#yandere clones


Request: Yandere Overprotective and jealous clones from Star Wars berating their injured female Jedi General from taking missions again.

           Who knew that clones could be so much trouble?

           You loved your squad, really you did. It was just that they could just be so crazy overprotective.

           It had been over a month since your last mission, and yeah, it hadn’t exactly gone well but that didn’t mean you needed them to be hovering over you constantly. While you of course appreciated the guys wanting to take care of you, them splitting their time with you into shifts so that you were never without at least one of them by your side was a bit much. You could practically feel the Force trying to tug you back int the field, an order you would have been more than happy to obey if you were able to, that is. But you couldn’t, not when you were stuck on some uncharted part of a backwater planet, waiting for your squad’s medic to finally give you the all-clear.

           Speaking of which…

           “So what’s the diagnosis, doc?”

           Dench finally tore his eyes away from the screen, a bitter frown etched on his face, though his whole expression softened when his eyes landed on you. He didn’t answer right away though, instead gesturing to Prall, the top-ranked clone of your squadron, for him to come over, whispering something in his ear when he did. Only then did the two of them turn to speak to you, the rest of the squad waiting anxiously for their verdict.

           “There are still too many weak spots from where you broke your legs,” Dench sighed. “Even the slightest strain could break them again, and if that happened, I don’t know if they would be able to heal again.”

           “It’s settled then,” Prall said, walking over to take your hand in his. “You will continue to be confined to the compound, where you’re safe and we’re all here to protect you.”

           “Come on, don’t you think that’s a little over dramatic? I mean, I’ve been on bedrest for over a month now, I’ve been doing all of my exercises and taking all of my medicine. I’m pretty sure I can take a walk outside without dropping dead.”

           A harsh gasp sounding from behind you, you turned to see Kidi and Yrdor reaching for each other at the mere thought of something so horrible ever happening to you. And as soon as one of their hands met the other’s, their free hands then reached for you. Gripping you by the shoulders, they worked together to keep you from sitting up from the treatment table.

           “I don’t think we should be taking that risk,” Kidi mumbled, rubbing your shoulder.

           “Exactly,” Stus added, “you can’t count on the Force to protect you all of the time. You should be counting on us.”

           “Look, I know that you guys got scared when I came back hurt so badly, and I know that you just want to do whatever you can to keep that from happening again. But I am a Jedi Knight of the Republic. And while I am happy to count on all of you, I can still count on myself.”

           A beat passed, and then another, with no one speaking. The clones were all too busy glancing at each other, after all. Some appeared to be anxious, like Yrdor and Kidi, while others, like Dench, Stus, and Syl’ag looked at each other with amused love in their eyes. Prall, though, simply kept his eyes on you, his expression deeply grim as he walked towards you.

           “Of course you can,” he said, resting a hand on your knee. “But only once you are fully healed. I know that you are eager to get back out into the field, but if you go too fast before you are ready, you will have to start the entire healing process over again. And even then that might not be enough. Doesn’t it make more sense to just listen to Dench and let your body heal completely, rather than risk being stuck in bed for so many months more?”

           “I guess,” you sighed.

Sagging back into the chair, you missed the relieved looks that the rest of the clones gave each other. And when most of them gathered so tightly around you, you missed Prall leaning over to Yrdor, whispering in his ear, “Go hide her lightsaber.” How could you have heard it—how could you have seen it—when you were surrounded with so many of the same face, all of which had such love in their eyes.

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