#yuu yuu hakusho


So, Yusuke gets called to Demon world by his ancestor who wants him to be his successor. Kurama gets called by his old partner who wants him to be his right-hand-man. Hiei gets called by a complete stranger who wanted him the moment she heard of him.

Wait, in the episode 95 preview Genkai says the detective before Sensui was the world’s first. So, there’s only ever been 3 Spirit Detectives and the job of Spirit Detective has only existed for like, 20 years or so?

I guess that means they can’t pull a Phoenix Wright and do a spinoff in the Victorian era with a Sherlock Holmes-esque Spirit Detective. Although that sure would be something, wouldn’t it?

I like to think Hiei destroying Chapter Black was partially a “Fuck You” to Sensui because what Kurama said to him made him realize he’d be just like him if he watched it to reaffirm his hatred of humanity or passed it along to others to give them the same hatred.

But I also like to think it was because even if he still wouldn’t admit it he’d come around to feeling like humans can’t really be bad if Yusuke and Kuwabara are among them and especially if someone he respects as much as Kurama willingly chooses to be one.

You know, back in my day I think it was just called KuramaXHiei or HieiXKurama but I’m wondering if it’s got another, more modern ship name. Like “Hirama” or “Kuramiei” or “Swords and Roses” or “Fox Fire” or “Rose Dragon”. I feel like probably not the latter three because anime being what it is, names like that could refer to like 13 billion pairings from various franchises.

Man, people out there calling for Ben Solo’s head on a pike and here’s Yu Yu Hakusho saying, “Remember that sadistic Doctor who joyfully committed mass murder and tried to unleash a demon apocalypse to wipe out all of humanity? He suffers absolutely no consequences for his actions. Gets off completely 100% scott-free.

What? You think he should be in jail? You think he should get the chair? You’re cry about all his victims and their families? Well, guess what? He’s using his powers to save countless lives now, way more than he ever took.

Like, YYH really unapologetically said it’s better to let someone live and put more good into the world no matter what they’ve done than to throw them and that potential good away in the name of punitive justice.

Again, I have to ask about the schools in YYH.

Mitarai’s epilogue stated he got accepted into the finest high school in the city. Kaito and Kurama are both said to have genius IQs with perfect scores, which means they should be able to get into whatever schools they wanted and therefore their high school must be the best. But like I said before, it seems like Kurama’s school is in the same city as Yusuke and Kuwabaras, which means Kaito must be commuting to go there everyday. So did Mitarai end up going to the same school as Kurama and Kaito, or did he get into the best local school, while Kaito got into an even better school out of town?

Kinda wish he did end up going to school with Kurama and Kaito. Kinda also wish that because Keiko was already a good student and Kuwabara improved so much that they both could’ve ended up going to school with Kurama too. Kinda like how most of the girls in Sailor Moon ended up going to school together.


My personal HieixKurama headcanon is that Kurama and Hiei do have mutual feelings for each other but it’s entirely unspoken.

They never acted on it because Hiei was too repressed and didn’t want to admit to caring about anyone other than his sister and Kurama never pushed him on it because he knew ultimately it would never work out between them. He likes Hiei, and he knows Hiei likes him, but he knows he’s not the right person for him. Even if he could’ve broken down his walls like Mukuro did and gotten him to a place where he could be in a relationship, they wanted different things. Kurama was happy living as a human in the human world. He was happy with the idea of graduating, getting a job, buying a house, starting a family, growing old, retiring, and dying peacefully after only 80 or so years. But that wasn’t the life Hiei wanted. He wanted to stay in the demon world and pursue strength and power. He never would’ve been happy with domestication and Kurama knew that.

I think you can actually read a lot of subtext in their last scene together in the anime. Hiei entrusting something so precious to Kurama and asking him to be his emissary for his sister was his way of showing him that he didn’t want to let go of Kurama completely. Kurama “jokingly” turning him down romantically and then literally refusing both the stone and the task of giving it to Yukina was his way of acknowledging everything between them and letting him know it was okay to move on. It was essentially him saying, “I’ve already accepted that I can’t give you what you want or need. Don’t try to give me this stone to keep us tethered together by a long-term promise to come back and make it work with me someday. I’m ready to let you go now and you need to let me go too.”

I mean, really think about the implications of Hiei telling Kurama to be his messenger for his sister. It kinda sets up a relationship dynamic between them where Kurama becomes obligated to remain connected to Hiei through his sister. First he’s responsible for telling her what Hiei wants her to believe, then the next thing you know he’s gonna be asking Kurama to look after her. He’s gonna start calling all the time asking how she is. Using him as a means of having a relationship with his sister by proxy, but also tethering Kurama to him so he doesn’t have to let either of them go completely even though he’s committed to living in another world far away from them. Kurama rejecting him is him calling Hiei out on his BS about not wanting a relationship with his sister but also rejecting the attempt to cling to the idea of a romance between them that was never going to get off the ground.

My personal HieixKurama headcanon is that Kurama and Hiei do have mutual feelings for each other but it’s entirely unspoken.

They never acted on it because Hiei was too repressed and didn’t want to admit to caring about anyone other than his sister and Kurama never pushed him on it because he knew ultimately it would never work out between them. He likes Hiei, and he knows Hiei likes him, but he knows he’s not the right person for him. Even if he could’ve broken down his walls like Mukuro did and gotten him to a place where he could be in a relationship, they wanted different things. Kurama was happy living as a human in the human world. He was happy with the idea of graduating, getting a job, buying a house, starting a family, growing old, retiring, and dying peacefully after only 80 or so years. But that wasn’t the life Hiei wanted. He wanted to stay in the demon world and pursue strength and power. He never would’ve been happy with domestication and Kurama knew that.

I think you can actually read a lot of subtext in their last scene together in the anime. Hiei entrusting something so precious to Kurama and asking him to be his emissary for his sister was his way of showing him that he didn’t want to let go of Kurama completely. Kurama “jokingly” turning him down romantically and then literally refusing both the stone and the task of giving it to Yukina was his way of acknowledging everything between them and letting him know it was okay to move on. It was essentially him saying, “I’ve already accepted that I can’t give you what you want or need. Don’t try to give me this stone to keep us tethered together by a long-term promise to come back and make it work with me someday. I’m ready to let you go now and you need to let me go too.”

Hot take, but Smile Bomb is the only good English translated song from YYH. Every other song stretches out words to give them extra syllables to fit the rhyme scheme, translates the phrases too directly without making them sound like natural English, emphasizes the wrong words awkwardly, and often doesn’t even bother with rhyming. Daydream Generation and Homework Never Ends are the closest to being good with opening verses that actually work out pretty well, but once they get to the chorus they both drop the ball hard. Even Smile Bomb isn’t that good once you get past the point where the opening normally ends and in the full version end up with lines like “Ho-ow mu-uch longer… I must wait” and “It’s all because… I’m feeling saa-ad” “Gives me the stre-ength to fly” “It’s all because… of when I see-ee-ee my friends. Oh my!”

Genkai really called out the military for preying on naive teenagers in their recruitment process.

What’s the deal with the schools in YYH? Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Keiko all go to the same school but Yusuke and Kuwabara both wear unique uniforms that don’t match the other boys. Kurama and Kaito go to the same school and then Kido and Mitsunari both have unique uniforms that indicate they attend different schools. But Kido, Mitsunari, and Kaito are all said to be from the same town, which according to Yusuke is “A Sunday afternoon drive” away from where the rest of the gang lives. Kurama’s school seems to be located in the same city as Yusuke’s, so why is Kaito going there with him if he lives out of town? Why are there so many extras wearing the same uniforms as Yusuke’s classmates hanging out in this town? Why does Seaman wear the same uniform as Kuwabara and why do his classmates appear to be wearing the same uniforms as the rest of Yusuke and Kuwabara’s classmates if he’s a stranger they’ve never met before who doesn’t go to their school?

Can someone edit the scene where Yusuke and the gang are swatting Doctor’s virus bugs to have them waving around wire hangers at seagull gifs?


I love how Kurama takes every opportunity to roast Hiei for saying “hot”.

Lmao. Genkai getting in on it and throwing in a short joke and then Yusuke taking a shot at him as well.

I love how Kurama takes every opportunity to roast Hiei for saying “hot”.

Thinking about how the ultimate conclusion of YYH calls out previous villains for giving up on life and just looking for someone stronger to kill them instead of finding something worth living for and has its leads overcome that way of thinking and go on to live their best lives after all the trauma they endured. Meanwhile American media, especially recent American media, is all about glorifying sacrificial heroic deaths in lieu of living redemptions for antiheroes and villains and traumatized heroes with survivor’s guilt.





Miyuki was way too hot to be a one-off villain. I hope she’s out there somewhere living her best life. Maybe dating one of the refs from the Dark Tournament.

If they could bring Rinku and Jin and Suzuki ect into the friend group then why not Miyuki, she deserves more screen time

Miyuki comes back to win the next Makai Tournament and become Queen of Demon World for the next three years.

Fuck. Yes. Massive Makai Pride parade in celebration.

She uses Mukuro’s Star Wars bacta tanks to bring Shigure back to life again so he can do everyone’s top and bottom surgeries.



Miyuki was way too hot to be a one-off villain. I hope she’s out there somewhere living her best life. Maybe dating one of the refs from the Dark Tournament.

If they could bring Rinku and Jin and Suzuki ect into the friend group then why not Miyuki, she deserves more screen time

Miyuki comes back to win the next Makai Tournament and become Queen of Demon World for the next three years.

How on earth did they mistranslate “surgeon” as “chiropractor” of all things? Did no one at Funimation know what a chiropractor actually is and stop to think, “Maybe this doesn’t make any fucking sense”?

Aww. Koto has a whole family watching her do the broadcast from home.

So, according to Koto, Juri canonically got laid after the Dark Tournament.

She didn’t say who it was though.

Headcanon; it was Koto herself who Juri lost her virginity to. She was bragging to the entire Makai Tournament.

Why did Kurama even sign up for the tournament? I’m pretty sure he didn’t want to rule all of Demon World. Was he just participating to tire out/defeat other opponents he thought would make bad rulers?

Yusuke’s really a middle school drop out who can’t do long division to save his life and Keiko married him anyway.




Role Reversal


#Shizuru with the spirit sword#Jagan eye Yukina#does that make Botan Kurama

Botan is short for ”botany”. Of course she’d be Kurama in this situation. Either that or she’s Koenma.

Valid point

If Botan is Koenma does that just make Kurama Kurama but girl

Maybe Maya is Kurama and Shuichi is the boy who had a crush on her whose memory she had to erase to protect him.

I love how Mukuro has this reputation as a brutal tyrant feared by all and yet most of her screen time is spent on loving Hiei unconditionally and giving him a reason to continue living, bringing Yusuke flowers to honor his fallen ancestor, and immediately accepting his proposal for a radical new power structure in the demon world. She’s like the Pyro of Yu Yu Hakusho. Nobody knows her gender and they all think she’s a disfigured monster and a cold blooded killer to be feared above all else, and she is, but also she’s a cinnamon roll.

Raizen really got one taste of pussy and decided he didn’t need to eat again for the rest of his life.

You know, I have to wonder, if Rinku and Kuwabara could both manipulate their weapons to move in whatever direction they wanted, why can’t Yusuke do that with his spirit gun? Why does he have to aim when he could home? Hell, that was Sniper’s whole deal.

Miyuki was way too hot to be a one-off villain. I hope she’s out there somewhere living her best life. Maybe dating one of the refs from the Dark Tournament.


Role Reversal


#Shizuru with the spirit sword#Jagan eye Yukina#does that make Botan Kurama

Botan is short for ”botany”. Of course she’d be Kurama in this situation. Either that or she’s Koenma.

For the longest time I thought Keiko met Kurama at the Dark Tournament, but when I was a kid I only got to watch Yu Yu Hakusho once a week when I came to stay with my dad for the weekends on Fridays, so Monday through Thursday I’d miss four episodes. So I missed the last episode of the Saint Beast’s arc the first time around and didn’t get to see the scene where Kurama and Kuwabara prank Yusuke by making him think Keiko is dead before she and Botan enter the room.

Kurama had a cell phone in the early 90s and it wasn’t even a brick, it was a tiny flip phone. That PROVES he’s loaded.

That’s one fancy looking restaurant Kurama was dining at with his family. Maybe Kurama was able to pay for their honeymoon because they’re loaded and he gets a huge allowance.

Wait, in the English dub they changed Kurama’s step-brother’s name to Kokoda because they thought the audience was too stupid to understand that they were both named Shuichi coincidentally?

Kokoda’s not even a real name. They called him that because in Japanese at one point Kurama calls out to him and says “Koko da” which means “I’m here”.

Okay, but what if it was Yomi who led the botched operation that ended up getting Kuronoue killed and that was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Kurama after all the other “best” men whose lives were lost because of Yomi’s disobedience?


Kurama, helping Yusuke cook dinner: Where are your measuring cups?

Yusuke: I don’t have any

Kurama, visibly confused: You… why?

Yusuke: I measure with my heart

Hiei, who was lurking around: That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard and I know Kuwabara
