#yippee ki yay

gallusrostromegalus: url-is-url: gallusrostromegalus: anais-ninja-bitch:slothful-rabbit:I’m sorry bu






I’m sorry but that’s fucking hilarious

spiritual successor to “this is just to say”

The first time I heard my parents swear, I was about 6 and my dad and I were buidling something out of two-by-fours in the garage and he hit his thumb with a hammer and, naturally, yelled “SHIT!”

I stared at him.

He stared at me, eyes watering.

“Now listen,” he said, forcing himself to remain calm as he held his rapidly-becoming purple thumb. “-That’s a word we say ONLY when we’re Really, Really hurt. Now go get your mother.”

And for an improvised moment of parenting, that was actually brilliant because I was a clumsy, uncoordinated child and was basically constantly falling, running into walls, knocking shit over and generally sounding like I was involved in a fatal accident in the other room, but now my parents knew not to worry unless they heard the reedy voice of a pained elementary schooler shrieking “SHIT!”

My teachers on the other hand, were significantly less appreciative of my father’s genius.

Hi I was raised by Mormons and my Education apparently still has holes: WHAT is the rest of the phrase “yippee ki yay”

The Original Quote, from the first Die Hard Movie:

“Yipee Ki Yay, Motherfucker!”

For years now I had been wondering about this! I’ve seen the movie Die Hard a few times on TV, but I guess they usually cut that line for censorship reasons. Between that and an old Jack in the Box commercial, when I hear the phrase “Yippee ki yay”, I instead usually complete the line with “mini sirloin burgers!”

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