#yours truly ✧


hihi im back i’ll be posting the next update tmrw !! i was able to knock off a little more than half of my workload out so i was able to finish up a few chapters for yours truly !! hope youre all doing well <33

yours truly will be on hold until next week as i have a lot going on atm :( my work load has been piling up so i havent really found much leisure time to update the smau for you guys as much as i wanted to but hopefully by then things will slowly clear up !

one more week yall and then back to posting !! im actually kind of excited to come back and finally progress with yours truly’s plot bc I actually had a lot planned for it

posting the two chapters this weekend then going on a hiatus for 2 weeks since its finals week!! it’ll probably be posted later in the day as usual

help im so shit at managing my schedule and time its horrible i think i’ll pick up on yours truly after finals week is over (3 ½ weeks from now) bc at this point i feel like as much as i want to update i never really find the time to do so even if i PLAN on doing it :( so as of now i think i’ll post the last 2 chapters i had waiting and then just wait until i feel like i have enough time to finally pick it up again. thank you all for showing continuous love to my smau and i promise i’ll be back asap with more updates !!
