#saitou hajime

kotowari16: Sword Nerds.Saitou found an unlikely ally in his endless discourse with Okita. Kane, on


 Sword Nerds.

Saitou found an unlikely ally in his endless discourse with Okita.

Kane, on the other hand, found himself a new enemy.

Text transcript as it’s really small on desktop:

Okita: Hajime-kun, take it back. The Kotetsu is superior!

Saitou: Souji. It’s an impressive blade, but no match for the vice commander’s Kanesada.

Heisuke: Again?

Kane: Well, obviously, the Kanesada is superior! (I mean, look at me. I’m strong and stylish. Stylishly strong. All Nagasone does is show off his abs.)

Okita: (Do you want to die? Cause I can take care of that.)

※No offense was meant towards Nagesone Kotetsu fans

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Happy birthday Saitou Hajime

I try drawing alternative versions and decide to post these two that I like most. Maybe I’ll post the other versions later.

I also plan on drawing the other guys with the same style too since I love to see them come off together as a set. Putting all of them together in one frame must be nice.



Okita & Saitou

I drew this as a new year celebration but didn’t thought of posting my works on tumblr by the time. The costume is inspire by 2022 calendar.

This is one of my proud and favorite piece.

I wanna try doing the painting but failed and didn’t have much time left so I just cleaned up the sketch to use it instead of lineart. It’s kinda messy but the final piece turned out great. Guess it’s good to fail sometimes.

Love this piece

kotowari16:5月5日 Happy Birthday, Toshi! The honorary members of the Hijikata fan club (Kane’s idea) a



Happy Birthday, Toshi!

The honorary members of the Hijikata fan club (Kane’s idea) are about to throw him a surprise birthday party (also Kane’s idea).

Living the 2205 life in the Bakumatsu period.

I’m still having a lot of fun with this cross-over.

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Okita Souji, frequent situation haver

5月5日 Happy Birthday, Toshi! The honorary members of the Hijikata fan club (Kane’s idea) are ab


Happy Birthday, Toshi!

The honorary members of the Hijikata fan club (Kane’s idea) are about to throw him a surprise birthday party (also Kane’s idea).

Living the 2205 life in the Bakumatsu period.

I’m still having a lot of fun with this cross-over.

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 Sword Nerds.Saitou found an unlikely ally in his endless discourse with Okita. Kane, on the other h

 Sword Nerds.

Saitou found an unlikely ally in his endless discourse with Okita.

Kane, on the other hand, found himself a new enemy.

Text transcript as it’s really small on desktop:

Okita: Hajime-kun, take it back. The Kotetsu is superior!

Saitou: Souji. It’s an impressive blade, but no match for the vice commander’s Kanesada.

Heisuke: Again?

Kane: Well, obviously, the Kanesada is superior! (I mean, look at me. I’m strong and stylish. Stylishly strong. All Nagasone does is show off his abs.)

Okita: (Do you want to die? Cause I can take care of that.)

※No offense was meant towards Nagesone Kotetsu fans

Post link

1. IMO the current cast’s voices are… not very powerful? It’s not bad, but they are not very memorable. I remember Hirose Daisuke’s “Show time ga” well. But in LIVE 2, it didn’t stand out.

2. When Aramaki Yoshihiko said “Saigo moriagate iku yo”, I had throwback feels. <3

3. Suzuki Shogo has the most consistent, amazing voice. <3


4. I’m annoyed because in any and all iterations, Okita Souji has his slender fingers wrapped around my tender fangirl heart. <3


5. Chi-sama? Seriously, Chikage? xD His face during the whole Chi-kama scene is so adorable ughh. From disapproving to ughh I know I’m popular but you don’t have to to I guess it’s not bad. xD


6. First time seeing Shiranui topless! Kashiwagi Yuusuke is actually pretty toned… *^* Heck, a lot of them are!


7. Meanwhile at the side of the stage… #bromance


8. And at the back of the stage, Souji attacks an extra’s nipples. D:


9. Unrelated, but I’m very pleased every time Saito shows off his sternocleidomastoid muscle because it’s extremely relevant to me as a dentist. :D

10. The cast’s harmonization sounds really good. <3

11. I wasn’t able to watch Reimeiroku, so the medley with Serizawa’s assassination was new and exciting for me. The lines, the acting, the choreography… it was great! I like Serizawa’s wig and beard, they are really nicely done. (meanwhile, why can’t they get Sano’s hair right???)

12. Yazaki Hiroshi!! I really missed his singing. He had a really strong and consistent voice. And he portrayed Hijikata really well, even nailing Shinichiro Miki’s voice. And he’s really cute too ahhhh.

13. The cast interacting with Yazaki was really hilarious! Ahhhh Kondo-san! ;A;



16. I squealed so hard when I heard the tune to Paint It Blood. Okita is my favourite character and Paint It Blood’s chorus is incredibly catchy and I really love the lyrics. Aramaki-san’s smug look… UGHHHH.

17. Sano’s solo songs were pretty fun. The way he stroked his spear, fufufu. And that teasing “Wait for me!” I can’t wait to watch Harada-hen!

18. The return of Oni no Matsuei! The part where they harmonize “kakugo shiro”… Ahhh I love the old songs. TT

19. Suzuki-san seemed so emotional when they finished the final song. I know that this is his last Hakumyu. But was this the last stage? Even till through the cheering section, he seemed so sad…. :’< (I later find out that yes, it was the last performance) I’m gonna miss his Kazama very much. It wasn’t the same Kazama from the game, but he created a Kazama that was very memorable.

20. I didn’t realize that it was also Hashimoto Shohei’s last Hakumyu. The feels. :’<

21. Everyone was so emotional. TT

Just like the first LIVE, LIVE2 was a lot of fun to watch! I’m so glad to be able to watch Hakumyu up till now. I’m looking forward to watch Harada-hen! ^^

Okita & Saitou

I drew this as a new year celebration but didn’t thought of posting my works on tumblr by the time. The costume is inspire by 2022 calendar.

This is one of my proud and favorite piece.

I wanna try doing the painting but failed and didn’t have much time left so I just cleaned up the sketch to use it instead of lineart. It’s kinda messy but the final piece turned out great. Guess it’s good to fail sometimes.

Happy birthday Saitou Hajime

I try drawing alternative versions and decide to post these two that I like most. Maybe I’ll post the other versions later.

I also plan on drawing the other guys with the same style too since I love to see them come off together as a set. Putting all of them together in one frame must be nice.

Hakuouki : Routes order suggestion

This suggestion is on my opinion alone. My reasoning depends on the story of the route, how they related to others and mostly my sentiment.

Apologize in advance for any mistake.

1.Hijikata : Best to start with the main route. It got a broad view of the story that cover most of the main plot while the other routes are branches from the main one. Some of the other routes could be left with cliffhangers and that would be confusing. Also the prologue make it obvious that he is the main love interest, then it would be good to go with him on your first game. Not so much romance but one of the best romance.

2.Okita : Atleast before Saitou’s route.

3.Saitou : Atleast before Shinpachi and Harada

4.Shinpachi : Heisuke before Shinpachi is also fine.

5.Heisuke : Atleast before Harada’s route.

6.Harada : In case you go with Heisuke before Shinpachi, either Harada or Shinpachi is fine.




10.Iba : Atleast before Souma’s route.



13.Normal route(Yukimura Chizuru)

Following the game’s order would do either. Hijikata > Okita > Saitou > Heisuke > Harada > Shinpachi > Sannan > Yamazaki > Iba > Souma > Sakamoto > Kazama

I’ll share my reasoning in the spoil section for those who finished. It contains heavy spoilers. Better not read them if you haven’t finished.

*You can skip this part since I’m only sharing my own*

Here are my routes in order when I first play. I thought I should go with the 6 original routes first.

1.Hijikata : Because he’s the main route.

2.Harada : I like him very much and couldn’t wait any longer.

3.Okita : I’m just picking 1 out of 2.

4.Saitou : I’m just picking 1 out of 2.

5.Heisuke : Keep the one I’m interested as the last before moving to Kazama.

6.Kazama : Last one of the original 6 after finishing the Shinsengumi’s guy’s route.

Now the other 6 and the normal route.

7.Shinpachi : I’m curious how his route would turned out because I see him as a bro rather than love interest.

8.Normal route KW only : Somehow I just felt like playing with my own choice without guide and got this. I didn’t know it still continues in EB! How stupid have I been those entire time ;;-;;

9.Sakamoto : He had my worst interest when I first met him so I hurry play his route before I lose interest at last. But he turns out to be my favourite, though.

10.Sannan : I want to know more about him.

11.Normal route EB only : I continue this route right after I realized it hadn’t finished yet. Took me long enogh to realize though. *continues to cry*

12.Yamazaki : I like him. Just saying.

13.Iba : Last one before Souma.

14.Souma : Save my dear for the last.


1.Hijikata:The main route, of course. By far the best route in terms of the plot and romance pairing in my opinion. If I can hold the most depressing route, then I should pass the others as well!

2.Okita : His happy ending was sweet but left a cliff hanger that kinda crush me after I expect so much. I mean, when I started his route I was like “finally, I can get him a happy ending he deserves ” but at the end of his epilogue makes me go completely blank then question “He’s just sleeping, right?”. Until now I still want to believe that he just simply fall asleep even though it might not be true.The ending would definitely crush me even harder if play his route as one of the last route since my expectations on his ending would grow higher as I grew fond of him more after every routes.

3.Saitou : This involved Okita, Harada and Shinpachi.

Go for Saitou after Okita. Chapter 3 of KW when Chizuru learns about his condition upon hearing his conversation with Matsumoto-sensei. That scene suppose to be Okita’s scene, so I should focus on him on the first try rather than Saitou because Saitou stopped me from being soooooo emotional over the scene.

Go for Saitou before Harada and Shinpachi. Saitou get to reunite with them after they left in EB. It’s more fun to surprise yourself from Chizuru’s pov by meeting up with them without knowing the story from their side yet.

4.Shinpachi : I prefer him before Heisuke because I wanna see the side of the one who’s strongly against the idea of rasetsu before Heisuke’s side who accept to be rasetsu on his own decision. Shinpachi’s disagreement is totally accurate, but Heisuke’s side isn’t something you get to see much aside from his. It’s fine to put Heisuke first but I like the other way better.

5.Heisuke : His route in chapter 4 of KW during Aburano incident has his painful CG appearing in both his and Harada’s routes, so I’d rather gone through this part in his route before Harada’s since this scene is mostly about him. Quite similar to Okita and Saitou’s case.

6.Harada : It’s all written mainly in Saitou and Heisuke’s.

7.Sakamoto : Actually I’m a little on edge between Sakamoto and Yamazaki. Playing the route of a guy who oppose to the Shinsengumi after the Shinsengumi’s guys route would do. But putting Yamazaki and Sannan later should be okay since they don’t really have anything to do with the Shinsengumi much in the last half part(they’re practically dead), while Souma is a special case for me.

8.Sannan : I think it’s not that serious on where to put this in order. But it shows another side of him with his resetsu stuffs which might be good to see after/apart from his cheesy sides in other routes. I’m also referring to the scene where Sannan in rasetsu form argues with Sakamoto, so I’m putting him after Sakamoto and others above as his role isn’t that heavy in the remaining routes.

9.Yamazaki : I just realized in this route that he(and also Shimada) had been looking out for Chizuru these whole time throughout those routes without me knowing eg. when she delivered a message to Saitou or go out with Sakamoto. He surprised me a little in Sakamoto’s route and even more in his own route so I decided to save him for later. I’m thankful for him and this got me blushing a bit. That’s kinda sweet :)

10.Iba : Similar to Yamazaki. He surprised me for having a crush on Chizuru since childhood. Like, really? This whole time? After all of those routes? Since the beginning? Since before I know you?? Since Chizuru even remembers you??? Also putting Souma after him is a good decision by luck. Come on, Iba, don’t guilt trip me too hard I just finished yours

11.Souma : Basically parallel to Hijikata. Hijikata is one of the starters while Souma is the last chief. Hijikata as Chizuru’s commanser and Souma as her junior. If we have Hijikata as the start of the story of Shinsengumi, Souma could be the end. Playing his route which contains flashback of the other members after their routes sounds perfect to me. I love how I get to see the other old characters trust Souma with the Shinsengumi and pass on their legacy to him. Although I think Kazama is better as the last order, I don’t regret having him to end with. Indeed, I’m glad.

12.Kazama : Another parallel to Hijikata, but a little different from Souma. In Hijkata’s, Chizuru views the story from inner side while supporting her love’s back to his goal. In Kazama’s, Chizuru views the story from outer side while having Kazama supporting her back to her goal. He is the only love interest who is an original character which doesn’t involve with the history and his route is also the normal ending so he’s best as the last love interest.

13.Normal route(Yukimura Chizuru) : Best route to end the game with no romance. *shed tears* *sniff* *sniff*

I may not be good at expressing my thoughts into words and my writing skill isn’t something I’m so proud of, so I apologize if it’s confusing. But I’m doing my best and I’ll try to improve! Please feel free to correct me if I made any mistake. You can also share your thoughts whether you agree or disagree on anything. I’d be happy to hear different thoughts.
