#yazaki hiroshi


1. IMO the current cast’s voices are… not very powerful? It’s not bad, but they are not very memorable. I remember Hirose Daisuke’s “Show time ga” well. But in LIVE 2, it didn’t stand out.

2. When Aramaki Yoshihiko said “Saigo moriagate iku yo”, I had throwback feels. <3

3. Suzuki Shogo has the most consistent, amazing voice. <3


4. I’m annoyed because in any and all iterations, Okita Souji has his slender fingers wrapped around my tender fangirl heart. <3


5. Chi-sama? Seriously, Chikage? xD His face during the whole Chi-kama scene is so adorable ughh. From disapproving to ughh I know I’m popular but you don’t have to to I guess it’s not bad. xD


6. First time seeing Shiranui topless! Kashiwagi Yuusuke is actually pretty toned… *^* Heck, a lot of them are!


7. Meanwhile at the side of the stage… #bromance


8. And at the back of the stage, Souji attacks an extra’s nipples. D:


9. Unrelated, but I’m very pleased every time Saito shows off his sternocleidomastoid muscle because it’s extremely relevant to me as a dentist. :D

10. The cast’s harmonization sounds really good. <3

11. I wasn’t able to watch Reimeiroku, so the medley with Serizawa’s assassination was new and exciting for me. The lines, the acting, the choreography… it was great! I like Serizawa’s wig and beard, they are really nicely done. (meanwhile, why can’t they get Sano’s hair right???)

12. Yazaki Hiroshi!! I really missed his singing. He had a really strong and consistent voice. And he portrayed Hijikata really well, even nailing Shinichiro Miki’s voice. And he’s really cute too ahhhh.

13. The cast interacting with Yazaki was really hilarious! Ahhhh Kondo-san! ;A;



16. I squealed so hard when I heard the tune to Paint It Blood. Okita is my favourite character and Paint It Blood’s chorus is incredibly catchy and I really love the lyrics. Aramaki-san’s smug look… UGHHHH.

17. Sano’s solo songs were pretty fun. The way he stroked his spear, fufufu. And that teasing “Wait for me!” I can’t wait to watch Harada-hen!

18. The return of Oni no Matsuei! The part where they harmonize “kakugo shiro”… Ahhh I love the old songs. TT

19. Suzuki-san seemed so emotional when they finished the final song. I know that this is his last Hakumyu. But was this the last stage? Even till through the cheering section, he seemed so sad…. :’< (I later find out that yes, it was the last performance) I’m gonna miss his Kazama very much. It wasn’t the same Kazama from the game, but he created a Kazama that was very memorable.

20. I didn’t realize that it was also Hashimoto Shohei’s last Hakumyu. The feels. :’<

21. Everyone was so emotional. TT

Just like the first LIVE, LIVE2 was a lot of fun to watch! I’m so glad to be able to watch Hakumyu up till now. I’m looking forward to watch Harada-hen! ^^
