#zap plays a game


Let’s play a game

Send me your favoritefic(yours or someone else’s, just send me a link!),webtoon(preferably one that can be found on webtoon but im not picky~),manga, or anime and I’ll build you a small Playlist i think goes with it.

Please do not send me smut, I am 17. Suggestive is fine so long as the creator doesn’t mind a 17 yr old reading it!

Things that aren’t necessary but would be good to know!

  • Please let me know if you’re okay with explicit songs, or if you prefer only clean ones!!
  • Are there any genres you despise? If so please tell me because I pretty much listen to uhm…everything
  • Are there any genres you absolutely love? I may go a little outside your comfort zone, but I will aim to pick songs that fit your vibe

You do not need to be following me to participate, but it is appreciated
