#yandere dabi



another@i-cant-sing inspired head cannon

They have a Yandere brother Dabi Headcanon and at the end they said Dabi as a dad would be worse and I couldn’t wait to see that so i made this https://i-cant-sing.tumblr.com/post/650810751920013312/this-isnt-a-request-just-an-errant-thought-but

reader is half black!

female pronouns!

everyone go follow @i-cant-sing NEOW because without them i have no ideas

Yandere Dad Dabi

  • Let’s get one thing out of the way, he would NEVER hurt you
  • He knows the pain of growing up abused by your father too well
  • Instead he would threaten you and kill your friends
  • When he found out he got some broad knocked up he couldn’t believe it
  • His first thought was to just be a deadbeat and never meet you
  • But when your mom found him again and put his hand on her warm stomach and he felt you kick
  • He
  • Fell
  • In
  • LOVE!
  • he couldn’t believe he had essentially cloned another version of himself
  • it only got better when he learned you were a girl
  • now he knows he must protect his darling from boys/girls AND villains
  • when you were born he didn’t even let her hold you before wrapping you off and whisking you away from her
  • In fact, he realized all he wanted was you
  • So there was no uses for your pesky mother
  • He locked her up in an abandoned building and sent 10 nomu’s in to play
  • Needless to say, she passed away
  • Now that he had you to himself he could sit there and adorn your face for hours
  • He loved the way your few hairs were already curled tightly
  • The way your e/c eyes would follow his without hesitation
  • He swore everytime your little hand grabbed his he was gonna die from cuteness overload
  • As a kid he always would ruffle your hair and act like he didn’t care what you did
  • “Whatever kid, I got my own stuff to deal with.”
  • But everytime you even got near the front door he would pop up behind you to question your departure
  • Let’s say when you got older you were embarrassed and ashamed of your skin and hair since it wasn’t like everyone else’s
  • If he even caught you touching the flat iron he would throw a fit and go on a rant
  • “Your hair is fine the way it is! So what you don’t look like all those losers?”
  • Especially on special occasions
  • He would act like he didn’t care to learn your culture but it was far from it
  • He was the first one to teach you about black history month
  • Despite, living in japan he made you celebrate all month by flying you to America (where your mother was from) and Africa (the motherland)
  • He can be sweet but deadly
  • When he finds he have a boyfriend/girlfriend he’s…jealous
  • Not because he see’s you in a sexual light in the slightest but because he’s afraid that they’ll take you away from him
  • He always told you no dating but you’re 16 now and all your friends had dated before
  • You thought you were ready
  • You thought was ready
  • But Dabi proved very against it when turned your boyfriend/girlfriend into ash right in front of you
  • Then he yelled at you
  • When you finally notices your tears he calms down immediately and stops his flames
  • “I-I didn’t mean to kill him. But you have to understand he would’ve taken you away from me. And you don’t want that right? Do you wanna leave Daddy?”
  • He would question you with glossy eyes to add to your guilt
  • Not only did you get your s/o killed but you also hurt your dad
  • Just like expected you would shake your head and run to hug him as tight as possible
  • Repeating ‘i’m so sorry. i’m so sorry’
  • He would hug you back as tight with s smug grin on his face
  • Now the only time you got to cut slack was when Uncle Natsuo picked you up
  • When you were with him he’d cover and say you stayed with him all night when you were really with friends
  • Auntie Fuyumi loved treating you like her personal doll
  • She would brush your hair, dress you up and just talk to you all day long
  • At first, you thought your Uncle Shoto didn’t like you
  • Maybe even hated you
  • He always held a stern cold look and when he held you as a baby it was almost robotic
  • Same with hugs
  • But keywords: at first
  • Once Natsuo told him you thought he didn’t like you he completely changed
  • He started smiling at you and only you
  • He would buy you everything, even things your dad wouldn’t
  • You like makeup? Well here you go he just bought everything in stock at Morphe
  • Why?
  • Because Shoto refused to be feared by the one thing that glued his family back together
  • When Dabi finally told them about you it was the of your birth
  • This was the first time in years they were all together and no one was yelling or fighting
  • Rei cried tears of joy
  • Enji tried to pretend he wasn’t interested but when you tried to wrap your hand around his finger and it didn’t fit
  • He swore his heart grew
  • Shoto was looking in shock that his brother was a dad now and he was an uncle
  • Natsuo was confused but happy
  • And Fuyumi kept asking if it was a prank
  • Somehow you kept ending up in Enji’s arm though
  • To everyone’s surprise Enji and Rei were whole new people to you
  • Enji would let you run around while he chased you with an undeniable smile
  • Rei wouldn’t flinch from Enji when he came over holding you
  • Even as you got older Enji always tried to outdo everyone to keep his spot secured as your favorite
  • But don’t get it twisted
  • They all are just as protective of you as Dabi
  • Don’t think you can have any secrets because….
  • You’re , is hovering over you

Reader: F
Rating: E
Summary:You can cry all you want, but Dabi won’t let you go.
Warning:Smut, Yandere, Rape, Breeding Kink, Short
Tip Jar |Commission Info | Ask Box: Open

  “You’re mine, got it?” Dabi snapped, his hips pressed hard against your ass.

You whimpered against the bedspread, as he moved you back and forth on it with each thrust.

  “If I knock you up, no one can take you from me.” He added with another hard thrust. 

You started to cry against the pillow and Dabi said, “No need to cry little flame, you know it’s true. No one can take you from me.”:

  “Please Dabi.” You begged.

  “No, no, sweetheart. You’re staying right here with me.” He said. 

You tried to fight against him, but all the fight left your body when he entered you. You were just pinned against him, your front against the bed while he pounds into you. To get his seed deeper into you, the higher chance you have to getting knocked up. 

  “You’re mine.” He said as he lit his hands aflame and slapped it across your ass. Burning you as you yelped and tried to escape once more.

  “Oh you’re not getting away from me. Not when I’m so close.” He said with a smirk, “You honestly tried to get away from me and you expect to be able to get away again.” 

  “Dabi, please.” You whimpered. 

  “No begging, sweetheart. You don’t get to beg.” He snipped at you. 

His thrusts became sloppy as he neared his orgasm. Pleasure was coursing through him like nothing else, he wanted to finish off inside of you. Give you a Todoroki brat to tie you to him. He’d take care of you, if you behaved. If you were a good girl and carried his spawn then he’d treat you just right.

  “That’s it, fucking take it.” He grunted as he pushed himself as hard as he could against you. You were going to fucking take it, you were going to get knocked up by him. 

You thrashed and tried to fight back, you screamed into the creaky mattress as he thrusted hard into you. A couple more thrusts and you were filled with warmth, your fate sealed. 

  “That’s it.” Dabi said as he slowed down his movements against you. He eventually pulled out and let your body fully hit the bed. He smirked down at you as cum started to ooze out of your pussy.

  “Good girl.” He said almost softly.

You cried into you pillow, feeling violated and upset. Dabi hurt you, he fucked you while you had no choice but to say no. Now he was making decisions about your life together. You weren’t ready to be a mom.

  “I hope it takes.” He said as he inserted one finger inside of you, “If not, then we’ll just try again, we’ve got all the time in the world.” He smiled down at you almost menacing.

All you could do was whimper. 

You were going to be with him always. 




The car came to a full stop. You could see the sun disappearing behind the clouds as it began to set. You bit your lip, watching the swirls of orange and pink come together in the sky. You didn’t even thought the sky could look so pretty. You saw the waves crash over the rocks on the beach.

The parking lot was empty, the last car pulling off at you two pulled in.

“Um. I had fun tonight. Thanks for taking me out.” you giggled shyly, looking over at him.

Dabi turned his head to look at you, running a hand through his hair. a smiled spread across his lips. “It doesn’t have to end right now, does it?”

Yeah, he was right. You didn’t want to go yet, you had been having way too much fun. You peeked over at the car radio, it was 8:45. “No, I guess not!” you answered, meeting his eyes again. “Thanks for taking me out.”

“Come on,” he winked. “You deserve it. Our next date will be even better.”

“Dabi-” you scoffed, shaking your head at him. It grew quiet as you gazed down at your fingers. You were glad you didn’t listen to your friends when they all said not to go out with him. He was amazing. He was the funniest man you’ve ever heard speak…and he was drop dead…SO FINE.

“Baby…look at me.” you heard him tease. You shyly turned your head, only to become aware of a pair of lips over your own. It was short and brief, and definitely took you by surprise.

“I’m sorry, was I moving too fast?”

“No, it’s not that.” you laughed nervously. “I liked it, but no guy has ever…done that-”

“I’ll stop you right there, my little matchbox. No ‘guy’ has done that. I’m a man…I’m your man.” he slid his fingers under your chin. “I know what I want, and that’s you.”

You nearly felt your heart stop. His intensity was unmatched. You studied his face as he drew his hands back to wipe the side of his mouth. His tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip. His smirk grew wider.

“Would you like me to kiss you again?”

“Um, I wouldn’t hate it…” you confessed.

“You shouldn’t use that cute voice. I might break you.” Dabi growled, grabbing your attention. He had your full and undivided stare. The way he spoke led you to believe he was absolutely feral. His voice wavered between raspy and warped at the same time.

Before you could ask what he meant, he kissed you again. His hands rested on either side of your face as he explored your mouth with his rough tongue. You let out the slightest whimper.

He abruptly pulled away, a thin line of drool coming between you two.

“Get in the back seat.” he rasped, he leaned over and unbuckled your seatbelt. “There sure as hell isn’t enough room up here. Get back there….now.”

Call it sadistic, bur hearing his dominance did something for you. Deciding to be cheeky, you crawled between the front and passengers seats. You plopped down, sitting back. You stared back at him, your innocent face peeking through trying to look like a tease.

Dabi stared at you. Did you really jus- Did you really just challenge him like that? Dabi practically jumped back there with you, feverishly covering your body with his. He tore off his coat, and yanked off his loose fitting shirt. His muscles tensed up, flexing as he grabbed the seat head behind you.

As if on cue, the car radio changed. The song that played was slow and very sensual. Before you could comment, he held your cheek and kissed painfully slowly up your jawline.

“You do things to me-” he groaned. He abruptly moved himself so you could sit on his lap. You relaxed against him, like you belonged there.

Dabi moaned against your lips, trailing his hands under your shirt. His hands warmed exceptionally. The way he held you, the way he kissed you and captures your tongue in his trap could only be read as a man who wasn’t to be fucked with, and it worked too.

“Y/N.” he rasped. “Can I keep you?” he moaned against your lips. “Please let me keep you.” he whispered.

Instead of answering, you traced your fingertips up his torso. While his skin was rough, it was also comforting. His skin was firey hot, but feeling those little staples against your skin added to the feeling.

It was only going to get more heated from there.
