
Tang Yuan  湯圓  - Chinese glutinous rice dumplingsCNY2018 

Tang Yuan  湯圓  - Chinese glutinous rice dumplings


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Watercolour illustration of Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen eating tangyuan and watching lanterns from a balcony.ALT

i didn’t finish this in time for yesterday,,, but oh well. belated happy lantern festival to my sweet songxiaos o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

this has alt text. extended image description below the cut.

Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen sit at a balcony table, on which sits a teapot and two bowls of tangyuan dumplings. Xiao Xingchen holds his spoon but has paused to gaze out at a stream of lanterns rising into the sky. Song Lan holds a cup of tea, pausing to gaze at Xiao Xingchen. The paper lanterns illuminate the scene in a golden glow, and the sky is a rich blue behind them.

Watercolour on paper.



My roommates and I attempted the black sesame Kirby TangYuan you posted about a while back!! This was wayy harder than we thought it would be. We kinda messed up the dough so that everything was kind of cracked and scuffed but a few came out okay tho!

Bc we didn’t have a proper food processor or anything the filling wasn’t as fine as we’d like it but it wasn’t bad! Needed some more sugar but otherwise decent. :D


original diagram

#Kirby#The eater has become the eaten

