#zen practice


Zen and The Art of Transition

Hullo loves! So, I’ve been in a contemplative mood lately…

If you know me, you know that I’m am an amateur theologian and to that, I find myself applying many of the theories and philosophical excercises I have learned over the years to my experiences since coming out.

Lao-tse once stated: “The more one interferes with the natural balance of the universe, the further away harmony retreats to the distance.”

I’ve been chewing on this for a few days now… these are my thoughts:

Being born trans, one is inherently out of balance. So our nature therefore, is a long journey in search of the balance which would align us with our true natures.

In short, we seek harmony.

It has been noted that the more we force situations to conform to our will, the more trouble, stress, and anxiety we encounter. Heavy or light, masculine or feminine, fast or slow, everything has its own nature within it, which cannot be violated without causing difficulties.

Essentially, when abstract and arbitrary rules are imposed from the outside, struggle is inevitable. This then sours our life experience.


Dear stupids of the world,

I am in state of evolution. I am becoming. Moving forward to a place that is greater than the sum of my parts so, please keep you’re abstract, and arbitrary rules to yourself.

I will not allow you to sour my life experience anymore.

With love,

Felicia ❤
