

Last print for internship!

(Moon above it’s finally over ( ; ; )

Thank you all so much for being patient, truthfully for the next couple months my focus will be on my Senior Thesis. You might be thinking that I haven’t kept my promise, or wonder where the rise of the guardians tv series went, and I’m there too. I think about it constantly, and worry perhaps more than I should regarding how to go about it. That is why for my thesis I am practicing, if you will, with another story, one of my own creation, and going through the process of making characters, to the backgrounds, to the animatic. I want so badly just to jump in head first with guardians, but at the same time know It would be premature and not as professional as I want it to be, as well as what fans and newcomers of the fandom alike deserve in a guardians series.

That being said, there are still surprises in store that I hope will suffice till then.

Description: A lovely bear and moon mouse sipping tea under the mim.

Enjoy and I hope to see you all very soon ~

Best Wishes! ✨

