


A Mini Tsuchiyako/Spiderfox Appreciation Post

Look, I love Misaki and Nagisa but boyyy!!!

Tsuchiyako look so good together??? I’m in love with this shot of them in the opening.

And they have a dynamic that’s just hilarious. Kinda like an old married couple who still bicker with each other. But also-

They look pretty close and comfortable with each other. I mean just look at her! She takes naps in his science prep room. That’s really cute.

I love this little moment they have together in The 4 PM Bookstacks. She noticed him discovering something new about Hanako and just??? casually hopped to his shoulder??? and quietly asked him while the kids ramble on in the background???

Platonically, they make a great duo. I reeeaaalllyyyy want to see more of them together. But I can also ship them romantically. I can totally see them being one of those couples who get on each other’s nerves but ultimately care about each other.

Their design also kinda match??? The red kimono/yukata and purple turtleneck (funnily enough, red and purple are also Hanako and Tsukasa’s colors), paired with white outerwear (her haori and his labcoat).

Tldr; I love tsuchiyako/spiderfox!!!



Slytherin: *organizing Professor Snape’s potions while standing on a ladder to reach the highest cabinets and shelves*

Hufflepuff: *suddenly appears from below him* Hello!

Slytherin: *jolts in fear and tightly grips the ladder as it shakes*

Hufflepuff: Oh Merlin! I’m so sorry. *climbs onto ladder to reach him* There, there *pats his fluffy head of hair softly and climbs back down*

Slytherin: There’s no need for that..I wasn’t even that frightened. *slowly descends from the ladder too*

Hufflepuff: No, I’ll take credit, it was my fault.

Slytherin: *still significantly taller as he reaches the ground* Well.. *bends down and boops her nose with his finger* You’re still apologizing for nothing. I just didn’t expect you to be there. *walks away and out the door*

Hufflepuff: *still standing there frozen* Wait! *unfreezes and chases after him with a newly woven flower crown in her hands* I MADE YOU ANOTHER ONE!!! THAT’S WHY I CAME HERE!! *runs faster*

mangabreadroll: AU where Herb dies at the end of Reanimator and Dan brings him back wrong *rubs hand


AU where Herb dies at the end of Reanimator and Dan brings him back wrong *rubs hands together*

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Jack Nicholson getting into character for the axe scene in The Shining.



the only person that got to threepeat was pat mccaw, he won 2 rings with the warriors and 1 with the raps

broskev-art:there’s something about kaeya wearing comfy home clothes and doing some regular stuff th


there’s something about kaeya wearing comfy home clothes and doing some regular stuff that brings me some extra amount of serotonin

i just want him to feel cozy that’s it

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