#zero build


Bread’s Game Journal 04/30/22: Zero Build Reveals The Awful Truth, I’m Bad At Fortnite.

Well, either that, or the fact that I primarily play the game while on an exercise bike as a way to keep my mind half focused on something that isn’t pain. Probably that first thing, though. It’s been almost two years now since I’ve actively gotten into Fortnite, which seems like an insane thing to say. When I first stared “seriously” playing, it was largely just because my best friend was newly obsessed with the game because of the Marvel season, but then I bought that Battle Pass and now I’ve never recovered.

Zero Build is easily the largest change to the game since I started playing. What started out as a plot twist that de-activated the ability to build any structures is now a permanent option. It’s largely the same game, with a couple new movement features and a lack the aforementioned structure building. Even so, it’s a big change in the way the game flows. You don’t have to worry about people building some kind of insane structure you’ll never break through, but you also don’t have the ability to create your own cover anymore either!

Instead the game now has this very basic, down to brass tacks style battle royale charm that it always felt like it had just under the building surface. It’s a far more approachable experience, without the endless complications that came from every player other than you being some kind of super fast nightmare person throwing up a castle in under 2 seconds. Now I’m free to do what I do best in multiplayer games, not pay attention to sounds and get sniped in one shot because I was paying more attention to a podcast than I was to the game.

Unless you’re reading this, Raven, in which case I’m still better at the game than you, and I have more Peely’s.
