

Yandere ! Because I’ve never drawn her before.



*my skirt flies up in the wind* kyaaaaaa!

*frantically tries to hold my skirt down as a comically large number of weapons spill out from under it*

*a gentle breeze slightly ruffles my skirt and one last dagger falls out*

yandereplier somewhat based on @smiledog15578 ‘s design of her!! love her sm.

yandereplier somewhat based on @smiledog15578 ‘s design of her!! love her sm.

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more markimerms, Yandereplier this time. they’re a kissing fish (whose kisses are actually aggro)

((I thought of this while [re]watching SAVE DAT RUMP!! | Mr. President so blame Mark for this rofl You can also read it on AO3 if you’d prefer =D Either way, please enjoy this A+I AU fluff!))

Dark runs a bodyguard firm called Iplier Protection with his husband, Wilford.

They utilize a variety of methods ranging from swordsmanship (headed by Yani) to gun-slinging (headed by, of course, Wilford, himself) to even cybernetics (headed jointly by Google and Bing) and legality (headed by Dark, himself).

Next to their headquarters is a little antique store called Ancient Eye.

It’s Yani’s favorite place to get her tool of trade; and it’s run by Anti.


The Ipliers hadn’t paid much attention to it, at first.

It was just a little store they passed on their way into work every morning; nothing special about it. It might have had a few cool furniture items here and some particularly nice looking decorations there; but it was just a stuff old place full of stuffy old things and they assumed it was run by a stuff old person.

And they were just too high end for that kind of thing.

Then, Yani got locked out in the rain one day.


Her job had run too long that day and she missed the carpool back home.

Normally, when this happens, it’s fine because she usually has a key; but, ridiculously, she lost her key down a manhole while fighting for her client.

Dark didn’t let her hear the end of it when she called for a ride home.

Coincidently, he didn’t let Anti hear the end of it, either.


The antique dealer had been stepping out for a peaceful moment in the rain.

It’s his favorite kind of weather and relaxes him greatly no matter the problem.

So, he’d been surprised to step outside and find his serene moment impossible because what appeared to be a young girl was standing out in the pouring rain getting her ear yelled off by what appeared to be her father(?) on the phone.

After an awkward moment, he offered to let her wait for Dark inside.


Yani hadn’t really expected much from the old store.

Her interests (outside of swords) tend to lean towards more… modern things. Like video games and computers. The oldest thing she likes is probably music.

She’s not even that into paintings or books or statues.

But that’s not all Anti has.


Her jaw almost dropped when she saw it: his collection of all things SHARP.

Spears, daggers, knives, even her beloved swords were all there.

Hanging on walls, sitting in cases, encased in resin…

Dark ended up adding Anti to their protection list.

(Free of charge, no less, per Yani’s insistance.)
