#yeji scenarios


Yeji as Your GF

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope that the end of your week was good.

If you’re interested in reading works like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Fluff and softness overload

- She’s so sweet and lovely around you

- Like, she just melts at the sight of you

- Big-time cuddles. She just cannot get enough of you whenever she sees you

- Lots of soft pecks on the lips is her favorite way to kiss you.

- She’s your biggest fan throughout the smallest and biggest task in life

- And you always cheer her on too because you love her so much!

- Loves to hold your hand, especially in public.

- Also her heart flutters if you get jealous of other people.

- “Hey, back off my girl!”

- Yeji swoons over anything slightly romantic that you do.

- Poking her cheek is a surefire way to make her smile

- Compliments are her favorite form of flirting that you do.

Love Struck!AU x ITZY

*makes a post about giving up writing* *girls exist* well.
find other love struck!aus here:monsta x|day6|ateez|the boyz


  • pines from afar, but acts like you are strangers in public
  • panics when you touch her casually and makes a run for the hills
  • you literally just swipe over her hand reaching for your notes or something and she shoots up out of her chair like! i must! exit! the! room!
  • “hey ryujin, you’re acting weird - do you like someone?”
  • “pfft no. if i liked someone i would just tell them i liked them.”
  • and then you walk in the room and she’s suddenly standing in a corner facing the wall
  • curses at herself when she catches herself staring at you
  • and she’s like ‘dammit get it together this is embarrassing!’ pinching her nose and whatnot and then turning to see chae looking at her like O_O
  • when you somehow end up in front of her, she just can’t help but soften at anything you say
  • if you are both alone you could ask ryujin to do absolutely anything, illegal or not, and she’d just nod dreamily because
  • instead of you talking it’s just pretty bells and the sound of angels singing
  • she has it so bad
  • everyone around her soon enough comes to the conclusion also, that she has it bad
  • and so when you get 'accidentally’ paired up for some project or end up alone in a room by 'coincidence
  • is really the only time ryujin even has a chance of telling you how she feels because if there is an audience she just becomes a shell
  • so when you sit down in front of her with a big smile and she opens her mouth to FINALLY explain why she’s been running away from you like you have the plague and saying she doesn’t know your name even though it’s a word she repeats to herself a hundred times on a daily basis
  • you’re like
  • “i know how you feel. let’s date?”
  • ryujin: both thankful for your forwardness but also flushing so much she might have smoke coming out of her ears
  • everyone teases her for it because oh ryujin aren’t you supposed to be the cool type who’d just ask out whoever she likes
  • and ryujin is like shuttup liking someone is hard
  • and you’re also like shuttup ryujin is cool!
  • ryujin posing next to you with her hand on her hip like see, i am! but also yelling about how much she loves you in her head.


  • absolutely turns the charm from 100% to 1000000000%
  • she’s naturally confident so being lovestruck is kind of a new feeling
  • liking someone so much that her brain goes a little haywire is like …. not normal for her
  • usually, people are lovestruck for her and she has to let them down (in the coolest, most polite way possible)
  • she decides that she just kinda has to put in a little more of the work than usual
  • just a flip of her hair and handing you her phone to put your number in might not work this time
  • (spoiler: it would have totally worked, but for the sake of the au..)
  • so she starts learning about the things you like and casually dropping them in conversation
  • and then you ask a follow-up and she’s like oh f this was NOT in the synopsis of the wiki article
  • throws a hand around you to gauge your reaction
  • and when you don’t really move or get all nervous she’s like hmmmmm……am i not having any effect on them?!?
  • basically, hot girl misreads the situation a billion times over
  • but she isn’t really one to mope about - especially because regardless of it all she really likes you - so she keeps trying
  • and her energy just burst out one day and she’s like
  • “maybe i don’t know much about your hobbies but i like you so much that if you wanted to go bird watching i would totally go with you even though birds kind of freak me out!”
  • and you’re like
  • “oh! i like you too :)”
  • and you’re like oh im sor- but too late because who cares you like her back and now lia is kissing you
  • also later you’re like we don’t have to bird watch honestly i think cuddling and a movie sounds better and lia is like oh thank god


  • doesn’t know she’s lovestruck until ryujin points out that she’s doodled your name in hearts all over her notebook
  • kinda the definition of the 'stares at you until you fall in love with me’ meme
  • her feelings are hard to voice since she’s new to them and so when she’s given the chance to be alone with you she kinda just
  • doesn’t talk
  • ryujin and yuna try to pry conversation out of her but she just looks down and when you ask her something she only get kind of a mumble out of her
  • but she is lovestruck - she touches all the cat plushies when she’s at the store with her friends because she knows you like them
  • she sees your favorite colors on clothes or in paintings or on the flowers that grow outside her apartment
  • and her mind always drifts and finds you
  • she used to space out and think of nothing or at least of what she’s going to eat later on but now it’s just little details about you
  • and once again, she’s back to drawing your names in hearts, and once again the rest of itzy is like oh what are we going to do with her
  • the one thing that all of her lovestruck shyness does have going for her is that
  • she knows a lot about you - so when something is off and no one else can tell - she does
  • and chaeryeong kind of breaks her own worry about if you like her back or not to comfort you and when you ask her how she knew that something was wrong
  • she just says that you weren’t glowing like you always do
  • “i glow to you?” you ask in confusion
  • chaeryeong without realizing once again that she’s confessing to you:
  • “of course, you glow the brightest of all the people i know.”


  • shoves her romantic feelings under her platonic feelings the way someone shoves the worst ingredient in a sandwich to the bottom
  • but wow is this yeji sandwich falling apart
  • because for her, love can only come from a real deep connection, so you obviously have to start off close before she even considers anything more
  • but with that friendship - comes all the things that start driving her a little mad
  • little touches, you leaning over to swipe your thumb over her lips when she’s got crumbs
  • morning texts that remind her about how much you care and pay attention to her, asking about schedules and upcoming performances
  • and a level of comfortability that comes with you being in her space and her being ok with it, even though she blocks others from ever entering it
  • her lovestruckness ends up being a detriment because she starts getting jumpy and awkward when you do the things you’ve been doing for a while
  • flinching when you touch her, leaving you on read, stepping as far away as possible from you when you guys are in a crowded room together
  • she kind of knows she’s pushing you away and it hurts but it hurts more to think she could ruin your friendship with telling you that four letter word that is WAY stronger than 'like’
  • also everyone in itzy getting mad at her in the gc like WHY ARE YOU PUSHING AWAY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!!
  • yeji: *sends an emoji*
  • lia, three seconds later knocking on yeji’s door like let me in right now
  • it all comes to a point where you sadly ask if yeji doesn’t want you to bother her anymore
  • and the pain on your face makes yeji’s heart literally shatter in her ears and she’s like no that’s not it i just think i feel something different for you than before
  • and you’re like different? and she make a face you’ve only seen maybe once before and you’re like
  • “do you - love me?” and she immediately is like “no!” but you’ve known her for long enough to know that she wanted to say yes and it’s a reflex
  • so you giggle and ask her again like are you sure? because if you do love me i love you back and yeji just
  • makes another cute, adorable face and you instantly know that one too
  • it’s the 'im so happy i could cry’ face


  • gets a lil………weird
  • you talk with her and she’s like wiggling? or vibrating?
  • she stretches out her hands and jumps around and you are like are you ok? and she’s like im fine!
  • starts talking jibberish and pretending to be interested in the threads on chaeryeong’s clothes instead of answering you
  • she’s a little eccentric already so people don’t pay too much mind but it just seemingly gets worse when you’re around
  • itzy asks her what is happening and she’s just like. i don’t know. i just don’t know what to say around them….
  • and they’re like so you start acting like a piece of jello during an earthquake? and she’s like ………. leave me alone
  • practices having a normal conversation with you in the bathroom mirror while she’s brushing her teeth
  • but even then she ends up saying something weird or out of the blue because just the thought of you makes her brain go all fuzzy
  • lia is like practice with a real person like me ok
  • and yuna is like ok and she’s like “hey, so do you want to um go on a like. …. like a…..maybe like a….”
  • and lia is nodding and nodding and nodding
  • and then yuna’s just like “um….did you know twenty five thousand nerve endings in your inner ear?”
  • lia: the word was date. just say do you want to go on a date.
  • yuna: sorry :(
  • she tries to text you instead but it’s like keysmashing and like seriously
  • what is going on with her
  • and then finally someone gets the bright idea that all yuna has to do is say her strange thing in front of you and if you guys like each other
  • shouldn’t you be able to translate what she means?
  • yuna is convinced it won’t work but she gets put in front of you and you’re like smiling because well. yuna
  • and she’s like hiiiiiiii um…i um……did you know giraffe’s have purple tongues?
  • and you stare at her and she’s flushing and everyone is waiting and you’re like
  • “are you asking me on a date?”
  • itzy: cheering because you successfully translates yuna’s lovesick language
  • yuna: how did you know?!?!
  • you: pfft, of course mentioning a giraffe has to mean romance right?
  • yeji: guys wait i think they might be in love but i think they also share the same braincell