#your kid didnt ask to be born - deal with it





i knew the state of society’s view of children was bad but i didn’t realize just how dire the situation was was until the lockdown began. this last month or so has really opened my eyes to how much people dislike children, even their own children, simply because they exist and they need them because you know… they’re small humans without the capacity to care for themselves. 

it seems harmless but memes talking about how parents need alcohol to deal with their kids or can’t wait for their kids to go back to school so someone else can deal with them does harm in that it dehumanizes children and puts blame on the children for existing when it’s not the child’s fault they were brought into the world. it also brings about another uncomfortable fact: if you don’t like the way your children behave, barring them having a behavioral disorder or disability, you’re probably to blame and need to reevaluate how you’re raising them.

children are more than innocent bystanders… they are helpless and absolutely reliant on the adults around them to not only provide for them, but to show them love which in turn sets the precedent for how they will love in the future. this attitude implying they asked to be here and that it’s okay to joke about how annoying they are has got to stop. 

all the comments on this post trying to take away from the fact that it’s a post specifically about children getting treated like shit, not adults, that this is not discussing adult problems, that this is solely about the abuse a lot of kids are currently enduring, need to make their own damn post. for fucks sake let something be about just the treatment of children for once

This is so true. Children are not mini-adults. They are children and to them you - their parents - are everything. You are their provider, their source of comfort in a world they are trying to figure out. Acting as though they are a burden is something that will stay with them in a very bad way. Believe me, I know.


I’m so sick of parents getting MAD that they didn’t birth a 30-year old. 
