#yuna x you


Yuna as Your GF

A/N: Hey everyone! I hope your week was good. Make sure to get lots of rest, my pearls, along with drinking water and eating food.

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out myMasterlist!

TW: Fluff overload

- Adventurous and spontaneous are Yuna’s forte, so most of your dates tend to reflect that.

- “We should go skydiving next! Doesn’t that sound like a great way to spend our anniversary?”

- When it comes to anniversaries and birthdays, Yuna goes all out.

- A big, fancy party with lots of gifts and streamers is just the start.

- Not to mention the very expensive gift that she gets you.

- “You’re the most important gift that I’ve ever gotten from the world, and I wanted to show you how much I love you… so here you are!”

- Filled with so many cheesy pick-up lines which are accompanied by her classic cheesy smile

- You’re convinced that she googles them for fun just so she can tell them to you and watch you cringe at how bad some of them are

- Bear hugs are Yuna’s favorite form of affection. She’ll just wrap her arms around you and never let go.

- Has too many embarrassing pictures on her phone of you.

- “Your mom sent me your baby pictures. How come you never said that you were this cute as a baby?”

- Loves to make you smile and laugh with her over-the-top and rather goofy actions.
