#yog sothoth


In His House at R'lyeh Dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

I wish that was me.

Yog-Sothoth: The Threshold at the Gate.

Listened to: 13 Angels Standing Guard ‘round the Side of Your Bed

Author’s Note: Meditation communion was done in a room on Mercury-Mercury around 10:40pm in March. There was no fancy rite. I respectfully walked up to Yog on the astral and asked him to teach me, as I flashed Mercury’s sign. The entire communion was complete with my eyes closed and no light in the room.

I saw a mercurial pool, waves of thickish silver gently carressing.

I felt The Void pulled back, of no Space. The feeling of its web, of a thick nothing underneath, gold wallpaper.

I felt Him touch my left cheek and felt and heard Him ask: “Do you know what my domain is?”

His voice sounds like crumbling earth, dying time, a fleeting moment, radio static, a sharp intellectual rebuke.

Do you think that I am not everywhere at once? I am everywhere and nowhere and outside of space, Time and No Time, space and no space, the end and the beginning and everything in between.”

I saw reels of Space and flashes of images and impressions race through me. I saw a city inside of a star, with Towers made of static.

The yellow webbing making its way through my form.

As we sat on the white and gold couch, Yog’s head touching mine and my eyes rolling back in my head as something is done. Blue energy all the way through.

I let whatever it was occur. As I gave up control and I felt Yog’s energy shift in my head, modifying. Imparting information. My body slumped forward. The energy, if I did not let it flow out, would overwhelm, clog, instantaneously get thick, so I had to let it flow completely.

Yellow Lightning to attune me to his current, which I can now channel at my leisure. The energy has the feeling of overwhelming anything in its path and easing it aside, with force if needed. This energy instantaneously moves aside Space– if it flows you still contain your essence but the Space of it is gone, while attunement can be a mix of whatever your strain and His are.

I was thinking that the reason why Yellow strain is partially Holy or seems almost Abrahamic is simply because of its domain over space and time, over fate.

They are all very overarching wholistic concepts that harken back to the Light collective of All That Is.

Yog is their equivalent while also having those stark, instantaneous cosmic effects that characterize this entire eldritch pantheon.

Like Yahweh saving people from car accidents, that exact feeling is what I felt when Yog pushed aside Space to let me see that Beyond, how we traveled up through the firmament of Space and I could feel my physical Essence struggle up, up, up, locked in.

The lightheadedness, knowing you need to maintain that control to keep yourself grounded within Space while traveling Beyond involves either holding two concurrent concepts in your mind clearly of Where You Are, or slamming your consciousness and your energy into your body, which is the quick and dirty.

I communed with Yog Sothoth the other night. Would you like for me to post my notes?

Did a coloring experiment with Wilby, pretty happy with how it turned out :)

Tried to design Yog-Sothoth in my science notebook

The lil Wilby in the corner is chillin
