#zeke yeager x reader


  • Zeke has never really had someone there to cuddle and love him so it takes a while for him to settle into this kind of stuff at first. 
  • He doesn’t really initiate cuddles that often, he really doesn’t want to seem clingy and isn’t good at asking for what he wants 
  • But if you initiate it, he’s more than happy to cuddle you back? Just make it seem like it’s your idea and Zeke will go along with it
  • Most of the time it’s just an arm slung around your shoulders as the two of you sit close together. You could be doing different things but it’s just about being close 
  • He kisses the top of your head a lot in these moments too, just turning his own and kissing whatever he can find
  • At night, Zeke runs quite warm so the two of you can’t always cuddle as close as you’d like without becoming all sweaty 
  • Before the two of you fall asleep though, Zeke likes spooning with you. Burning his face into your neck and just breathing you in while he blots out the rest of the world 
  • Careful of his beard though, it may look soft but it’s actually quite prickly and he’s been known to wake you up in the night by accidentally scratching you with it 
  • There are rare occasions when he’ll initiate cuddling, usually in the evenings when he’s tired and there’s less chance of you being disturbed
  • He’ll just flop his head onto your lap without a word, silently demanding that you pet his hair 
  • Really, petting Zeke’s hair and beard is the main route to his heart. This man will turn into a puddle of goo and fall asleep if you do it long enough 
  • The only other time he really initiates cuddling or PDA is outside of the internment zone. If the two of you are going somewhere, he’ll hold your hand so he knows you’re still there
  • It also broadcasts to everyone else that you’re together and no one would dare hurl abuse at the boy wonder’s partner

Who wants a lil sneak peek? There’s so little content out there for the stinky Monke and I have a terrible need for more. So of course I’ll just write my own. Hope this scratches someone else’s itch too.

Here’s some mean Zeke for ya

Pairing: College Professor Zeke Yeager x T.A. Reader

“Listen to me,” his stern tone and iron grip on your waist snapped you to attention, eyes locking on his. He looked absolutely wrecked. Thick, blonde tresses were beginning to stick to his forehead, a light sheen of sweat forming. His brow was lowered and those steely eyes sparkled with some dangerous emotion you couldn’t pinpoint behind his skewed frames.

“I can turn you out into that hallway right now and get myself off without having to deal with a brat tonight,” he punctuates his statement with a firm smack to your right hip, causing you to bite down on your bottom lip to keep from crying out, “What I’m gonna do to you, what I have planned for tonight… you either open that slutty mouth and give me verbal consent or you take your ass out of here and find some college kid to fumble around with that puts up with this shitty behavior. Some boy that does whatever you want but still leaves you craving something only I can give you. The choice is yours. But this is the last time I’m asking you,” he inches ever so slightly closer, his lips an inch from yours. You can smell the cigarette he just put out and a lingering scent of spearmint underneath, “Do you want to stop?”

“N-no…” you manage to squeak out. You hate how small you sound, but his speech deterred you from defying him again. The thought of him turning you away was unbearable now that you’d felt his touch.



Pairing: Zeke x reading
cw: free use, cisfem reader with feminine nicknames , power dynamics, cigarettes, female receiving oral, choking, overstimulation, rough sex, degradation, praise, reader has pubic hair, biting, Zeke is mean. breeding kink
A/N: idk just enjoy yourself

The terms of your arrangement have been clear since this beginning.

“You live here for free. I take care of your food and give you a little pocket change.” Zeke pulls hard from his cigarette, letting you sit in the silence until it grows uncomfortable. “And all I get in return is unlimited stress relief.”

You stare into your reflection in his glasses. He exhales, letting the thin smoke curl into the air. “Drink your tea. I made it just for you.”

You obey, immediately bringing the mug to your lips. Zeke murmurs something under his breath and you swear you almost catch fragments of the word obedient.

“Stress relief.” you repeat. Zeke picks up the sugar dish by the rim, holding it out to you wordlessly.

“Did I stutter?”

“I just-” you take the dish from him, dropping a couple sugar cubes into your drink and watching them slowly crumble and dissolve. “What does that entail? I’m your personal stress ball?”

He smiles too wide to be innocent, “Something like that.”

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Deflowered Part Five


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Rating: E (explicit; mdni)

Pairing: Zeke Jaeger x Reader


Warnings: baseball stuff, Zeke being mildly condescending, smut, filming (dubious consent), Zeke’s ego, cumshots, cum eating (barely), jealousy, Christmas festivities, mentions of alcohol, goofy white elephant gifts, mentions of angst, new cover stories, brief dacryphilia, desperate fucking

A/N: this is my first piece of the new year, and i don’t know how to feel about it. anyway, hope it holds up and that y’all are still enjoying. i introduce hitch in this chapter and mention her relationship with one Nile Dok. if you aren’t comfortable with that, you should turn around because they will become a larger part of this fic. other than that, thanks for all the support on this fic and enjoy~


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I cannot recommend this fic enough ❤️
