#yuri on ice au




Fly Away With Me

(Victuuri, Mature, Completed 10/10 chapters posted, Fantasy AU)


Yuuri has always aspired to be a performance griffin rider just like his hero, Victor Nikiforov. After years of hard work, he finally feels ready to share the air with his greatest source of inspiration.

But on the eve of the festivities, in the midst of a powerful snowstorm, Victor’s griffin returns to the stables bleeding and injured without her partner.

Leaving behind the safety and warmth of the aerie, Yuuri flies into the storm, determined to find Victor and bring him home.

Little does he know, the storm isn’t the only reason Victor needs to be saved.

Created as part of the @yurionicebigbang with my incredible partner @shadhahvar whose art is absolutely stunning. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner!!!
