
Judy being a typical girlfriendBy: limey404

Judy being a typical girlfriend
By: limey404

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Random soy sauce art of Nick and Judy I did while I was waiting for food it’s hard to draw with soy

Random soy sauce art of Nick and Judy I did while I was waiting for food it’s hard to draw with soy sauce

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Sorry everyone that actually follows me constantly I’ve been wanting to post some work but hav

Sorry everyone that actually follows me constantly I’ve been wanting to post some work but have been anxious and self-conscious about my work lately for no reason other than I expect to much from myself lol I will post some stuff regardless this weekend hopefully. But here is something instead of nothing :) I find these pink slips that say ship around the warehouse where I work so I couldn’t stop thinking about this lmao

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A sneak preview of something I started working on slowly yesterday for Christmas it looks way better

A sneak preview of something I started working on slowly yesterday for Christmas it looks way better than most of my stuff so far I’m just having a little trouble with it right now so it’s going slow I want it to look great so I’m trying my best also I love bows on Judy’s ears anybody else?

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Haven’t posted anything in awhile so I wanted to at least post this for now I’m working

Haven’t posted anything in awhile so I wanted to at least post this for now I’m working on a couple things slowly which I hope to be done soon but anyway, I watched the dark tower with my bro bro a couple weeks ago and even though it’s probably just a coincidence I thought it was funny. In the scene Idris Elba is in a hunting shop and in the background is a head mount of a water buffalo (just in case you didn’t know he does the English voice for Chief Bogo in zootopia :P) and all I could think was is that an Easter egg? Naaaaaaahhhhh…but maybe :)

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It’s getting cold out here so I figured my favorite bun bun needed a cozy sweater to keep warm, I st

It’s getting cold out here so I figured my favorite bun bun needed a cozy sweater to keep warm, I started this last night and did a little this morning I’m happy I can see how much better I’m getting but I have lots to learn

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More practice I actually think this is one of my best drawing so far it started out as just practice

More practice I actually think this is one of my best drawing so far it started out as just practice for Nick but then I decided to draw Skye instead because of the way the eyes and head shape turned out it isn’t done I wanna touch up the hands and stuff and also color this one because I really like how it looks considering I haven’t drawn much lately so I hope you guys enjoy for now because I never know when I’m gonna get time for more practice lol :P

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I should not go shopping on a pay week lol I just went out to get some exclusive pop vinyls and endeI should not go shopping on a pay week lol I just went out to get some exclusive pop vinyls and endeI should not go shopping on a pay week lol I just went out to get some exclusive pop vinyls and endeI should not go shopping on a pay week lol I just went out to get some exclusive pop vinyls and ende

I should not go shopping on a pay week lol I just went out to get some exclusive pop vinyls and ended up spending a bunch of money at the Disney store but as soon as I saw this robin hood set I just had to get it i I Iove it so much and it’s a decent size you can see the box bear my tramp plush for comparison kinda also if they ever do a Nick and Judy for this kind of set I’m gonna have to hunt it down

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Yay more practice I really like the way the hands turned out on my Judy since they almost always sucYay more practice I really like the way the hands turned out on my Judy since they almost always sucYay more practice I really like the way the hands turned out on my Judy since they almost always suc

Yay more practice I really like the way the hands turned out on my Judy since they almost always suck lol but I wish I had have drawn her on normal paper I didn’t think it was gonna turn out as good as it did still not the greatest but I keep getting a little better each time so that’s all that matters :) anyway I hope you enjoy my Nick and sailor moon Judy sketches :P I might try coloring later

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What if Zootopia had an after credits scene and it was just the pink stroller they left, still stuck on the sidewalk, and we the audience watch as days… weeks… seasons go by… .

It’s still there
