#yandere yoosung

ask-mysme-cutie: YANDERE YOOSUNG WEBTOON is now available at my kofi shop! Go check it out guyzzzzIt


YANDERE YOOSUNG WEBTOON is now available at my kofi shop! Go check it out guyzzzz

It’s free so get your copy here~!

((have u guys check this out~? this is limited time btw. I plan to unpublish this once the year ended and published it again next halloween^^

Post link


For@mysme-fictober2020 prompt list

Day 3: Murder

“Saerean? Oh my God! It is you! I haven’t seen you in ages!” The tall dark-haired man with glittering green eyes embraced Saeran, a little too familiarly for Yoosung’s taste.

“Haven, uh, how are you?” Saeran gave a quick hug and stepped back.

“Good good! And you? You look amazing as always.” Haven gave Saeran an appraising look from head to toe, completely ignoring the blonde at his side.


“Good enough to eat.” The man smirked, his tongue peeking through his lips sensuously. “I’m only in town for a day, why don’t we go have a drink, like old times? My hotel is just over there.” The man pointed down the block and gave Saeran a knowing look.

“Haven, it’s great to see you, but I’m going to pass on that drink, and…everything else.” He turned towards Yoosung but was halted by Haven’s laughter.

“I’ve never known you to play hard to get, as a matter of fact, I’m surprised you didn’t do the suggesting in the first place, you’ve always enjoyed a good roll in the hay.” His eyebrows rose invitingly.

Yoosung cleared his throat and glared at the man. Haven finally gave the blonde his attention. “Who do we have here? A new playmate? That’s OK, I don’t mind sharing, invite him along. He’s a little on the feminine side, but I’m intrigued.” He ran a finger down Yoosung’s flushed cheek and Saeran slapped it away.

“That’s enough! Yoosung is my boyfriend and we aren’t interested.” Saeran hissed.

“Boyfriend?” Haven’s eyes almost protruded from their sockets. “Since when do you do relationships?” the man appeared astonished and confused.

“Since none of your business.” Saeran seethed.

“OK OK.” Haven put his hands up and took a step back. “Well, if you change your mind…” he took out a business card and wrote something on the back of it, stuffing it in Saeran’s front jean pocket. Yoosung growled but Saeran held him back. “Your puppy has teeth, must be fun in bed.” He winked at Saeran and turned, walking away from them.

Saeran breathed a sigh of relief as the man left. Before he could stop him, Yoosung reached into his pant pocket and pulled out the card.

“His hotel and room number!” he hissed. He slammed the card against Saeran’s chest and began to walk away in the opposite direction as Haven. Saeran caught the card as it began to fall. He didn’t even glance at it, tossing it in the closest garbage can as he quickly followed after Yoosung. The man was pissed, and Saeran couldn’t blame him, he had a lot of making up to do. Haven had been a frequent sexual partner for him, but that was well before he’d met Yoosung. The man didn’t hold a candle to Yoosung, but how to prove it?

The next morning:

“Oh my God.” Saeran stared at his phone, reading and rereading the text. Yoosung was in the kitchen making breakfast.

“What is it?” he asked over his shoulder as he scrambled some eggs.

“That guy…from yesterday…”

“Haven?” Yoosung spat. They’d talked the day before and Saeran had told him everything about the man they had run into. Yoosung asked a million questions and Saeran didn’t hesitate to answer them all.

“Uh…yeah…” suddenly Saeran wasn’t so sure he should say more.

“What about him?” Yoosung asked. Saeran saw how his shoulders had tensed up, he was angry again. He should have kept his mouth shut, but he’d reacted to the news. Besides, it wasn’t right to keep secrets from Yoosung, even if it meant Saeran would be in the dog house for a bit. He knew it was just Yoosung’s jealousy at work, he had nothing to be afraid of, Haven had never been a threat to their relationship.

“Well, apparently somebody murdered him last night.” Saeran said. A mutual friend had sent him the link to the news article, the details were grim.

“Oh?” Yoosung’s shoulders eased and he began to hum under his breath.

“Yeah, according to the article, it was pretty gruesome, how could somebody do that to another human being?” Saeran shook his head.

“I don’t know, maybe he deserved it.” Yoosung shrugged, dividing the eggs between two plates. He went around the counter and set one in front of Saeran, the other next to him and sat. He dug into his eggs and pancakes.

Saeran simply stared at him.

“Yoosung, you didn’t…I mean…ahh…never mind.” Saeran pushed the idea out of his head. Certainly, he’d seen and felt the underlying yandere vibes from Yoosung, but murder? This brutally? He watched his boyfriend, his sweet and innocent boyfriend who screamed when he saw a spider. Ridiculous, it was just a tragic coincidence. Right?

Yoosung hummed happily to himself, a small, satisfied grin on his face.
