boys, you just didn’t like how Akutagawa, stupidly, acted around them
  • But, things were surprisingly going well as you four arrived at the rendezvous point. That is until a large bang was heard and Dazai dropped to the ground, unconscious
  • “DAZAI-KUN!”
  • “DAZAI-SAN!”
  • You and Atsushi raced to the brunette’s side while your boyfriend stood on guard with Rashomon out 
  • “He’s alright, just out cold. I’ll take care of him while you guys guard us. We’ll wait till the others group back up.” 
  • There was a silent agreement between the two ability users as they both took a protective stance around you. You were sitting on the ground with Dazai’s head in your lap with a gun drawn, just to be safe
  • Though the phrase ‘just to be safe’ lost its meaning when a bullet shot past both your protectors undetected and lodged into your shoulder
  • “Y/N!”
  • Atsushi was fretting over you but your eyes were on Akutagawa, watching him start to growl and lash out at everything around him 
  • “Ryunosuke!Stop! You’re going to accidentally hurt one of the others!” 
  • He wasn’t listening. What a surprise. 
  • You held your hand out for Atsushi, “Watch Dazai-kun. I’ll snap some sense into him.” 
  • Atsushi looked a bit apprehensive, but grabbed your hand, pulling you up anyway. He ripped part of your shirt off and wrapped it around your wound before you took off towards your boyfriend 
  • Grabbing your gun, you shot a couple rounds off into the darkness, making Rashomon snap his jaws at nothing. With him distracted, you rammed into Akutagawa causing the two of you to crash to the ground
  • Rashomon snapped back down quickly, aiming blindly for your neck but Ryu grabbed him and tugged him back 
  • “What the hell are you doing, you could’ve gotten killed!”
  • “I’m stopping you from losing control like an idiot. I’m fine- this is our job. Now calm down before you hurt one of our allies.” 
  • You got up before he could reply, walking back to Atsushi and Dazai. The rest of the mission went smoothly, and Dazai ended up being just fine. You had a small follow up meeting with Mori before you were dismissed for the day
  • Akutagawa stopped you before you could get very far, though. “I’m sorry I lost control earlier. I just…seeing you get shot even though I should’ve been able to stop it pissed me off.”
  • You shook your head with a smile, wiggling your eyebrows playfully, “You’re so sweet, Ryu~”
  • “I am not, shut up!” He glared at the floor, shifting his weight, “…come home with me. please.”


  • Fyodorloved bringing you on his little outings (technically they were missions, but since they were so easy for him, they were the equivalent of running errands) 
  • Not only could you defend yourself, like you’d ever need to with him, but you were also the perfect piece of eye candy- and he adored showing off his Milaya 
  • Things were going just as fine as all the other missions he had brought you on, but these men weren’t easily persuaded, so they thought they could use you as collateral
  • Big mistake. As soon as the knife grazed your face, Fyodor was enraged 
  • Each and every person in the tiny building you resided in were all brutally murdered. Some had their limbs explode one by one, some had their necks slit or snapped, and some had their heads explode. 
  • He was acting rashly- you knew he wouldn’t stop once he was done here. Fyodor’s mind wasn’t…present anymore. So you needed to bring him back
  • “Fyodor, stop! I’m fine!” 
  • He didn’t listen. He probably couldn’t even hear you over the screams of the man in his grasp 
  • Once the man was thrown to the floor, you took a leap of faith. You knew how dangerous ‘Crime and Punishment’ was- hell you didn’t even know what exactly it was- but you grabbed Fyodor’s hands anyway and made him cradle your face 
  • Your jaw was clenched in anticipation as your hands started to tremble over his. Fyodor stood tensely in front of you before the light returned to his eyes
  • You held his hands with an iron grip when he started to yank them away, “Fedya…” 
  • His eyes were as wide as saucers, “Y/n?” 
  • You smiled, nuzzling into his touch, before kissing both of his palms. His hands shook slightly as they secured a hold on your face. Your head was tilted up, lips being covered with his
  • “That was…beyond foolish, Kroshka.” 
  • You hummed, “little one, hmm? I love it when you call me that~” 
  • “I am serious. I could have hurt you. Badly.” 
  • “But you didn’t.” He stared at you, opening and closing his mouth, making you grin, “My precious Fyodor- always protecting me.”
  • That made him chuckle and bring you closer to him in a warm embrace, “Let’s go home, shall we?”
  • “Yes, please. I’d very much like to wash all this blood off.”

Poor Unfortunate Soul - Yan!Atsushi x Reader x Yan!Akutagawa

Requested: Could you maybe do another part to that yandere atsushi x reader x yandere Akutagawa and if not maybe just some head cannons of the two sharing a darling, I hope this isn’t to much and if you’re able could you keep this anonymous, thank you. I really enjoy your writing <3

A/N: Yes I can! I hope that this will be okay as I kinda combined the ideas? If anyone would like to read what anon is referring to, here is the link to the masterlist:). Anyways, ONWARD.

Tws: Swearing, violence, yandere themes.

AtsushiandAkutagawawatched you as they waited for a response or any sort of reaction. The pairs of eyes watched you like hawks, your mind raced. How do you calm down the two murderers? How do you de-escalate this situation and even then how would you go about this… relationship, if you could even call it that.

If you both told them that you didn’t want to be with either of them, they’d surely kill you. Think about who you’re dealing with, Akutagawa, one of the Port Mafia’s most dangerous members and Atsushi, who you thought wasn’t capable of hurting a fly, had just murdered several people right in front of you.

You bit your lip as an idea suddenly came to you, it was so silly, so ridiculous but it might just work out in your favour ifyou phrase it right.

“…What if you both get to have me?” Your voice was quiet, but it echoed around the hall loudly and both Atsushi and Akutagawa looked at each other, confused, before Akutagawa looked back at you, “Explain,” He said, “For the first time, the weretiger and I seem to be on the same wave length.”

“Well, we can talk about the finer details in a more comfortable space, but here’s how it could go…”

  • These two, my God.
  • So, they both adore you, would do anything for you.
  • Which is why when you proposed the idea of sharing you, they both went along with it.
  • In their heads, however, they both had the exact same idea.
  • One day, they would end up killing the other off.
  • But for now, they’ll just bide their time and wait for the perfect opportunity.
  • In the meantime, the three of you split up the days so that each of them would get an equal amount of time with you.
  • Atsushi gets the morning with you.
  • The three of you meet up and share lunch (All while Akutagawa and Atsushi bicker and argue the whole time.)
  • Then you spend the afternoon with Akutagawa, and then you go home alone, where Atsushi will keep an eye on you.
  • The cycle repeats.
  • Akutagawa is always really reluctant to let you go home on your own however.
  • He doesn’t want you to go :(
  • But also he hates that Atsushi will take care of you since you both now share a dorm space.
  • Atsushi protested and said that “Someone has to look out for them” while they sleep.
  • You did propose that Akutagawa could just sleep over half of the week to which both Akutagawa and Atsushi shut you down as Akutagawa still works for the Port Mafia and that would just make you a target for distracting him.
  • They also have petty arguments about you too, like,
  • “Akutagawa, what is this? Why’d you let them eat this? They had one with me this morning!”
  • “Because they asked, weretiger and had I known that you had given them that this morning I would have refrained from giving it to them.”
  • Deadass it’s like you’re not even in the room -.-
  • Atsushi is pretty much the same as he was before.
  • Only difference is that he’ll shoot random people threatening looks if they get a little too friendly with you.
  • He did it once with Dazai who is (as many of you know,) notorious for flirting with women.
  • You have never seen Dazai look so taken aback when Atsushi glowered at him with all the hatred he had in his heart.
  • Atsushi is terrifiedthat someone might kidnap you again, so his reaction is understandable.
  • But it’s nothingcompared to Akutagawa.
  • The moment someone looks at you for too long, later on they’re found dead in a ravine or ditch.
  • You have begged him to not do this and even begged Atsushi to try and talk some sense into Akutagawa, only for Atsushi to respond with:
  • “But honey, it’s to protect you. Although his methods are a little more violent than mine, he’s just doing his job.” With the creepiest fucking smile.
  • They treat you like a child, it’s ridiculous.
  • TL;DR, They do okay in a relationship, however you shouldn’t leave them alone in a room together :)

When your on your period - BSD HCs: Atsushi, Akutagawa, Ranpo


  • “…What’s a period?”
  • Bless his naïve innocent soul.
  • Did his own research after he overheard you talking about it to Yosano.
  • Y'know catching you doing the secret whisper and then the passing of the period products.
  • Once he understands what’s going on, he does his best to help.
  • “So, I know that you asked me to get pads but I then saw all these symbols that make them different? I bought all of them just to make sure you got the correct one!”
  • He’s such a sweetie marry him-
  • He’s kind of scared when you get irrationally angry and stays out of your way.
  • If your cramps are giving you trouble, both of you are surprised to find out that him wrapping his arms around your waist and lower back gets rid of them quite easily.
  • At home, you’re together all the time because of this.
  • Atsushi doesn’t mind - boys touch starved.
  • That being said though Kyouka also gives him advice on what should help you when you’re not around and he has no clue what to do.
  • TL;DR: Atsushi is best cuddly boy and although is confused, will do everything to help you :)


  • He’s not disgusted by periods, thank God he’s not that type of guy.
  • This man is kind of soulless when it comes to this.
  • No sympathy ngl.
  • “Unless you can’t walk I’m not going to help you.”
  • It’s only when you’re throwing up from pain that he finally does something.
  • Kind of wanted to avoid it at first. Y'know it’s “girl stuff.”
  • He always knew about it but he never bothered to ask about it and didn’t entirely understand it. He’s a man, why does he have to know?
  • Gin didn’t talk to him about it, why would he have to know about yours?
  • He now leaves pain killers out for you to get to when you really need it.
  • The thing that really made him care was when someone explained to him how the female reproductive system worked.
  • “…So if a woman doesn’t… Doesn’t do that once a month… They could be pregnant?!”
  • Suddenly, is overprotective and keeps an eye out for both you and Gin.
  • Buys your favourite food, makes sure you have a hot water bottle and are stocked up on supplies.
  • When you’re emotional, he’ll roll his eyes but hold his arms open for you and hug you until you feel better :)
  • Great character development on his part.


  • Looks up, or sits down wherever he is and mumbles, “It’s happened.” Even if you’re no where near him.
  • It takes one look, just like with any case and he’s got it.
  • “(Y/N), mother natures called.”
  • Will also just hand you pain killers and give you a nod of understanding.
  • Is chill about it.
  • He shares his snacks with you
  • Feel honoured, he only does this on a good day.
  • He found out about it going through Yosano’s medical textbooks she keeps in her office.
  • Perhaps he’s not the best at handling mood swings and may say something insensitive that makes you upset, however, he will feel bad and try his best to make it up to you :)
  • “I also found these, they’re this new type of candy I found that makes you knead and bake the candy in the microwave. It’ll distract you from the pain.”
  • He knows it’s happened before you have, it’s insane.